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File metadata and controls

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My first The-M-Project 2.0 App from scratch

In this tutorial we first build a very basic application.

  • The first step is to create the app and switch the content on a button press/tap with a transition
  • Then you learn how to use models and collections
  • Connect them with Bikini

Step 1 - Basic Sample App


  1. Install the generator if you haven't already. Looking for details?

  2. Create a folder and name it after the application name and open it.

    mkdir demoapp && cd $_
  3. Inside of the folder run the The-M-Project generator

    yo m
  4. The generator guides you through several configuration steps

    1. Select a Template
      • First you have to choose a basic template of your application.
      • You find details to all the available templates here.
    2. Work with or without Sass
      • It is up to you if you want to use Sass inside of your project or not.
      • If you want to use Sass we recommend Compass. Details about Sass/Compass.
    3. Make sure you have a internet connection - all the dependencies getting installed.

Develop the application

We want to develop a simple app with two pages and use different transitions to switch between both.

The sample app source code is on GitHub (with a blank layout and without Sass). Read about the Application Lifecycle

  1. Start the Testserver

    // Stop the server with ctrl+c
    grunt server
  2. Run the Application: http://localhost:9000/ to see what we have so far - should be empty.

  3. open app/scripts/main.js

    • There is no Controller defined
    • The Router points to no Controller
    • The app is accessable through a global namespace
    	// The app gets initialized with the configuration provided from the config.js
    	// and gets appended to the global (window) namespace named like the app 
    	global.demoapp = M.Application.extend().create(global.demoapp.mconfig);
        $(document).ready(function() {
    	// If the DOM is ready, initialize the router
                routing: {
                    routes: {
                        //m:routes -- don't edit this
                    //m:controllers -- don't edit this
  4. Setup the both Controller

    • The first page should contain a menu
    • The second page is a detail of a selected menu item
    • This generates both files
      • scripts/controllers/menu.js
      • scripts/controllers/detail.js
    • The generator adds a script tag for every view to the index.html
    • The generator adds every controller to the router inside the app/scripts/main.js
    // The first argument is the name of the controller
    yo m:controller menu ''
    // The second argument is the route to the controller
    yo m:controller detail detail
    // Start the server again
    grunt server
  5. Add a Layout

    • Both Controllers share a layout so add initialize it inside the applicationStart of the demoapp.MenuController
    applicationStart: function(settings) {
    	// Create a layout and apply it to the application
       	var layout = M.SwitchLayout.extend().create(this);
  6. Extend one Controller from the other

    • Since both Controller should share the same Layout they can share the same code.
    • Change the scripts/controllers/detail.js
    // Extend the MenuController
    demoapp.Controllers.DetailController = demoapp.Controllers.MenuController.extend({
    	// Remove unused methods
  7. Create the basic Views

    // The first argument is the name of the view
    yo m:view menu
    yo m:view detail
    • This generates the both files
      • scripts/views/menu.js
      • scripts/views/detail.js
    • The generator adds a script tag for every view to the index.html
  8. Initialze the Views

    • Every View is bound to a Controller
    • Implement a initViews method for both controllers
    • Create a contentView property for the controllers and assign the generated Views to it
    • Application start
      1. Initialize the Layout
      2. Apply the Layout to the app
      3. Initialize the Views
      4. Render the views by applying them to the layout
    • show
      1. Initialize the Views
      2. Change the from one content to another
    // scripts/controllers/detail.js
    demoapp.Controllers.DetailController = demoapp.Controllers.MenuController.extend({
        initViews: function(){
            // Initialzie the DetailView  with the controller (this) as scope
            this.contentView = demoapp.Views.DetailView.create(this);
    // scripts/controllers/menu.js
     demoapp.Controllers.MenuController = M.Controller.extend({
        // The Content of the page
        contentView: null,
        // Called when the Application starts
        applicationStart: function () {
            // Create a layout and apply it to the application
            var layout = M.SwitchLayout.extend().create(this);
            // Set the Layout to the View
            // Initialize the Views
            // Apply the Views to the Layout (render)
        show: function () {
            // Initialize the Views
            // Apply the Views to the Layout (render)
            // Switch the Layout
        initViews: function(){
            // Create the MenuView with the controller (this) as scope
            this.contentView = demoapp.Views.MenuView.create(this);
        _applyViews: function() {
                content: this.contentView
  9. Add content and interaction to the views

    // scripts/views/detail.js
    demoapp.Views.DetailView = M.View.extend({
        // The properties of a view
        // The view should be in a grid
        grid: 'col-xs-12',
        // Every view has a value
        value: 'Detail'
    }, {
        // The childViews
        // Add a button to navigate to the MenuView
        button: M.ButtonView.extend({
            // The Text of the Button
            value: 'Back to the Menu',
            // The events of the button
            events: {
                // On tab call the scope method 'gotoMenuPage' (scope is the DetailController)
                tap: 'gotoMenuView'
    // scripts/views/menu.js
    demoapp.Views.MenuView = M.View.extend({
        // The properties of a view
        // The view should be in a grid
        grid: 'col-xs-12',
        // Every view has a value
        value: 'Menu'
    }, {
        // The childViews
        // Add a button to navigate to the MenuView
        button: M.ButtonView.extend({
            // The Text of the Button
            value: 'To the Detail View',
            // The events of the button
            events: {
                // On tab call the scope method 'gotoMenuPage' (scope is the DetailController)
                tap: 'gotoDetailView'
  10. Add Navigation methods to the Controller

    // scripts/controllers/detail.js
    // Navigation: on button tap
        gotoMenuView: function(){
            // navigate to the menu view via a route
                route: ''
    // scripts/controllers/menu.js
    // Navigation: on button tap
        gotoDetailView: function(){
            // navigate to the detail view via a route
                route: '/detail'
  11. Change Transitions

    • To get an overview of all available transitions have a look at the M.PageTransitions.CONST
    	route: '/detail',
    	transition: M.PageTransitions.CONST.FALL
  12. You want more? Look at the sample apps to get an idea of how to use The-M-Project. The Kitchensink is a good starting point.

Step 2 - Working with models and collections

Tipp: M.Model and M.Collection are extended from Backbone.Model and Backbone.Collection

  1. Create a collection called contacts

    • this will create a folder scripts/collections and inside a file called contacts.js

       yo m:collection contacts
      • UPDATE! There was a bug in the generator: mwaylabs/generator-m-ionic#3 - all collections are append to the top of the index.html and not above this comment:

      • quickfix: #1: remove: <script src="scripts/collections/contacts.js"></script> from the first line of the index.html and add it like the this:

       <script src="scripts/models/contacts.js"></script>
       <!-- m:models -->
       <script src="scripts/collections/contacts.js"></script>
       <!-- m:collections -->
      • or: delete the collection, update your generator and run the task again.
  2. Create a model called contact

    • this will create a folder scripts/models and inside a file called contact.js
    yo m:model contact
  3. Assign the contact model to the contacts collection. Open scripts/collections. Default the model is called the same as the collection in this case ContactsModel so just remove the s:

    demoapp.Collections.ContactsCollection = M.Collection.extend({
    	//assign the contact model to this collection
        model: demoapp.Models.ContactModel
  4. Create the collection inside the Menucontroller. scripts/controllers/menu.js

    1. define a variable for it

      // define contacts collection
      contacts: null,    
    2. Initialze the collection inside applicationStart and show before the initViews call.

      	// Called when the Application starts
      applicationStart: function () {
         	 // Create a layout and apply it to the application
         	 var layout = M.SwitchLayout.extend().create(this);
         	 // Set the Layout to the View
         	 // Initialze the Collection
         	 // Initialize the Views
         	 // Apply the Views to the Layout (render)
      show: function () {
          // Initialze the Collection
          // Initialize the Views
          // Apply the Views to the Layout (render)
          // Switch the Layout
    3. Implement initData with demo data

      // initialze the data
      initData: function(){
          // create the contacts collections if it doesn't exist
          	// create the collection with demo data
              this.contacts = demoapp.Collections.ContactsCollection.create(this.getContacts());
      // get the contacts
      getContacts: function(){
          // create some demo data
          return [{"name": 'foo', "lastname": "bar"}, {"name": 'max', "lastname": "mustermann"}];
  5. Display the collection using a M.ListView in scripts/views/menu.js

Tipp: Look at the Kitchensink for example code

- create a M.ListView
- apply a grid (from left to right with some padding)
- set the scopeKey	- the collections name inside the controller
- add a `M.ListItemView` as a blue print for every entry
- extend the template from `M.ListItemView` to fit to the collection model. Every attribute of the model can be displayed with '<%= ATTRIBUTE_NAME %>'

// The contacts list       
    contactsList: M.ListView.extend({

        // fit into the grid - whole page
        grid: 'col-xs-12',

        // the collection inside the menu controller
        scopeKey: 'contacts',

        // This property contains the listitem view
        listItemView: M.ListItemView.extend({

            // Extend the default template with this one. It gets injected into the <%= _value_ %> placeholder
            extendTemplate: '<span><%= name %></span> <span><%= lastname %></span>'

  1. Test the application

The application should display a basic list with the both entries.

grunt server
  1. Add contacts through a submit form

    1. Create the input fields in scripts/views/menu.js

      // an input field for the lastname
      addLastName: M.TextfieldView.extend({
          // fit into the grid
          grid: 'col-xs-12',
          // label it as lastname with a placeholder ...
          placeholder: 'Lastname',
          // and a label
          label: 'Lastname',
          // add a nice icon from
          icon: 'fa-users',
          // bind the view to a controller model attribute
          scopeKey: 'newContact.lastname'
      // an input field for the firstname
      addFirstName: M.TextfieldView.extend({
          // fit into the grid
          grid: 'col-xs-12',
          // label it as lastname with a placeholder ...
          placeholder: 'Firstname',
          // and a label
          label: 'Firstname',
          // add a nice icon from
          icon: 'fa-user',
          // bind the view to a controller model attribute
          scopeKey: ''
    2. Add an submit button to scripts/views/menu.js

      // a submit button for adding a entry to the list
      addButton: M.ButtonView.extend({
          //fit into the grid
          grid: 'col-xs-12',
          // The Text of the Button
          value: 'Add',
          // The events of the button
          events: {
              // On tab call the scope method 'addContact' (scope is the MenuController)
              tap: 'addContact'
  2. Extend the controller to serve the new features

    1. Add an attribute for the TextFieldViews

      // use this model as reference to the form views
      newContact: null,
    2. Implement the tap callback of the addButton inside the scripts/controller/menu.js On the tab create a new model based on the newContact model. Thanks to backbone.stickit the model and the view are always in sync.

      addContact: function(){
          // add a new model instance based on the the new contact model to the collection

this.contacts.add(demoapp.Models.ContactModel.create(this.newContact.attributes)); } ```

  1. Store the data inside the localStorage

    1. Add a store to the collection in scripts/collection/contacts.js

      demoapp.Collections.ContactsCollection = M.Collection.extend({
          // assign the contact model to this collection
          model: demoapp.Models.ContactModel,
          // the collection uses the localStorage of the browser through the M.LocalStorageStore
          store: M.LocalStorageStore.create( {})
    2. Extend the contact model with an entity and attributes in scripts/models/contact.js

      demoapp.Models.ContactModel = M.Model.extend({
       // an id for every entry
       idAttribute: '_id',
          // the entity
          entity: {
              // profide a name to identify the collection/model
      	    name: 'contact',
              fields: {
                  // the identifier of the model
                  _id: { type: M.CONST.TYPE.STRING, required: YES, index: YES },
                  // the name of the model
                  name: { type: M.CONST.TYPE.STRING },
              	// the lastnamename of the model
              	lastname: { type: M.CONST.TYPE.STRING }
    3. Implement getContacts with real data in the menu controller scripts/controllers/menu.js

      // get the contacts
      getContacts: function(){
          // read the data from the store
    4. Implement initData with real data in the MenuController.initData inside of scripts/controllers/menu.js

      • remove this.getContacts() from the create call

      • call this.getContacts() when the contacts are accessable

         // initialze the data
         initData: function(){
             //create a model to store the first and the last name
             this.newContact = demoapp.Models.ContactModel.create();
             // create the contacts collections if it doesn't exist
                 this.contacts = demoapp.Collections.ContactsCollection.create();
             // fetch the data
  2. Test the application

    • If you start the application with grunt server the list should be empty
    • Enter a name and lastname and add it to the collection by tapping the add button
    • The new contact should be added to the list
    • Refreshing the browser fetchs the data from the localStorage and the list won't loose the entries

Step 3 - Connect with Bikini

- tbd