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Runtime Configuration

LisaMc edited this page Sep 20, 2015 · 1 revision

Configuration files are saved within the Oncoscape module from which they run. For example, see Oncoscape/inst/scripts/apps/oncoscape/runOncoscapeApp-7777.R This first defines the app to run (scriptDir), user email for login (userID), datasets to load (current.datasets), and port to host (port), then launches Oncoscape within the browser.

scriptDir <- "apps/oncoscape"
stopifnot(nchar(Sys.getenv("ONCOSCAPE_USER_DATA_STORE")) > 0)
userID <- ""
current.datasets <- c("DEMOdz")
port <- 11005
onco <- OncoDev14(port=port, scriptDir=scriptDir, userID=userID, datasetNames=current.datasets)
if([["nodename"]] != "lopez") 
   browseURL(sprintf("http://localhost:%d", port))
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