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LisaMc edited this page Oct 1, 2015 · 7 revisions

Oncoscape is developed at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center under the auspices of the Solid Tumor Translational Research initiative.

Oncoscape is as an SPA -- a single page web application -- using JavaScript in the browser and R (primarily) on the backend server. It is an R package, though the immediate web-facing http server, currently written in R, will likely change over time to a more traditional architecture.

The goal of Oncoscape is to provide browser-based, user-friendly data exploration tools for rich clinical and molecular cancer data, supported by statistically powerful analysis. R is very well-suited to handling data and performing analysis. JavaScript in the browser provides a rich and nimble user experience.

Oncoscape's design encourages custom deployments focused on any clinical/molecular data set. Oncoscape, here at GitHub, ships with patient and molecular data from the TCGA's study of Glioblastoma multiforme.

The following pages describe how to install and run Oncoscape with the necessary data, analysis, and R dependency packages.

  1. System Requirements
  2. Build From Source
  3. Runtime Configuration
  4. Deploy Web Application
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