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This is the repository for building rust-minidump minidump-stackwalk for Socorro.


With docker:

  1. make build builds the Docker container for building
  2. make shell gets you into a shell in the Docker container
  3. bin/ builds stackwalker and puts a release in releases/

Without docker:

  1. bin/ builds stackwalker and puts a release in releases/


Once you've built stackwalker, you can use it. It'll be in build/bin/minidump-stackwalk.

If you have crashstats-tools installed and a CRASHSTATS_API_TOKEN, then you can test your stackwalk binary with bin/ CRASHID.

Submitting bugs

Submit bugs for the socorro-stackwalker build and test scripts in bugzilla.

Submit bugs for the stackwalker in rust-minidump repo.

Submitting patches

All changes must be approved by a code owner.

Patches are manually verified and tested. At some point, we will change this.

Regression testing

This requires a CRASHSTATS_API_TOKEN with the "View Raw Dumps" and "View Personal Identifiable Information" permissions.

Create a Python virtual environment and install the requirements from requirements-dev.txt.

To regression test changes:

  1. Build the stackwalker with the main branch.

  2. Build a file consisting of crash ids from Crash Stats:

    $ supersearch --crash_report_keys=upload_file_minidump --num=20 > crashids.txt
  3. Run regression tests on it:

    $ ./bin/ crashids.txt

    This takes 30-40 minutes to run.

  4. Make the changes to the stackwalker you're making.

  5. Run regression tests on it again. Again, it takes 30-40 minutes to run.

  6. Compare timings and sizes.

    $ ./bin/ regr/<FIRSTDIR> regr/<SECONDDIR>


  1. Tag main tip:

    $ git tag -s vYYYYMMDD.N

    For example:

    $ git tag -s v20220803.0

    In tag comment include link to rust-minidump sha or tag.

    For example:

    This is the initial packaging for rust-minidump for Socorro. It's
    f9933c36 which corresponds with the v0.14.0 release.
  2. Build release:

    $ make clean
    $ make build
    $ make shell
    (in container)$ ./bin/

    The .tar.gz file is now in releases/ directory.

  3. Push tag to github:

    $ git push --tags REMOTE main
  4. Make a release on github and upload the release .tar.gz file.