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Getting started (front-end)

In order to start modifying the app, please make sure to correctly configure your workstation:

  1. Make sure you you have Node.js installed
  2. (Optional) Install NVM to manage your different Node.js versions
  3. (Optional) Use Visual Studio Code as a text editor to benefit from automatic type checking
  4. Configure your text editor with the Prettier, ESLint and EditorConfig plugins
  5. Use the correct Node.js version for this app by running nvm use; if you didn't install NVM (step 2), then manually install the Node.js version described in .nvmrc
  6. Install the dependencies: yarn (or npm install)
  7. Run the server: yarn dev (or npm run dev)

You can access a hot-reloaded version of the app on http://localhost:3000.

The application is built using React and the framework Next.js. The styles use Sass and the Bootstrap framework.

A continuous deployment system is in place. Each time you push to the main branch, the application is deployed in GitHub Pages through a GitHub Action defined in .github/workflows/build.yml. You can see the status of the build in the “Actions” tab of the repository on GitHub.

Environment variables (front-end)

The application is configured via environment variables stored in a .env file that must be placed at the root of the frontend folder. You can create one by copying .env.sample and setting a value for each key.

Below is a description of each of the keys.

Variable Description
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL Complete URL from which the API is served (including https) and without a trailing slash (e.g.
NEXT_PUBLIC_MONGABAY_DATA_URL Base path to where the mongabay-data.json file is server. The actual file should be available at <NEXT_PUBLIC_MONGABAY_DATA_URL>/mongabay-data.json