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Max Aller edited this page Oct 2, 2010 · 15 revisions


Thanks for stopping by the wiki pages! Here, you'll find information on what Crow is, what it's used for, what you can do with it, and lastly, how you use it! Send me a Github message if you couldn't find what you were looking for and I'll try to help.

What is Crow

Crow is a path-finding library that helps you determine the shortest path between points (or nodes). Right now, the two main algorithms for this is Dijkstra's and A*, but more will be added. The core ideals of this project is to simplify without sacrifice -- make a simple API for people who just need basic pathfinding, while leaving it customizable enough that you can find shortest paths in complicated graphs.

Crow was originally designed with games in mind -- specifically, that your plane of interest was always a grid with integer coordinates. However, Crow has been tweaked so that this is not a requirement -- you can place your nodes at any point on the plane (not necessarily on the grid) and connect them together with arbitrary distances. See Quick Start Recipes for an example.


Please create an issue in the Issues tab with the appropriate tag -- support for questions, feature for feature requests, and nothing if it's a bug.





  • Design Decisions -- Curious why Crow works the way it does? Some insights here

Looking for more?

You can check out the project and then run rake docs. This will generate JSDoc from the source and deposit it in the dist/docs subdirectory of the project. Just open that up in your browser! Too much trouble? Check out the online generated docs.