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bobverity edited this page Aug 15, 2017 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the get-unstuck wiki!

The plan here is that whenever someone hits a bug, rather than just fixing it and forgetting about it, they make a note of the problem and the solution in this wiki. Over time we should end up with answers to some of the most common questions, meaning others can benefit from all that hard work, and we don't waste quite so much of Rich's time!

Different pages exist for different general categories, for example "Rcpp". If your problem doesn't fit into an existing category just hit the "New Page" button on the right. To add your solution to an existing page just open the page, hit "edit" and start writing (if you can't see this button then drop me an e-mail at and I'll give you write access).

Please contribute to this resource if you can - the more people use it the more useful it will become!

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