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OpenTDF Platform monorepo enabling the development and integration of _forever control_ of data into new and existing applications. The concept of forever control stems from an increasingly common concept known as zero trust.




Vulnerability Check


Running the Platform Locally

Setting up pre-requisites

  1. Initialize KAS Keys .github/scripts/ -o kas-keys

  2. Stand up the local Postgres database and Keycloak instances using docker-compose up -d --wait.

  3. Copy the opentdf-example.yaml file to opentdf.yaml and update the configuration as needed. Bootstrap Keycloak

       docker run --network opentdf_platform \
          -v "$(pwd)/opentdf.yaml:/home/nonroot/.opentdf/opentdf.yaml" \
          -it provision keycloak -e http://keycloak:8888/auth
  4. Start the platform

    Exposes the server at localhost:8080

    docker run --network opentdf_platform \
       -p "" \
       -v "$(pwd)/kas-keys/:/keys/" \
       -v "$(pwd)/opentdf.yaml:/home/nonroot/.opentdf/opentdf.yaml" \
       -it start



  • Go (see go.mod for specific version)
  • Container runtime
  • Compose - used to manage multi-container applications
  • Buf is used for managing protobuf files. Required for developing services.
  • Optional Air is used for hot-reload development
  • Optional golangci-lint is used for ensuring good coding practices
    • install with brew install golangci-lint
  • Optional grpcurl is used for testing gRPC services

On macOS, these can be installed with brew

brew install buf go golangci-lint goose grpcurl openssl



Migrations are handled automatically by the server. This can be disabled via the config file, as needed. They can also be run manually using the migrate command (go run migrate up).

  1. Configure KAS and Keycloak keys: .github/scripts/ Creates temporary keys for the local KAS and Keycloak Certificate Exchange.
  2. docker-compose up. Starts both the local Postgres database (contains the ABAC policy configuration data) and Keycloak (the local IdP).
    1. Note: You will have to add the localhost.crt as a trusted certificate to do TLS authentication at localhost:8443.
  3. Create an OpenTDF config file: opentdf.yaml
    1. The opentdf-dev.yaml file is the more secure starting point, but you will likely need to modify it to match your environment. This configuration is recommended as it is more secure but it does require valid development keypairs.
    2. The opentdf-example-no-kas.yaml file is simpler to run but less secure. This file configures the platform to startup without a KAS instances and without endpoint authentication.
  4. Provision keycloak: go run provision keycloak. Updates the local Keycloak configuration for local testing and development by creating a realm, roles, a client, and users.
  5. Run the server: go run start. Runs the OpenTDF platform capabilities as a monolithic service.
    1. Alt use the hot-reload development environment air
  6. The server is now running on localhost:8080 (or the port specified in the config file)

Note: support was added to provision a set of fixture data into the database. Run go run provision fixtures -h for more information.

Provisioning Custom Keycloak and Policy Data

To provision a custom Keycloak setup, create a yaml following the format of the sample Keycloak config. You can create different realms with separate users, clients, roles, and groups. Run the provisioning with go run ./service provision keycloak-from-config -f <path-to-your-yaml-file>.


Our native gRPC service functions are generated from proto definitions using Buf.

The Makefile provides command scripts to invoke Buf with the buf.gen.yaml config, including OpenAPI docs, grpc docs, and the generated code.

For convenience, the make toolcheck script checks if you have the necessary dependencies for proto -> gRPC generation.


Key Access Service (KAS)

A KAS controls access to TDF protected content.


To enable KAS, you must have stable asymmetric keypairs configured. The temp keys init script will generate two development keys.


The policy service is responsible for managing policy configurations. It provides a gRPC API for creating, updating, and deleting policy configurations. Docs

How To Add a New Go Module

Within this repo, todefine a new, distinct go module, for example to provide shared functionality between several existing modules, or to define new and unique functionality follow these steps. For this example, we will call our new module lib/foo.

mkdir -p lib/foo
cd lib/foo
go mod init
go work use .

In this folder, create your go code as usual.

Add a and a LICENSE File

A README is recommended to assist with orientation to use of your package. Remember, this will be published to as part of the module documentation.

Make sure to add a LICENSE file to your module to support automated license checks. Feel free to copy the existing (BSD-clear) LICENSE file for most new modules.

Updating the Makefile

  1. Add your module to the MODS variable:

    MODS=protocol/go sdk . examples lib/foo
  2. If required If your project does not generate a built artifact, add a phony binary target to the .PHONY declaration.

    .PHONY: ...existing phony targets... lib/foo/foo
  3. Add your build target to the build phony target.

    build: ...existing targets... lib/foo/foo
  4. Add your build target and rule

    lib/foo/foo: $(shell find lib/foo)
     (cd lib/foo && go build ./...)

Updating the Docker Images

Add any required COPY directives to ./Dockerfile:

COPY lib/foo/ lib/foo/

Updating the Workflow Files

  1. Add your new go.mod directory to the .github/workflows/checks.yaml's go job's line.
  2. Add the module to the license job in the checks workflow as well, especially if you declare any dependencies.
  3. Do the same for any other workflows that should be running on your folder, such as vuln-check and lint.


OpenTDF Platform monorepo enabling the development and integration of _forever control_ of data into new and existing applications. The concept of forever control stems from an increasingly common concept known as zero trust.




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