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fractal module is done but may have errors
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git-svn-id: 69d76c3e-0761-0410-948c-9895a8bb34fc
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btowal2 committed Mar 13, 2009
1 parent 1fce09c commit eeccf76
Showing 1 changed file with 267 additions and 0 deletions.
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions src/modules/fractal-module.c
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
* \file fractal-module.c
* \date March 12, 2008
* \brief
* A module to compute a series of frames of zooming in Mandelbrot fractals.

//TODO: initialize totalJobs, jobsLeft


char BANG_module_name[8] = "fractal";
unsigned char BANG_module_version[] = {0,0,1};
BANG_api *api;
int totalJobs;
int jobsLeft;
int totalPeers;
int peerArrSize;

typedef struct {
int frame;
int needsState;
} peerContainer;

typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
int winX;
int winY;
} fractalState;

typedef struct {
int job;
int x;
int y;
int color;
} pixelStruct;

fractalState fractalStateData;

static BANG_callbacks* BANG_module_init(BANG_api *get_api) {
api = get_api;
BANG_callbacks* callbacks = (BANG_callbacks*)malloc(sizeof(BANG_callbacks));
return callbacks;

static void BANG_module_run(BANG_module_info *info) {

static void GUI_init(GtkWidget** panel, GtkWidget** tabLabel) {


* Callback for when jobs are available for you to request
* \param int The id of the peer with jobs available.
static void jobs_available_callback(BANG_module_info* mod, int authority) {
api->BANG_request_job(mod, authority);

* Callback for when a finished job is sent to you.
* \param BANG_job* The job that has been finished.
static void job_done_callback(BANG_module_info* mod, BANG_job* job) {
//Decommission job
jobArr[job->job_number] = -1;

if (jobsLeft)
api->BANG_assert_authority_to_peer(mod, job->authority, job->peer);


* Callback for when a peer requests a job from you.
* \param int The id of peer requesting a job.
static void outgoing_jobs_callback(BANG_module_info* mod, int peer) {
if (peerArr[peer] = NULL || jobsLeft == 0)

//If next job has been finished or is being worked on
if (jobArr[nextJob] != -1) {
//Search for next available job
for (i = nextJob+1; jobArr[i] != 0; ++i) {
if (i == nextJob)
//No more active jobs, don't do anything
if (i+1 >= totalJobs)
//Reset i to the beginning of the jobArr
i = -1;
nextJob = i;

//Sign job with peer's ID
jobArr[nextJob] = peer;
peerArr[peer].job = nextJob;

BANG_job *job = (BANG_job *)malloc(sizeof(BANG_job));
if (peerArr[peer].needsState) {
job->data = (void *)malloc(13);
((char *)(job->data))[0] = 1;
((int *)(job->data)+1)[0] = fractalStateData.x;
((int *)(job->data)+1)[1] = fractalStateData.y;
((int *)(job0>data)+1)[2] = nextJob;
job->length = 13;
else {
job->data = (void *)malloc(5);
job->data[0] = 0;
((int *)(job->data)+1)[0] = nextJob;
job->length = 5;

BANG_send_job(mod, job);

static int mapIterToColor(int iter, int maxIter) {
#define COL_MAX 256
int retCol = 0;

if (iter > (maxIter/2)) {
retCol = 0xFF0000;
retCol += (iter*(COL_MAX*COL_MAX)/maxIter);
//low = red, high = white
else {
retCol = (iter*COL_MAX/maxIter) << 20;
//low = black, high = red

#undef COL_MAX

return retCol;

static pixelStruct *processFrames(int numFrames, int *frame, int *numPixels) {

pixelStruct *data = (pixelStruct *)calloc((numFrames+1) * winX * winY * sizeof(pixelStruct));
*numPixels = 0;

int i;
for (i=0; i<numFrames; ++i) {
double dev = 1.3 / frame[i];
double leftBorder = fractalStateData.x - dev;
double rightBorder = fractalStateData.x + dev;
double bottomBorder = fractalStateData.y - dev;
double topBorder = fractalStateData.y + dev;
double Re_factor = (rightBorder-leftBorder)/(winX-1);
double Im_factor = (topBorder-bottomBorder)/(winY-1);
unsigned MaxIterations = frame[i]*50 + 100;
unsigned x;
unsigned y;
unsigned n;

for(y=0; y<winY; ++y) {
double c_im = topBorder - y*Im_factor;
for(x=0; x<winX; ++x) {
double c_re = leftBorder + x*Re_factor;
double Z_re = c_re, Z_im = c_im;
int isInside = 1;
for(n=0; n<MaxIterations; ++n) {
double Z_re2 = Z_re*Z_re, Z_im2 = Z_im*Z_im;
if(Z_re2 + Z_im2 > 4) {
isInside = 0;
Z_im = 2*Z_re*Z_im + c_im;
Z_re = Z_re2 - Z_im2 + c_re;


data[*numPixels].x = x;
data[*numPixels].y = y;
data[*numPixels].frame = frame[i];
data[*numPixels++].color = mapIterToColor(n, MaxIterations);


return data;

* Callback for when the authority sends a job to you.
* \param BANG_job* the job that is sent to you.
static void incoming_job_callback(BANG_module_info* mod, BANG_job* job) {

//Packet: [1B state flag][4B x][4B y][4B frames]*

int x = -1;
int y = -1;
int offset = sizeof(char); //Pretend it's already looked at the first byte

//Read state flag
//If authority is pushing state data on us
if (((char*)job->data)[0] == 1) {
//Read x/y coords
fractalStateData.x = ((int *)((job->data)+1))[0];
fractalStateData.y = ((int *)((job->data)+1))[1];
fractalStateData.winX = ((int *)((job->data)+1))[2];
fractalStateData.winY = ((int *)((job->data)+1))[3];
offset += 4*sizeof(int);

//Read number of frames
int numFrames = (job->length - offset)/sizeof(int);
offset += sizeof(char);

//Read frames
int *frame = (int *)malloc(numFrames*sizeof(int));
int i;
for (i=0; i<numFrames; ++i) {
frame[i] = ((int *)((job->data)+offset))[0];
offset += sizeof(int);

int numPixels;
job->data = (void *)processFrames(numFrames, frame, &numPixels);
job->length = numPixels;
api->BANG_finished_request(mod, job);

* Callback for when a peer is added.
* \param int The id of the added peer.
static void peer_added_callback(BANG_module_info* mod, int peer) {

if (peer >= peerArrSize)
peerArr = (peerContainer *)realloc(peerArr, peerArrSize *= 2);
peerArr[peer] = (peerContainer *)malloc(sizeof(peerContainer));
peerArr[peer].job = -1;
peerArr[needsState] = 1;

if (jobsLeft)
api->BANG_assert_authority_to_peer(mod, api->BANG_get_my_id(mod), peer);

* Callback for when a peer is removed.
* \param int The id of the removed peer.
static void peer_removed_callback(BANG_module_info* mod, int peer) {
//Put their job back up for someone else to do
jobArr[peerArr[peer].job] = -2;
//Remove them from the peer array
peerArr[peer] = NULL;


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