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MDL-69542 enrol_lti: all lang string changes
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snake committed Feb 11, 2022
1 parent 6c0ffde commit 42078d4
Showing 1 changed file with 95 additions and 0 deletions.
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions enrol/lti/lang/en/enrol_lti.php
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* @license GNU GPL v3 or later

$string['addcontent'] = 'Add content';
$string['adddeployment:name'] = 'Deployment name';
$string['adddeployment:deploymentid'] = 'Deployment ID';
$string['adddeployment:deploymentid_help'] = 'Each deployment of the tool (this site) in a platform will be assigned a Deployment ID that is unique to the registration. The Deployment ID must be registered with the tool (this site) before launches from the respective tool deployment are allowed.';
$string['adddeployment:invaliddeploymentiderror'] = 'Invalid Deployment ID. That Deployment ID already exists for this app registration.';
$string['addtocourse'] = 'Add to course';
$string['addtogradebook'] = 'Add to gradebook';
$string['allowframeembedding'] = 'Note: It is recommended that the site administration setting \'Allow frame embedding\' is enabled, so that tools are displayed within a frame rather than in a new window.';
$string['authltimustbeenabled'] = 'Note: This plugin requires the LTI authentication plugin to be enabled too.';
$string['copiedtoclipboard'] = '{$a} copied to clipboard';
$string['copytoclipboard'] = 'Copy to clipboard';
$string['couldnotestablishproxy'] = 'Could not establish proxy with consumer.';
$string['customproperties'] = 'Custom properties';
$string['deeplinkingurl'] = 'Deep linking URL';
$string['deploymentadd'] = 'Add a deployment';
$string['deploymentaddnotice'] = 'Deployment added';
$string['deploymentdelete'] = 'Delete deployment';
$string['deploymentdeleteconfirm'] = 'Warning: Deleting a deployment will result in a loss of access for any users following resource links tied to this tool deployment in the platform. Member and grade sync services will also be removed for these resources. Are you sure you want to delete deploymentid \'{$a}\'?';
$string['deploymentdeletenotice'] = 'Deployment deleted';
$string['deploymentid'] = 'Deployment ID';
$string['deployments'] = 'Deployments';
$string['details'] = 'Details';
$string['endpointltiversionnotice'] = 'The tool endpoints below are for manual LTI 1.3 setup only. For earlier versions (1.1/2.0), details for consumers can be found on the \'Published as LTI tools\' page, accessible via course navigation.';
$string['enrolenddate'] = 'End date';
$string['enrolenddate_help'] = 'If enabled, users can access until this date only.';
$string['enrolenddateerror'] = 'Enrolment end date cannot be earlier than start date';
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$string['enrolmentnotstarted'] = 'Enrolment has not started.';
$string['enrolstartdate'] = 'Start date';
$string['enrolstartdate_help'] = 'If enabled, users can access from this date onward only.';
$string['existingregistrationerror'] = 'A registration already exists for this issuer and client ID.';
$string['frameembeddingnotenabled'] = 'To access the tool, please follow the link below.';
$string['failedrequest'] = 'Failed request. Reason: {$a->reason}';
$string['gradesync'] = 'Grade synchronisation';
$string['gradesync_help'] = 'Whether grades from the tool are sent to the remote system (LTI consumer).';
$string['incorrecttoken'] = 'The token was incorrect. Please check the URL and try again, or contact the administrator of this tool.';
$string['invalidexpiredregistrationurl'] = 'Invalid or expired registration URL. Please generate a new registration URL and try again.';
$string['invalidrequest'] = 'Invalid request';
$string['invalidtoolconsumer'] = 'Invalid tool consumer.';
$string['jwksurl'] = 'JWKS URL';
$string['loginurl'] = 'Initiate login URL';
$string['ltiadvdynregerror:invalidopenidconfigjson'] = "There was a problem fetching the OpenID configuration from the platform. The result was not valid JSON. This may also be caused by blocked hosts configuration. Please make sure your site is configured to connect to the platform domain and try again using a new registration URL.";
$string['ltiadvlauncherror:missingid'] = 'Invalid launch data. The custom claim field \'id\' is required to launch an activity or resource over LTI Advantage.';
$string['ltiadvlauncherror:invalidid'] = 'Invalid launch data. The resource \'{$a}\' is unavailable or does not exist.';
$string['ltiadvlauncherror:invalidregistration'] = 'Invalid launch data or tool configuration. A platform registration could not be found (issuer: {$a->platform}, clientid: {$a->clientid}).';
$string['ltiadvlauncherror:invaliddeployment'] = 'Invalid launch data or tool configuration. The deployment could not be found (deployment_id: {$a}).';
$string['ltilegacy'] = 'Legacy LTI (1.1/2.0)';
$string['ltilegacydeprecatednotice'] = 'Legacy LTI (1.1/2.0) tools are deprecated. Content should now be shared using LTI Advantage.';
$string['lti13'] = 'LTI Advantage';
$string['lti13launchdetails'] = 'Launch details';
$string['lti13launchdetails_help'] = 'The launch URL and custom properties are only required when manually configuring a resource link in the platform. Where possible, teachers should favour the content selection (deep linking) process for the creation of resource links.';
$string['ltiversion'] = 'LTI version';
$string['ltiversion_help'] = 'The version of LTI which will be used to access the published content.
LTI Advantage allows content to be published to pre-registered platforms without the need to make changes on the platform whenever new content is published. The security contract is between the platform and the tool.
Legacy versions (1.1 and 2.0), require that a new tool registration is created on the consumer for each piece of newly published content because each piece of published content has its own security contract with the consumer site and must be set up on a case by case basis.';
$string['managedeployments'] = 'Manage deployments';
$string['maxenrolled'] = 'Maximum enrolled users';
$string['maxenrolled_help'] = 'The maximum number of remote users who can access the tool. If set to zero, the number of enrolled users is unlimited.';
$string['maxenrolledreached'] = 'The maximum number of remote users allowed to access the tool has been reached.';
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$string['membersyncmodeenrolandunenrol'] = 'Enrol new and unenrol missing users';
$string['membersyncmodeenrolnew'] = 'Enrol new users';
$string['membersyncmodeunenrolmissing'] = 'Unenrol missing users';
$string['moodle'] = 'Moodle';
$string['nodeployments'] = 'No tool deployments found';
$string['nopublishedcontent'] = 'No resources or activities are published yet';
$string['notoolsprovided'] = 'No tools provided';
$string['noregisteredplatforms'] = 'No registered platforms';
$string['launchdetails'] = 'Launch details';
$string['launchdetails_help'] = 'A cartridge URL (also called configuration URL) plus secret or a launch URL are required for configuring the tool.';
$string['launchurl'] = 'Launch URL';
$string['lti:config'] = 'Configure \'Publish as LTI tool\' instances';
$string['lti:unenrol'] = 'Unenrol users from the course';
$string['opensslconfiginvalid'] = 'LTI 1.3 requires a valid openssl.cnf to be configured and available to your web server. Please contact the site administrator to configure and enable openssl for this site.';
$string['opentool'] = 'Open tool';
$string['publishedcontent'] = 'Published content';
$string['publishedcontent_help'] = 'A published resource or activity can be used in registered platforms via the content selection (deep linking) flow. Additionally, a resource link can be created manually in the platform by using the launch url and the custom properties provided.';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Publish as LTI tool';
$string['pluginname_desc'] = 'The \'Publish as LTI tool\' plugin, together with the LTI authentication plugin, allows remote users to access selected courses and activities. In other words, Moodle functions as an LTI tool provider.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_lti_users'] = 'The list of users enrolled via an LTI provider';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_lti_users:userid'] = 'The ID of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_lti_users:lastgrade'] = 'The last grade the user was recorded of having';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_lti_users:lastaccess'] = 'The time when the user last accessed the course';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_lti_users:timecreated'] = 'The time when the user was enrolled';
$string['provisioningmodestudentlaunch'] = 'Student first launch provisioning mode';
$string['provisioningmodeteacherlaunch'] = 'Teacher first launch provisioning mode';
$string['provisioningmode'] = 'Provisioning mode';
$string['provisioningmode_help'] = 'This setting determines how accounts are handled on first launch. Several modes are supported:
<li>New accounts only (automatic). Accounts will be automatically created for users launching from the platform. This is the default for student launches.</li>
<li>Existing and new accounts (prompt). The user will be given a choice of what to do. They can decide to link an existing account, or have a new account created for them. This is the most flexible option and the default for Teacher launches.</li>
<li>Existing accounts only (prompt). The user will be asked to link an existing account and cannot access the tool resources without doing so.</li>
$string['registerplatform:accesstokenurl'] = 'Access token URL';
$string['registerplatform:accesstokenurl_help'] = 'The URL to which access token requests will be sent by the tool. Will be provided by the platform.';
$string['registerplatform:authrequesturl'] = 'Authentication request URL';
$string['registerplatform:authrequesturl_help'] = 'The URL to which OpenID Connect authentication requests will be sent by the tool. Will be provided by the platform.';
$string['registerplatform:clientid'] = 'Client ID';
$string['registerplatform:clientid_help'] = 'A string used to identify the tool registration on the platform. Will be provided by the platform.';
$string['registerplatform:duplicateregistrationerror'] = 'Invalid Client ID. This Client ID is already registered for the Platform ID provided.';
$string['registerplatform:jwksurl'] = 'Public keyset URL';
$string['registerplatform:jwksurl_help'] = 'The public keyset or JWKS URL, used to get the platform\'s public key. Will be provided by the platform.';
$string['registerplatform:name'] = 'Platform name';
$string['registerplatform:platformid'] = 'Platform ID (issuer)';
$string['registerplatform:platformid_help'] = 'The URL identifying the third party learning platform. Will be provided by the platform.';
$string['registerplatform:invalidurlerror'] = 'Invalid URL. Have you included http:// or https://?';
$string['registeredplatforms'] = 'Registered platforms';
$string['registeredplatformsltiversionnotice'] = 'The platforms listed below are registered for LTI 1.3 communication. For earlier versions, consumer registration is not required.';
$string['registerplatformadd'] = 'Register a platform';
$string['registerplatformaddnotice'] = 'Platform registration added';
$string['registerplatformdelete'] = 'Delete platform registration';
$string['registerplatformdeleteconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the registration for the platform \'{$a}\'? This will also remove all tool deployments stored against this registration.';
$string['registerplatformdeletenotice'] = 'Platform registration deleted';
$string['registerplatformedit'] = 'Edit platform registration';
$string['registerplatformeditnotice'] = 'Platform registration updated';
$string['registration'] = 'Published tool registration';
$string['registrationdeeplinklabel'] = 'Add content from {$a}';
$string['registrationresourcelinklabel'] = 'Launch content from {$a}';
$string['registrationdynamic'] = 'Dynamic registration';
$string['registrationendpoints'] = 'Registration endpoints';
$string['registrationmanual'] = 'Manual registration';
$string['registrationurl'] = 'Registration URL';
$string['registrationurlcannotgenerate'] = 'You must use or delete the current registration URL before you can create a new one.';
$string['registrationurldeletebody'] = 'This registration URL is still valid. Are you sure you want to delete it?';
$string['registrationurldeleteconfirm'] = 'Delete registration URL';
$string['registrationurldeleted'] = 'Registration URL deleted';
$string['registrationurldeletetitle'] = 'Delete registration URL';
$string['registrationurlexpiry'] = '(Expires {$a} or on first use.)';
$string['registrationurlgenerate'] = 'Generate registration URL';
$string['registrationurlgeneratesuccess'] = 'A new registration URL has been generated';
$string['registrationurlinfomessage'] = 'For platforms supporting LTI Advantage Dynamic Registration, you can generate a one-time registration URL
here. For further information on dynamic registration, see the documentation <a href="{$a}">Publish as LTI tool</a>.';
$string['registrationurl_help'] = 'If a registration URL (also called proxy URL) is used, then the tool is automatically configured.';
$string['remotesystem'] = 'Remote system';
$string['requirecompletion'] = 'Require course or activity completion prior to grade synchronisation';
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$string['successfulregistration'] = 'Successful registration';
$string['tasksyncgrades'] = 'Publish as LTI tool grade sync';
$string['tasksyncmembers'] = 'Publish as LTI tool users sync';
$string['toolendpoints'] = 'Tool endpoints';
$string['toolsprovided'] = 'Published tools';
$string['toolsprovided_help'] = 'A tool may be shared with another site by providing either launch details or a registration URL.';
$string['tooltobeprovided'] = 'Tool to be published';
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