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Developer foo hub

Mats Rydberg edited this page Jan 12, 2018 · 5 revisions

Neo4j developer foo hub

This is a place for useful developer information. If you have foo secrets that all Neo4j devs should know, please add them here somewhere and tell everyone!

Maven foo

  • [Q]: I modified a dependency in a module, and now my LICENSES.txt and NOTICE.txt files needs updating. Even worse, all dependent modules also needs updating, and I don’t even know which ones!

Quick commands:
mvn clean install -Doverwrite -DskipTests // top level
  • [A]: Run mvn clean install -Doverwrite -DskipTests on the top-level module.

    • This will update the license files of all modules as required. (Don’t forget to commit them.)

    • If all you did was to add or update version of (see below) a dependency, and you think the above command is too slow, you get off by doing slightly less. Run mvn clean install -Doverwrite -DskipTests in the module with the added dependency. This will produce updated files (that you’ll need to commit) and install the module with updated dependencies in your local maven repo. Then run mvn clean compile -Doverwrite -DskipTests on the top level of the repository. This will produce updated files (that needs committing) for all dependent modules.

    • Some version updates will change the name of the library, which requires updating our files.