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04. Cloud Credentials

kwrodarmer edited this page Sep 25, 2019 · 9 revisions

Obtaining Cloud Credentials

To access SRA cloud-data, you'll need to provide your AWS (Amazon Web Services) access key or GCP (Google Cloud Platform) service account to vdb-config.

Cloud credentials are like passwords, be careful with how they're handled!

Note: Some organizations manage cloud credentials differently. Check with your system administrators if the steps below aren't working.


  1. Login to AWS and select IAM service.
  2. Select "Users" on the left side.
  3. Pick the user name you wish to use.
  4. Click on the "Security credentials" tab.
  5. Click on the "Create access key" button.
  6. Click on the "Download .csv file" button.
  7. Save the CSV file to your computer and copy it to the location you'll specify to vdb-config in next page.


  1. Login to GCP and select IAM service.
  2. Select "Service accounts" from the left panel.
  3. Click "+ Create Service Account" button at top.
  4. Give the service account a name and description
  5. Select the Storage -> Storage Object Viewer role, and then press continue.
  6. Press the "+ Create Key" button.
  7. Choose JSON
  8. Save the JSON file to your computer and copy it to the location you'll specify to vdb-config in next page.