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This repository contains Rick and Morty Android application which I am using as training material.

Screenshot Screenshot

User Stories

  1. The first thing a user should see is a list of episodes.
  2. If the user taps into an episode the app has to display a list of characters with a clear distinction between dead and alive characters
  3. If the user taps into a character the app has to display that character's picture and information.
  4. The user should have the ability to kill a character and if a character gets killed the character lists should update accordingly


The app is composed of 3 main screens:

Episodes List

It allows you to list episodes in pages. Network results are kept in the database in the episodes table. Each time a new page is fetched, the same episode record in the database is updated with the new data.

Episode's Characters List

Shows you the list of episode characters. Network results are also kept in the database in the characters table. Each time a new character is fetched, the same character record in the database is updated with the new data and we make sure we don't override is killed by user data.

Character Details

This screen displays the details of a character and if is killed by the user.


You can clone and open the project in Android studio and press run!


The project uses local unit tests that run on your computer. To run those tests and generate a coverage report, you can run:

./gradlew jacocoReport

NOTE: You can find the tests report in app/build/reports/jacoco/jacocoReport/html/index.html

Technical details

The Application implemented and structured based on Clean Architecture and SOLID principles best practices and the presentation layer is implemented based on the MVP pattern.

The Data layer contains Network Client implemented by Retrofit library to get access to remote data on Rick And Morty API and DB implemented by Room library to cache and persist those data locally in case of offline usage.

The Domain layer consists of a Repository which allows access to the Data layer. It also uses Kotlin Coroutines IO and Main dispatchers to execute long-running tasks in the background and reflect the result on UI. There is also a Test dispatcher that executes tasks immediately on the same unit test thread.

Repository Pattern

The View layer is done with the Android Navigation Component including one MainActivity which holds the navigation host fragment and 3 different Fragments which uses their contract interfaces to implement the view and presenter for responding to user interactions.

Navigation Graph

The Koin library does the dependency injections in the whole app. It also uses Base objects to define scopes and inject dependencies into Activities and Fragments.

GitHub Actions CI service is running the repo tests and build Gradle tasks and jacoco plugin generates and submits the code coverage reports to

Code is covered by unit tests implemented using Mockito and Kluent. Also, some Android tests using Robolectric.


  • Timber logger library made by Jake Wharton
  • Picasso image downloading and caching library made by square
  • Retrofit and OkHttp API libraries made by square
  • Kotlin Serialization plugin made by jetbrains
  • Koin dependency injector library made by InsertKoinIO
  • Kluent assertions library made by MarkusAmshove



Copyright 2020 Mohsen Mirhoseini Argi

Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.