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rprouse committed Aug 27, 2017
1 parent b3bf532 commit 21ded68
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 0 deletions.
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,63 @@
### NUnit 3.8 - August 27, 2017

This release removes several methods and attributes that were marked obsolete in the
original 3.0 release. Support for iOS and Android has been improved.

An issue that caused unit tests to run slower was addressed as was a bug that prevented
the use of Asset.Multiple in async code.

The Order attribute can now also be applied to the class level to set the order
that test fixtures will be run.

#### Issues Resolved

* 345 Order of Fixture Execution
* 1151 Include differences in output for Is.EquivalentTo
* 1324 Remove CollectionContainsConstraint
* 1670 Attaching files to the test result
* 1674 InRange-Constraint must work with object
* 1851 TestCaseSource unable to pass one element byte array
* 1996 Timeout does not work if native code is running at the time
* 2004 Has.One as synonym for Has.Exactly(1).Items
* 2062 TestCaseSource attribute causes test to pass when source is not defined
* 2144 Allow option on RandomAttribute to produce distinct values
* 2179 Some NUnit project's tests fail on systems with CultureInfo other than en
* 2195 Contains.Substring with custom StringComparison
* 2196 Expose ParallelizableAttribute (and other attribute) constructor arguments as properties
* 2201 Invalid platform name passed to PlatformAttribute should mark test NotRunnable
* 2208 StackFIlter trims leading spaces from each line
* 2213 SetCultureAttribute: CultureInfo ctor should use default culture settings
* 2217 Console runner performance varies wildly depending on environmental characteristics
* 2219 Remove Obsolete Attributes
* 2225 OneTimeTearDown and Dispose Ordering
* 2237 System.Runtime.Loader not available for iOS/Android
* 2242 Running tests directly should never surface a NullReferenceException
* 2244 Add KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> to the default formatters
* 2251 Randomizer.NextGuid()
* 2253 Parallelizable(ParallelScope.Fixtures) doesn't work on a TestFixture
* 2254 EqualTo on ValueTuple with Nullable unexpected
* 2261 When an assembly is marked with ParallelScope.None and there are Parallelizable tests Nunit hangs
* 2269 Parallelizable and NonParallelizable attributes on setup and teardown silently ignored
* 2276 Intermittent test failures in Travic CI: TestContextTests
* 2281 Add type constraint for Throws and any method requiring Exception
* 2288 Killing thread cancels test run
* 2292 Is.Ordered.By() with a field throws NullReferenceException
* 2298 Write TestParametersDictionary to xml result file in readable format
* 2299 NUnitLite NuGet package no longer installs NUnit NuGet package
* 2304 Revert accidental doc removal
* 2305 Correct misprint ".con" -> ".com"
* 2312 Prevent crash on invalid --result parsing in NUnitLite
* 2313 Incorrect xmldoc on RetryAttribute
* 2332 Update build script to use NUnitConsoleRunner v3.7.0
* 2335 Execute OneTimeTearDown as early as possible when running fixtures in parallel
* 2342 Remove deprecated Is.String* Constraints
* 2348 Can't use Assert.Multiple with async code
* 2353 Provide additional Result information through TestContext
* 2358 Get framework to build under Mono 5.0
* 2360 Obsolete CollectionContainsConstraint Constructors
* 2361 NUnit Parallelizable and OneTimeSetUp with no namespace results in single-threaded test execution
* 2370 TestCaseAttribute can't convert int to nullable long

### NUnit 3.7.1 - June 6, 2017

This is a hotfix release that addresses occasional hangs when using test parallization
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