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Use PATCH instead of PUT for v2 image modification
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With the previous partial put syntax in the v2 api, it was not possible
to delete image properties. This patch provides a more expressive syntax
in the form of the HTTP PATCH verb. This implementation depends on the
`application/openstack-images-v2.0-json-patch` content-type which is
intended to be a compatible subset of application/json-patch.

Addresses bug 1039821.

Change-Id: I510ab397f9b8b5bd1deec0fb25855e305e7ec86e
  • Loading branch information
Mark Washenberger authored and bcwaldon committed Sep 3, 2012
1 parent 3be5630 commit 9c94a72
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Showing 4 changed files with 630 additions and 128 deletions.
234 changes: 211 additions & 23 deletions glance/api/v2/
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
import copy
import datetime
import json
import re
import urllib

import webob.exc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,21 +149,29 @@ def show(self, req, image_id):
return self._append_tags(req.context, image)

def update(self, req, image_id, image):
def update(self, req, image_id, changes):
self._enforce(req, 'modify_image')
is_public = image.get('is_public')
if is_public:
self._enforce(req, 'publicize_image')
tags = self._extract_tags(image)

context = req.context
image = self.db_api.image_update(req.context, image_id, image)
image = self.db_api.image_get(context, image_id)
except (exception.NotFound, exception.Forbidden):
msg = ("Failed to find image %(image_id)s to update" % locals())
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg)

image = self._normalize_properties(dict(image))
updates = self._extract_updates(req, image, changes)

tags = None
if len(updates) > 0:
tags = self._extract_tags(updates)
purge_props = 'properties' in updates
image = self.db_api.image_update(context, image_id, updates,
except (exception.NotFound, exception.Forbidden):
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()
image = self._normalize_properties(dict(image))

v2.update_image_read_acl(req, self.db_api, image)

Expand All @@ -175,6 +184,76 @@ def update(self, req, image_id, image):'image.update', image)
return image

def _extract_updates(self, req, image, changes):
""" Determine the updates to pass to the database api.
Given the current image, convert a list of changes to be made
into the corresponding update dictionary that should be passed to
Changes have the following parts
op - 'add' a new attribute, 'replace' an existing attribute, or
'remove' an existing attribute.
path - A list of path parts for determining which attribute the
the operation applies to.
value - For 'add' and 'replace', the new value the attribute should
For the current use case, there are two types of valid paths. For base
attributes (fields stored directly on the Image object) the path
must take the form ['<attribute name>']. These attributes are always
present so the only valid operation on them is 'replace'. For image
properties, the path takes the form ['properties', '<property name>']
and all operations are valid.
Future refactoring should simplify this code by hardening the image
abstraction such that database details such as how image properties
are stored do not have any influence here.
updates = {}
property_updates = image['properties']
for change in changes:
path = change['path']
if len(path) == 1:
assert change['op'] == 'replace'
key = change['path'][0]
if key == 'is_public' and change['value']:
self._enforce(req, 'publicize_image')
updates[key] = change['value']
assert len(path) == 2
assert path[0] == 'properties'
update_method_name = '_do_%s_property' % change['op']
assert hasattr(self, update_method_name)
update_method = getattr(self, update_method_name)
update_method(property_updates, change)
updates['properties'] = property_updates
return updates

def _do_replace_property(self, updates, change):
""" Replace a single image property, ensuring it's present. """
key = change['path'][1]
if key not in updates:
msg = _("Property %s does not exist.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(msg % key)
updates[key] = change['value']

def _do_add_property(self, updates, change):
""" Add a new image property, ensuring it does not already exist. """
key = change['path'][1]
if key in updates:
msg = _("Property %s already present.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(msg % key)
updates[key] = change['value']

def _do_remove_property(self, updates, change):
""" Remove an image property, ensuring it's present. """
key = change['path'][1]
if key not in updates:
msg = _("Property %s does not exist.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(msg % key)
del updates[key]

def delete(self, req, image_id):
self._enforce(req, 'delete_image')
Expand All @@ -196,16 +275,21 @@ def delete(self, req, image_id):

class RequestDeserializer(wsgi.JSONRequestDeserializer):

_readonly_properties = ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'status', 'checksum',
'size', 'direct_url', 'self', 'file', 'schema']
_reserved_properties = ['owner', 'is_public', 'location',
'deleted', 'deleted_at']
_base_properties = ['checksum', 'created_at', 'container_format',
'disk_format', 'id', 'min_disk', 'min_ram', 'name', 'size',
'status', 'tags', 'updated_at', 'visibility', 'protected']

def __init__(self, schema=None):
super(RequestDeserializer, self).__init__()
self.schema = schema or get_schema()

def _parse_image(self, request):
output = super(RequestDeserializer, self).default(request)
if not 'body' in output:
msg = _('Body expected in request.')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
body = output.pop('body')
body = self._get_request_body(request)
except exception.InvalidObject as e:
Expand All @@ -218,9 +302,7 @@ def _parse_image(self, request):
# Create a dict of base image properties, with user- and deployer-
# defined properties contained in a 'properties' dictionary
image = {'properties': body}
for key in ['checksum', 'created_at', 'container_format',
'disk_format', 'id', 'min_disk', 'min_ram', 'name', 'size',
'status', 'tags', 'updated_at', 'visibility', 'protected']:
for key in self._base_properties:
image[key] = image['properties'].pop(key)
except KeyError:
Expand All @@ -231,26 +313,132 @@ def _parse_image(self, request):

return {'image': image}

def _check_readonly(image):
for key in ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'status', 'checksum', 'size',
'direct_url', 'self', 'file', 'schema']:
def _get_request_body(self, request):
output = super(RequestDeserializer, self).default(request)
if not 'body' in output:
msg = _('Body expected in request.')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return output['body']

def _check_readonly(cls, image):
for key in cls._readonly_properties:
if key in image:
msg = "Attribute \'%s\' is read-only." % key
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=unicode(msg))

def _check_reserved(image):
for key in ['owner', 'is_public', 'location', 'deleted', 'deleted_at']:
def _check_reserved(cls, image):
for key in cls._reserved_properties:
if key in image:
msg = "Attribute \'%s\' is reserved." % key
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=unicode(msg))

def create(self, request):
return self._parse_image(request)

def _get_change_operation(self, raw_change):
op = None
for key in ['replace', 'add', 'remove']:
if key in raw_change:
if op is not None:
msg = _('Operation objects must contain only one member'
' named "add", "remove", or "replace".')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
op = key
if op is None:
msg = _('Operation objects must contain exactly one member'
' named "add", "remove", or "replace".')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
return op

def _get_change_path(self, raw_change, op):
key = self._decode_json_pointer(raw_change[op])
if key in self._readonly_properties:
msg = "Attribute \'%s\' is read-only." % key
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=unicode(msg))
if key in self._reserved_properties:
msg = "Attribute \'%s\' is reserved." % key
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=unicode(msg))

# For image properties, we need to put "properties" at the beginning
if key not in self._base_properties:
return ['properties', key]
return [key]

def _decode_json_pointer(self, pointer):
""" Parse a json pointer.
Json Pointers are defined in .
The pointers use '/' for separation between object attributes, such
that '/A/B' would evaluate to C in {"A": {"B": "C"}}. A '/' character
in an attribute name is encoded as "~1" and a '~' character is encoded
as "~0".
return pointer.lstrip('/').replace('~1', '/').replace('~0', '~')

def _validate_json_pointer(self, pointer):
""" Validate a json pointer.
We only accept a limited form of json pointers. Specifically, we do
not allow multiple levels of indirection, so there can only be one '/'
in the pointer, located at the start of the string.
if not pointer.startswith('/'):
msg = _('Pointer `%s` does not start with "/".' % pointer)
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
if '/' in pointer[1:]:
msg = _('Pointer `%s` contains more than one "/".' % pointer)
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
if re.match('~[^01]', pointer):
msg = _('Pointer `%s` contains "~" not part of'
' a recognized escape sequence.' % pointer)
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

def _get_change_value(self, raw_change, op):
if 'value' not in raw_change:
msg = _('Operation "%s" requires a member named "value".')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg % op)
return raw_change['value']

def _validate_change(self, change):
if change['op'] == 'delete':
partial_image = {change['path'][-1]: change['value']}
except exception.InvalidObject as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=unicode(e))

def update(self, request):
return self._parse_image(request)
changes = []
valid_content_types = [
if request.content_type not in valid_content_types:
headers = {'Accept-Patch': ','.join(valid_content_types)}
raise webob.exc.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(headers=headers)
body = self._get_request_body(request)
if not isinstance(body, list):
msg = _('Request body must be a JSON array of operation objects.')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
for raw_change in body:
if not isinstance(raw_change, dict):
msg = _('Operations must be JSON objects.')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
op = self._get_change_operation(raw_change)
path = self._get_change_path(raw_change, op)
change = {'op': op, 'path': path}
if not op == 'remove':
change['value'] = self._get_change_value(raw_change, op)
if change['path'] == ['visibility']:
change['path'] = ['is_public']
change['value'] = change['value'] == 'public'
return {'changes': changes}

def _validate_limit(self, limit):
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion glance/api/v2/
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def __init__(self, mapper):
conditions={'method': ['PUT']})
conditions={'method': ['PATCH']})
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