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Annotation schema including provenience

Nikola Milosevic edited this page Mar 25, 2016 · 3 revisions

This document explains more database table where the annotations are stored. For more information about database schema, please have a look at this page

  • idAnnotation - Id in table, just for indexing database purposes
  • Content - String content. It contains part of the string that was annotated (not whole string inside the cell).
  • Start - Starting position where the annotation starts.
  • End - Ending position where the annotation ends. Start and End define the span inside the string that was annotated. In other words they define substring that was annotated.
  • AnnotationID - Concept or key id in the annotation schema that was used.
  • AnnotationDescription - Definition or description of the annotated text.
  • AnnotationURL - URL to the online resource which describes annotation further (i.e. describes concept or define words)
  • AgentType - the type of annotation agent. It can have following values: Person, Organization, Software
  • AgentName - the name of annotation agent. For Person it is the name of the person who annotated data, for organization is the name of the organization which supervised the annotation process, for software it is the name of the annotation tool.
  • AnnotationSchemaVersion - For person and organization it is the version of the standard or schema in use. For software it can be version of the software, since annotation schema might change with the release of the new version.
  • EnvironmentDescription - Description of the environment, i.e. machine used for annotation, its operating system, other installed software, hardware, etc. It can also describe conditions and environment people worked on data annotation.
  • DateOfAction - The date when the annotation took place
  • Location - Location where the annotation took place.
  • Cell_idCell - Foreign key that bounds annotation to the cell that was annotated.