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Distinguish over-quota for volume size and number.
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Fixes LP 1020634

Ensure that exceeding the allowed number of volumes is not
mis-represented in log messages and exception handling as
excessive space usage.

Change-Id: I71ec995c77bc447bfc9221084b057bd8d69a4513
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Eoghan Glynn committed Jul 6, 2012
1 parent b0feaff commit 19631f3
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35 changes: 24 additions & 11 deletions nova/
Expand Up @@ -129,23 +129,36 @@ def allowed_instances(context, requested_instances, instance_type):

def allowed_volumes(context, requested_volumes, size):
"""Check quota and return min(requested_volumes, allowed_volumes)."""
"""Check volume quotas and return breached if any."""
project_id = context.project_id
context = context.elevated()
size = int(size)
requested_gigabytes = requested_volumes * size

allowed = {}
overs = []

used_volumes, used_gigabytes = db.volume_data_get_for_project(context,
quota = get_project_quotas(context, project_id)
allowed_volumes = _get_request_allotment(requested_volumes, used_volumes,
allowed_gigabytes = _get_request_allotment(requested_gigabytes,
usages = dict(volumes=used_volumes, gigabytes=used_gigabytes)

quotas = get_project_quotas(context, project_id)

def _check_allowed(resource, requested):
allow = _get_request_allotment(requested,
if requested and allow < requested:
allowed[resource] = allow

_check_allowed('volumes', requested_volumes)
_check_allowed('gigabytes', requested_volumes * size)

if size != 0:
allowed_volumes = min(allowed_volumes,
int(allowed_gigabytes // size))
return min(requested_volumes, allowed_volumes)
allowed['volumes'] = min(allowed['volumes'],
int(allowed['gigabytes'] // size))

return dict(overs=overs, usages=usages, quotas=quotas, allowed=allowed)

def allowed_floating_ips(context, requested_floating_ips):
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55 changes: 30 additions & 25 deletions nova/tests/
Expand Up @@ -196,31 +196,36 @@ def test_unlimited_cores(self):
self.assertEqual(num_instances, 101)

def test_unlimited_volumes(self):
self.flags(quota_volumes=10, quota_gigabytes=-1)
volumes = quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 100, 1)
self.assertEqual(volumes, 10)
db.quota_create(self.context, self.project_id, 'volumes', None)
volumes = quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 100, 1)
self.assertEqual(volumes, 100)
db.quota_create(self.context, self.project_id, 'volumes', -1)
volumes = quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 100, 1)
self.assertEqual(volumes, 100)
volumes = quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 101, 1)
self.assertEqual(volumes, 101)

def test_unlimited_gigabytes(self):
self.flags(quota_volumes=-1, quota_gigabytes=10)
volumes = quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 100, 1)
self.assertEqual(volumes, 10)
db.quota_create(self.context, self.project_id, 'gigabytes', None)
volumes = quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 100, 1)
self.assertEqual(volumes, 100)
db.quota_create(self.context, self.project_id, 'gigabytes', -1)
volumes = quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 100, 1)
self.assertEqual(volumes, 100)
volumes = quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 101, 1)
self.assertEqual(volumes, 101)
def _do_test_volume_quota(self, resource):

def _validate(result, request, quota, allow):
overs = result['overs']
usages = result['usages']
quotas = result['quotas']
allowed = result['allowed']
self.assertEquals(request > allow, resource in overs)
self.assertEquals(usages[resource], 0)
self.assertEquals(quotas[resource], quota)
self.assertEquals(allowed[resource], allow)

quota_volumes = 10 if resource == 'volumes' else -1
quota_gigabytes = 10 if resource == 'gigabytes' else -1
_validate(quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 100, 1), 100, 10, 10)

db.quota_create(self.context, self.project_id, resource, None)
_validate(quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 100, 1), 100, None, 100)

db.quota_create(self.context, self.project_id, resource, -1)
_validate(quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 100, 1), 100, None, 100)
_validate(quota.allowed_volumes(self.context, 101, 1), 101, None, 101)

def test_volumes_quota(self):

def test_gigabytes_quota(self):

def test_unlimited_floating_ips(self):
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30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions nova/tests/
Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,36 @@ def test_create_delete_volume(self):

def _do_test_create_over_quota(self, resource, expected):
"""Test volume creation over quota."""

def fake_allowed_volumes(context, requested_volumes, size):
return dict(overs=[resource],
usages=dict(gigabytes=999, volumes=9),
quotas=dict(gigabytes=1000, volumes=10),
allowed=dict(gigabytes=0, volumes=0))

self.stubs.Set(nova.quota, 'allowed_volumes', fake_allowed_volumes)

volume_api = nova.volume.api.API()

'description')'expected QuotaError')
except exception.QuotaError as qe:
self.assertTrue(str(qe).endswith('code=%s' % expected))

def test_create_volumes_over_quota(self):

def test_create_gigabytes_over_quota(self):

def test_delete_busy_volume(self):
"""Test volume survives deletion if driver reports it as busy."""
volume = self._create_volume()
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26 changes: 22 additions & 4 deletions nova/volume/
Expand Up @@ -80,11 +80,29 @@ def create(self, context, size, name, description, snapshot=None,
snapshot_id = None

if quota.allowed_volumes(context, 1, size) < 1:
result = quota.allowed_volumes(context, 1, size)

overs = result['overs']
usages = result['usages']
quotas = result['quotas']
allowed = result['allowed']

if allowed['volumes'] < 1:
pid = context.project_id
LOG.warn(_("Quota exceeded for %(pid)s, tried to create"
" %(size)sG volume") % locals())
raise exception.QuotaError(code="VolumeSizeTooLarge")
if 'gigabytes' in overs:
consumed = usages['gigabytes']
limit = quotas['gigabytes']
LOG.warn(_("Quota exceeded for %(pid)s, tried to create "
"%(size)sG volume (%(consumed)dG of %(limit)dG "
"already consumed)") % locals())
code = "VolumeSizeTooLarge"
elif 'volumes' in overs:
consumed = usages['volumes']
LOG.warn(_("Quota exceeded for %(pid)s, tried to create "
"volume (%(consumed)d volumes already consumed)")
% locals())
code = "VolumeLimitExceeded"
raise exception.QuotaError(code=code)

if availability_zone is None:
availability_zone = FLAGS.storage_availability_zone
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