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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 8, 2020. It is now read-only.


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We moved on! This project is not longer maintained from our side.

It is still here for sake of completness. We decided not continue this project, after Ionic becomes more and more stable and reliable. It was our plan B, but we feel it is not longer necessary. Thank you for the time and contributions.

Checkout our investment in open source technologies here:

If you want know more you will find here some more details:

The-M-Project Absinthe

The-M-Project 2.0 (Absinthe) Beta Release Build Status

The-M-Project is a Mobile HTML5 JavaScript Framework that helps you build great mobile apps, easy and fast.

Version: The-M-Project v.2.0 beta

Codename: Absinthe


What's new

The-M-Project 1.x as we call it was from our point of view pretty good, but has here and there little tweaks. We could have fix some bugs and work with the existing one. In this process we questioned everything and after huge discussions we decided to take what's good and remove everything we don't like. Furthermore we added everything what we think a mobile HTML5/JavaScript framework needs. The following list gives you an overview of changes:


Kitchensink Demo

Try the Kitchensink

The Kitchensink gives a good overview of all Views and Layouts so far. Play around and see what the The-M-Project offers to you.

Beside the Kitchensink we have a second ready to launch sample app called Addressbook.

Addressbook Demo

Try the Addressbook

The Addressbook is the sample app for Bikini. Open the app in different browser windows or devices for the full experience. A small node.js server is connected to a MongoDB. The application syncronises via bikini the contact collection and stores it to the WebSQL Database. This guarantees offline and online manipulation of the data.


Absinthe release

  • The-M-Project v.2.0 beta 1

    • All the fancy stuff we mentioned above
  • The-M-Project v.2.0 beta 2 (We are here - tagname beta3)

    • MenuView
    • SideMenu
    • MenuLayout
      • Scaffold for MenuLayout
  • The-M-Project v.2.0 RC1

  • The-M-Project v.2.0

    • Final release


The-M-Project v.2.0 beta 3

Quickfixes like:

  • Ignore unnecessary files and folder
  • MenuView update/improvements
  • CSS/SASS update/improvements
  • Buttongroup setActive
  • enhanced API for M.ViewManager.getView
  • fixes to offline data handling
  • Filter for M.ListView

The-M-Project v.2.0 beta 2

  • CSS/SASS update/improvements
    • M.ToolbarView
    • M.ButtonView
  • Refactoring View: templates to single files
  • Implemented Switch layout
  • Getter for M.ListView
  • Improved online/offline detection of bikini
  • Implemented M.MenuView and MenuLayout

The-M-Project v.2.0 beta 1

  • Initial beta release

Future plans

  • The-M-Project 2.1
    • Full support for Windows
    • Enterprise Edition
    • Extending Bikini
    • A lot more to come

Further Reading and Repositories

Use the yeoman generator to develop your first app.


Tutorials and Samples


This grunt plugin is similar to grunt-contrib-jst.

Application Lifecycle

  1. index.html

    • Start point of a application is the index.html file. After all dependencies and application files are loaded the framework uses a Backbone.Router to call the responsible controller.
    • The routes are defined inside the main.js
  2. Controller

    There are 3 entry points to a controller.

    1. Application Start
      • If the application was started the first time the Router calls the applicationStart of the provided Controller.
    2. Show
      • If a page switch happens the router calls the show function of the provided Controller
    3. Application Ready
      • After the application did load the applicationReady function is called on every Controller. In every case it gets called after the applicationStart

Folder structure

├── Gruntfile.js
├── node_modules
├── app
│   ├── bower_components
│   ├── i18n
│   │   └── en.js
│   ├── icons
│   │   ├── android-l.png
│   │   ├── android-m.png
│   │   ├── android-s.png
│   │   ├── apple-ipad-retina.png
│   │   ├── apple-ipad.png
│   │   ├── apple-iphone-retina.png
│   │   ├── apple-iphone.png
│   │   └── favicon.png
│   ├── images
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── scripts
│   │   ├── config.js
│   │   ├── controllers
│   │   │   ├── absinthe.js
│   │   │   └── beer.js
│   │   ├── main.js
│   │   ├── models
│   │   ├── collections
│   │   ├── layouts
│   │   └── views
│   │       ├── absinthe.js
│   │       └── beer.js
│   └── styles
│       └── main.css
├── bower.json
├── grunt.config.js
├── package.json
└── test
    ├── index.html
    ├── lib
    │   ├── chai.js
    │   ├── expect.js
    │   └── mocha
    │       ├── mocha.css
    │       └── mocha.js
    └── spec
        └── test.js

app - The Application

The app folder contains all app relevant files.


The starting point of the application is the index.html. You can add scripts by yourself. But don't delete any comments. The generator uses them to add code inside the file. If you create a controller with the generator the index will auto generate the script tag.


You find all the language files inside the i18n(internationalisation) folder.


Out of the box we have provide relevant The-M-Project icons. If you add an application to the Home-Screen of your phone, these icons are used.


Out of the box we have provide relevant The-M-Project splash screens. If you add an application to the Home-Screen of your phone, these splash screens are used.


Put all the images inside this directory.


Contains the most JavaScript files - like Model, View and Controller


Configuration for the application.


Contains all controllers and is used by the generator.


Contains all controllers and is used by the generator.


Contains all views and is used by the generator.


Contains all models and is used by the generator.


Contains all collections and is used by the generator.


Contains all layouts and is used by the generator.


Default/example test for the application


This file allows you to modify the default grunt options without a full understanding how grunt works.

  • paths
    • dist - The location for the build
    • app - The location for the app root
  • server
    • openBrowser - Open the app in your default browser
    • autoReload - Reloads web server you save a file in your project
    • port - The port on which the web server will respond
    • proxies - We use grunt-connect-proxy for the proxy task.
  • test
    • port - The port on which the web server will respond

Don't worry about

package.json - The-M-Project npm module

bower.json - The-M-Project Bower module

Gruntfile.js - Contains the configuration for the grunt tasks e.g. grunt server or grunt build

node_modules - Contains the Node dependencies

bower.json - Manage the bower components

bower_components - Contains the Bower dependencies


Bikini – everything a model needs.

Without expense to the developer, data is synchronised from the server to the client. Changes are broadcast to all connected clients live, are available offline and changeable, and by limiting the transfer of modified records loading time and traffic can be optimised. Bikini is the connection between the Model and a Storage. It provides several adapters to access local and remote data storage.


M.View, M.Controller, M.Model and M.Collection extending from Backbone.js. You can use them like you would use them with Backbone itself.

M.Controller implements Backbone.Events but does not extend anything else.


It is possible to extend from every M Object by calling the extend method. The first parameter are the options applied to the extended Object and overwrite the existing ones. extend always returns a function.

M.CustomView = M.View.extend({
	// overwrite a property
	_type: 'M.CustomView',
	// implement an own property
	myOwnProperty: 1


To create an instance of an extended object you can use new or create which calls new by itself.

// create an instance with new
var v = new M.View();
M.isView(v); //true

// create an instance with create
var v = M.View.create();
M.isView(v); //true


M.View.extend accepts two parameters. The first one is for view options and the second one for child views M.View.create accepts three parameters. The first one is for view options and the second one for child views and the third one to use the first one as scope.


A template defines the look and feel of a page. Every Controller can set its own template or use a existing one from other controllers. After the layout is set the Controller add its Views to the Layout. This triggers the render process of the inserted Views.


A blank/empty layout.

Blank Layout

Switch Layout

Switch through different pages with over 60 transitions

Switch Layout

Switch Layout (Header/Content)

Switch through different pages that have a Header and Content with over 60 transitions

Switch Layout with Header and Content


  • Is The-M-Project Absinthe release backward compatible?

    • unfortunately not
  • What happens to The-M-Project before Absinthe?

    • We call it The-M-Project 1.x
    • The source code is still available on GitHub
    • We still use it on our own to build projects/products
    • The Sample-Apps aren't gone either
    • Espresso is still available
  • Why Absinthe?

    • Since Google uses sweets, Apple animals and version numbers are boring we switched the release names to alcoholics ;)
    • Need inspiration? B(eer), B(randy) C(ognac), C(idre), D(aiquiri), E(gg nog), F(euerzangenbowle), G(in) - the list goes on like this. So stay tuned for the upcoming releases.

Sass Compass

What is SASS ?

SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a programming language created for front end web development that defines a new set of rules and functions to empower and enhance CSS. With this programming language, you can create complex designs with minimal code in the most efficient way possible.

What is Compass ?

Compass is a framework for SASS, the good thing about Compass is that it comes with a lot of CSS3 mixins and useful CSS stuff.

How to install it ?

For installing SASS Compass you need to have Ruby installed.

This is very pretty simple for MAC users because there Ruby is already installed. If your are a MAC user you just have to type gem install compass into your console.

If your are a Windows user you have to install Ruby first. The installer can be downloaded here. Afterwards if you have added Ruby to your PATH variable you can also type gem install compass into your console to install it.

Where can I find more information about SASS Compass ?

For more informations about SASS Compass just visit their website. They have a great blog and many examples to get a good insight into it.


The-M-Project Absinthe

Development Process

  • There should be a test for every component
    • add the test into the responding folder
    • add the test into the test/test.html
  • There is a pre-commit hook
    • jshint
    • testrunner - run all tests
  • Travis is used as build server
  • The generator uses coveralls as code analyse tool

Setup for framework developer (Mac/Linux)


Checkout the repository

git clone
cd The-M-Project
git checkout master

init the project

The script runs the following commands/checks:

  • check dependencies
  • npm install
  • bower install
  • add git pre-commit hook

start building the framework

grunt dev

running a sample application

//navigate to a sample app
cd sample/addressbook/

//run the setup script
//answer every question with y (4xy)
//start the app server
grunt server
//open your browser
open localhost:9000

commit hook

  • run jshint
  • run tests



grunt test


open test/index.html

Setup for framework developer (Windows)


Installation order (for newbies)

First you have to install:

Add node and ruby to your PATH variable like it is described in the next section. (If you install node and ruby with the installer you can specify with the installer to add them directly to your PATH variable )

Install the node-modules:

npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g bower

Add the node-modules to your PATH variable like it is described in the next section

Install the ruby-module

gem install compass

Add all the Modules to your PATH Variable

Windows Vista & Windows 7

(If you install node and ruby with the installer you can specify to add them directly to your PATH variable)

  • From the Desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties.
  • Click Advanced System Settings link in the left column.
  • In the System Properties window click the Environment Variables button.
  • Highlight the Path variable and click the Edit button.

Check your PATH variable for these entries. If they are not there, add them.

  • ruby: ";C:\Ruby193\bin"
  • node: ";C:\Program Files\nodejs"
  • node-module like grunt and bower: ";C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\npm"

Windows 8

(You can specify in the installation of node and ruby to add them directly to your PATH variable)

  • from the Desktop click the Windows key + X, then click System.
  • Click Advanced System Settings link in the left column.
  • In the System Properties window click the Environment Variables button.
  • Highlight the Path variable and click the Edit button.

Check your PATH variable for these entries. If they are not there, add them to the end of your PATH variable.

  • ruby: ";C:\Ruby193\bin"
  • node: ";C:\Program Files\nodejs"
  • node-module like grunt and bower: ";C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\npm"

Checkout the repository

Go to the Directory where you want to have the Project.

git clone
cd The-M-Project
git fetch --all
git checkout master
git pull origin master

Init the project

An easy way to run the shell script in Windows is to have msysgit installed. You can find the sh.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin. If you add ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin" to the end of your PATH variable you can execute the following shell command.


The script runs the following commands/checks:

  • check dependencies
  • npm install
  • bower install
  • add git pre-commit hook

If the shell-script isn't working well you can also execute the important commands by hand. (Be sure to have Node and Bower installed)

npm install
bower install

Start building the framework

grunt dev

Running a sample application

//navigate to a sample app

cd sample/addressbook/

//run the setup script


//answer every question with y (4xy) //start the app server

grunt server

//open your browser

open localhost:9000

commit hook

  • run jshint
  • run tests



grunt test


open test/index.html