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Technical Challenge - Seismic Data Application

Hello Oscar Mauricio! Welcome to the technical challenge for our application. Please submit your solution by April 15, 2024.


  • Develop an application in Ruby or a Ruby-based framework that includes a Task for obtaining and persisting seismic data and an API exposing two endpoints for external client consumption.
  • Develop a simple HTML5 and JavaScript webpage to query the API endpoints. Bonus points for using EmberJS, React, AngularJS, or VueJS frameworks.

Getting Started

  1. Ensure you have Ruby and the necessary dependencies installed on your system.
  2. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  3. Run migrations to set up the database:
    rails db:migrate
  4. Start the application server:
    rails server

Backend Development

1. Obtaining and Persisting Data

Develop a Task to obtain seismic data from the USGS site ( in GeoJSON format. Persist the following data in the database:

  • id
  • properties.mag
  • properties.time
  • properties.url
  • properties.tsunami
  • properties.magType
  • properties.title
  • geometry.coordinates[0] (longitude)
  • geometry.coordinates[1] (latitude)

Ensure data validation and uniqueness when running the Task.

2. REST API Endpoints

Develop two endpoints:

2.1 GET List of Features

  • Expose data in the specified format.
  • Allow filtering by mag_type, page, and per_page parameters.

2.2 POST Create a Comment

  • Create a comment related to a feature based on the payload.
  • Validate the payload and persist each comment.

API Usage

To access the API endpoints:

  • GET features: http://localhost:3000/earthquakes.json
  • POST comments:
    • Body JSON format:
        "body": "This is a comment",
        "feature_id": 2

Frontend Access

  • Homepage: http://localhost:3000/ or /
  • Create a Comment: http://localhost:3000/comments/new or /comments/new
  • Filter Features: http://localhost:3000/earthquakes/1 or /earthquakes/1

The frontend for this application was developed in React and is located in the "earthquake-front" branch.

Thank you for participating! We look forward to reviewing your solution.