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What is pac4j-async?

Pac4j-async is an asynchronous candidate implementation of the pac4j framework for use with asynchronous and non-blocking web frameworks and toolkits.

The existing pac4j framework is blocking at its heart, limiting scalability when used with a non-blocking framework such as vert.x.

This implementation is an attempt to try and tease out some of the key differences required to produce an asychronous version of the API which can be used with a non-blocking API with minimal use of executor pools etc to run blocking code.

It will not prevent use of blocking code, but the aim is to cleanly enable use of non-blocking APIs without having to wrap them in blocking code. However, the primary initial aim is to act as an experiment to try and identify changes we can make to the core pac4j APIs to maximise code reuse between the sync and async versions.

Technical notes for reference:-

A small project was used to investigate some of the characteristics of CompletableFutures (e.g. can they be completed before attaching subsequent processing and have that processing trigger immediately). This project can be found here and led to the following conclusions

  • If followup processing is attached to a CompletableFuture which has already been completed then the processing will be triggered immediately. Therefore it is legitimate for asynchronous functions to create and return CompletableFutures as there is no requirement for preconfigured processing.
  • Where a framework such as vert.x is using an async wrapper to wrap blocking code then the callback supplied to that wrapper should complete the associated CompletableFuture, not the contained blocking code. This is important to ensure that subsequent processing occurs on the correct thread and context.
  • Where a CompletableFuture completes, subsequent processing occurs on the thread which called the .complete or .completeExceptionally method. This means that completing immediately is fine (so non-blocking code can complete the associated future immediatley)
  • Where subsequent processing is attached to a CompletableFuture which has already completed, the processing is perfomed on the thread which attached the subsequent processing.


The submodule vertx-pac4j-async-demo provides a fully non-blocking demo based on vert.x. To build, run

mvn clean package

in the pac4j-async directory. To run the demo following build, use the following command in the pac4j-async directory

java -jar vertx-pac4j-async-demo/target/vertx-pac4j-async-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar


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