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Get COPD and Asthma articles from database.
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nikolamilosevic86 committed Jun 22, 2017
1 parent e52bb55 commit c34dd0b
Showing 1 changed file with 209 additions and 0 deletions.
209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions DrugDrugInteraction/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
Created on 13 Sep 2016
@author: mbaxkhm4
Created at the University of Manchester, School of Computer Science
Licence GNU/GPL 3.0
import Cell
import Annotation
from QueryDBClass import QueryDBCalss
from Data.Table import Table
from AnalyzePattern import GetMean,GetRange
import re

def getCellsByTableID(TableID,db):
rows = db.getTableCellsWithTableArticleData(TableID)
cells = []
for row in rows:
cell = Cell.Cell()
cell.idArticle = row[20]
cell.idPMC = row[24]
cell.idTable = row[13]
cell.tableOrder = row[14]
cell.pragmaticClass = row[22]
cell.idCell = row[0]
cell.cellID = row[1]
cell.cellType = row[2]
cell.rowN = row[4]
cell.columnN = row[5]
cell.Content = row[9]
cell.Header = row[10]
cell.Stub = row[11]
cell.Super_row = row[12]
cell.HeaderId = row[6]
cell.StubId = row[7]
cell.SuperRowId = row[8]
roles = db.getCellRole(cell.idCell)
for role in roles:
if role[0]==1:
cell.isHeader = True
if role[0]==2:
cell.isStub = True
if role[0]==3:
cell.isData = True
if role[0]==4:
cell.isSuperRow = True
annotations = db.getCellAnnotation(cell.idCell)
cell_annotations = []
if(annotations!= None):
for ann in annotations:
Annot = Annotation.Annotation()
Annot.annotationID = ann[0]
Annot.Content = ann[1]
Annot.Start = ann[2]
Annot.End = ann[3]
Annot.AnnotationCID = ann[4]
Annot.AnnotationDesc =ann[5]
Annot.AgentName = ann[6]
Annot.AgentType = ann[7]
Annot.AnnotationURL = ann[8]
cell.Annotations = cell_annotations
return cells
if __name__=="__main__":
queryclass = QueryDBCalss("localhost","root","","ddi_data", )
cursor = queryclass.db.cursor()
#Get tables
sql = """SELECT idArticle,Title,SpecId,idTable,TableOrder,TableCaption,Section FROM ddi_data.article inner join
arttable on idArticle=Article_idArticle where Section='34073-7'"""
#Get cells and annotations that contain potential DDIs
#sql = """select annotation.Content,AnnotationDescription,Table_idTable,RowN,ColumnN,TableOrder,idArticle,Title,SpecId,
#AnnotationID from annotation inner join cell on cell.idCell=annotation.Cell_idCell inner join arttable on
#arttable.idTable=cell.Table_idTable inner join article on article.idArticle = arttable.Article_idArticle
#where Section='34073-7' and AnnotationDescription IN ('Pharmacologic Substance (phsu)','Biologically Active Substance (bacs)',
#'Organic Chemical (orch)','Hazardous or Poisonous Substance (hops)','Carbohydrate (carb)','Element, Ion, or Isotope (elii)',
#'Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide (nnon)','Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid (irda)',
#'Biomedical or Dental Material (bodm)', 'Inorganic Chemical (inch)','Hormone (horm)')
results = cursor.fetchall()
columnOfDrugs = -1
isfirst = False
#Get all drug annotated content
for res in results:
idArticle = res[0]
Title = res[1]
SpecId = res[2]
idTable = res[3]
TableOrder = res[4]
TableCaption = res [5]
Section = res[6]
PotentialDrugFromHeader = -1
PotentialEffectFromHeader = -1
PotentialDrugFromAnnotations = -1
cells = getCellsByTableID(idTable,queryclass)
most_annotated = {}
drugcolumns = []
effectcolums = []
spanningRows = []
pastCell = ''
numOfColumns = 0
NotCalcNumOfColumns = True
cellid = 0
drugset = -1
hasHeader = False
if cells[0].isHeader:
hasHeader = True

DrugColumnsSet = False
for cell in cells:
if drugset>-1 and cell.rowN>0:
DrugColumnsSet = True
if(cell.rowN==0 and NotCalcNumOfColumns):
numOfColumns = numOfColumns+1
if cell.rowN==1:
NotCalcNumOfColumns = False
if hasHeader:
if ("drug" in cell.Content.lower() or "interacting agent" in cell.Content.lower() or'coadministered' in cell.Content.lower() or 'co-administered' in cell.Content.lower()) and ('effect' not in cell.Content.lower() and 'dose' not in cell.Content.lower() and 'exposure' not in cell.Content.lower() and 'recommendation' not in cell.Content.lower()) and cell.isHeader and DrugColumnsSet==False:
drugset = cell.rowN
if "effect" in cell.Content.lower() and cell.isHeader and DrugColumnsSet==False:
if ("drug" in cell.Content.lower() or 'coadministered' in cell.Content.lower() or 'co-administered' in cell.Content.lower()) and ('effect' not in cell.Content.lower() and 'dose' not in cell.Content.lower() and 'exposure' not in cell.Content.lower() and 'recommendation' not in cell.Content.lower()) and cell.rowN<3 and DrugColumnsSet==False:
drugeffectset = cell.rowN
if "effect" in cell.Content.lower() and cell.rowN<3 and DrugColumnsSet==False:
if cell.columnN==0 and NotCalcNumOfColumns==False:
isSpanning = True
for i in range(0,numOfColumns-1):
if(cellid+i+1<len(cells) and cells[cellid+i].Content.lower()!=cells[cellid+i+1].Content.lower()):
numCellsZero = 0
while(cellid+i+1<len(cells) and j<len(cells) and cells[j].rowN==cells[cellid+i].rowN):
if cells[j]=='':
numCellsInRow = numCellsInRow+1
if numCellsInRow>0 and (numCellsZero*1.0)/(numCellsInRow*1.0)<0.5:
isSpanning = False
if isSpanning:
cellid = cellid+1

drugcolumns = set(drugcolumns)
effectcolums = set(effectcolums)
spanningRows = set(spanningRows)
isGroup = -1
for i in range(0,len(cells)):
extract = ''
effect = ''
if cells[i].rowN in spanningRows or cells[i].rowN==0 or cells[i].rowN==drugset:
if cells[i].columnN in drugcolumns:
extract = cells[i].Content
if extract=='':
for k in range(0,5):
if i+k<len(cells) and cells[i+k].columnN in effectcolums:
if cells[k+i].Content == "":
effect = cells[k+i].Content
# Get drug name from the table based on SetID
sql1 = """Select * from structuredproductlabelmetadata where SetId = '"""+SpecId+"'"
results2 = cursor.fetchall()
for res1 in results2:
drugname = res1[3]
if extract.strip() =="" or extract.strip()==" ":
print drugname+' '+extract+' '+effect
drugs = extract.split(":")
if len(drugs)>1:
ex1 = drugs[0]
ex2 = drugs[1]
cursor = queryclass.db.cursor()
sql = "INSERT into ddiinfo (documentId, SpecId,idTable,TableName,Drug1,Drug2,Effect,CueRule,isGroup) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
cursor.execute(sql, (
idArticle, SpecId, idTable, TableOrder, drugname, ex1, effect, "DDI Method 3", 1))
extract = ''
isGroup = -1
onedrugs = re.split(";|,|\n",ex2)
for onedrug in onedrugs:
cursor = queryclass.db.cursor()
sql = "INSERT into ddiinfo (documentId, SpecId,idTable,TableName,Drug1,Drug2,Effect,CueRule,isGroup) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
cursor.execute(sql, (
idArticle, SpecId, idTable, TableOrder, drugname, onedrug, effect, "DDI Method 3", -1))
isGroup = -1
onedrugs = re.split(";|,|\n", extract)
for onedrug in onedrugs:
cursor = queryclass.db.cursor()
sql = "INSERT into ddiinfo (documentId, SpecId,idTable,TableName,Drug1,Drug2,Effect,CueRule,isGroup) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
cursor.execute(sql, (
idArticle, SpecId, idTable, TableOrder, drugname, onedrug, effect, "DDI Method 3", -1))
isGroup = -1
extract = ''

print "Done"

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