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Ali Rahnavard edited this page Mar 10, 2020 · 3 revisions

mclust user manual

mclust: multi-resolution clustering of omics data

  • For additional information and a quick demo, please see the mclust tutorial.

Quick start

  • Installation

m2clust is implemented in python and packaged and available via PyPi. Run the following command to get it installed (use sudo to install it for all users or use --user and provide a path with write access)

$ sudo pip3 install m2clust

  • Input data

The input data is a distance matrix of feature n*n where n is the number of features. optional input is a metadata table n*m where n is the number of features and m is the number of metadata

  • How to run?

$ m2clust -i synthetic_demo/adist.txt -o demo_output

if metadata is available then use the following command:

$ m2clust -i synthetic_demo/adist.txt -o demo_output --metadata synthetic_demo/metadata.txt --plot

--plot is optional to generate a heatmap with deprogram of the data

--metadata is optional to shape the clusters with highest influence in clusters.

  • output
  1. m2clust.txt contains cluster, their members, and metadata resolution score sorted from highest to lowest score.

Demo run using synthetic data

  1. Download the input: Distance matrix and metadata)
  2. Run m2clust in command line with input $ m2clust -i synthetic_demo/adist.txt -o demo_output --metadata synthetic_demo/metadata.txt --plot
  3. Check your output folder

Here we show the PCoA and DMS plot as one the representative visualization of the results.

Real world example

Please see the wiki for real-world example including: gene expression, microbial species stains, and metabolite profiles.

Please see the Wiki for the data, their description.


  • Please submit your questions or issues with the software at Issues tracker.



mclust appraoch




$ pip install mclust

Getting Started with mclust

TEST mclust

To test if mclust is running correctly, you may run the following command in the terminal:



Which yields:

test_create_folders (basic_tests_utilities.TestUtilitiesBasicFunctions) ... ok
test_is_present (basic_tests_utilities.TestUtilitiesBasicFunctions) ... ok

Ran 2 tests in 1.01s



usage: mclust [-h] [-i INPUT] -o OUTPUT [-m SIMILARITY] [--metadata METADATA]
              [-n ESTIMATED_NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS] [--size-to-plot SIZE_TO_PLOT]
              [-c LINKAGE_METHOD] [--plot] [--resolution {high,medium,low}]

Multi-resolution clustering using hierarchical clustering and Silhouette score.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        the input file D*N, Rows: D features and columns: N samples OR 
                        a distance matrix file D*D (rows and columns should be the same and in the same order) 
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        the output directory
  -m SIMILARITY, --similarity SIMILARITY
                        similarity measurement {default spearman, options: spearman, nmi, ami, dmic, mic, pearson, dcor}
  --metadata METADATA   Rows are features and each column is a metadata
                        estimated number of clusters
  --size-to-plot SIZE_TO_PLOT
                        Minimum size of cluster to be plotted
  -c LINKAGE_METHOD, --linkage_method LINKAGE_METHOD
                        linkage clustering method method {default = single, options average, complete
  --plot                dendrogram plus heatmap
  --resolution {high,medium,low}
                        Resolution c .         Low resolution is good when clusters are well-separated clusters.
  -v, --verbose         additional output is printed


  • -i or --input: a distance matrix.
  • --output-folder: a folder containing all the output files
  • --resolution: a resolution to be used for clustering {low or high}


Returns a list of clusters for features. an example output coming soon

Guides to mclustviz for visuzlaization

  • Basic usage: $ mclustviz $DISTANCE_MATRIX.txt /path-to-mclust-output/mclust.txt --metadata $META_DATA.txt --shapeby $METADATA1 -o /path-to-mclust-output/
  • $DISTANCE_MATRIX.txt = an distance matrix that used for clustering
  • mclust.txt = an mclust output which assigns features to clusters
  • $META_DATA.txt: is metadata file which contains metadat for features
  • $META_DATA1: is a metadata in the metadata file to be used for shaping poins in the ordination plot
  • Run with -h to see additional command line options

Produces a set of ordination plots for features colored by computational clusters and shaped by metadata.

usage: mclustviz [-h] [--metadata METADATA] [--shapeby SHAPEBY] -o OUTPUT
                 [--size-to-plot SIZE_TO_PLOT]
                 adist clusters

mclust visualization script.

positional arguments:
  adist                 the input file D*N, Rows: D features and columns: N samples OR 
                        a distance matrix file D*D (rows and columns should be the same and in the same order) 
  clusters              the input file D*N, Rows: D features and columns: N samples OR 
                        a distance matrix file D*D (rows and columns should be the same and in the same order) 

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --metadata METADATA   metadata
  --shapeby SHAPEBY     the input file D*N, Rows: D features and columns: N samples OR 
                        a distance matrix file D*D (rows and columns should be the same and in the same order) 
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        the output directory
  --size-to-plot SIZE_TO_PLOT
                        Minimum size of cluster to be plotted

t-SNE a plot of strains for microbial species in the expanded Human Microbiome Project (HMP1-II)