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argos-ruby contains tools for working with Argos satellite tracking data and services:

  • Parsers for Argos ASCII files (DS/DAT and DIAG/DIA files)
  • SOAP web service client
  • Web service download tool
  • Sensor data decoders

argos-ruby is developed by staff at the Norwegian Polar Data Centre.

The library is fully unit tested and used in production in various Tracking APIsthe Tracking APIs.

Code Climate


The command-line tool argos-ascii converts DS or DIAG files to JSON using the ruby classes Argos::Ds and Argos::Diag. The data conversion in mostly Regexp-based so could easily be ported to other programming languages.


$ argos-ascii spec/argos/_ds/*.DAT
$ argos-ascii --action=source "spec/argos/_d*"
$ argos-ascii --filter='lambda {|d| d[:program] == 9660 and d[:platform] == 2189 }' spec/argos/_ds/990660_A.DAT

The source action provides a metadata summary, list of programs, platforms, etc.

See argos-ascii or run argos-ascii for documentation.

SOAP webservice client

The command-line tool argos-soap provides access to all operations (as of v1.4) in the Argos SOAP webservice.

See argos-soap or run argos-soapfor command-help.


$ argos-soap -o getXsd # does not require authentication
$ argos-soap -o getXml --username=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD
$ argos-soap -o getPlatformList --username=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD

Download tool

The argos-soap command also contains a convient download tool, that runs the getXml operation for each platform for each of the last 20 days. The download tool creates one XML data file per platform per day, stored in a file structure like

  • /path/to/tracking/archive/argos/xml/$year/program-$program/platform-$platform/argos-$year-$mm-$dd-platform-$platform.xml
  • /path/to/tracking/archive/argos/xml/2015/program-9660/platform-2180/argos-2015-03-06-platform-2180.xml
$ argos-soap --download /path/to/tracking/archive/argos/xml --username=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD --debug

Argos XML to JSON

$ ./bin/argos-json-xslt /path/to/argos-data.xml
$ xsltproc lib/argos/_xslt/argos-json.xslt spec/argos/_soap/getXml.xml

Sensor data decoding


$ gem install argos-ruby
$ cd `gem environment gemdir`/gems/argos-ruby-1.6.0
$ bundle install

Note: The extra step is a bug
