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opentrack Shortcuts descriptions

Stanisław Halik edited this page Jul 15, 2018 · 4 revisions

This is with opentrack 2.3.10

Opentrack 2.3.10/Options/Shortcuts

The following commands leaves the camera and tracking on. The commands only work while tracking is active.

Center Sets the current view as the “Look straight forward” point. This should be done, while being in the expected working pose.

This can also be done automatically when starting the tracker, by activating the “Center at startup” option. Make sure that you are in the working pose, before starting the tracker.

If the tracker is not centered when using the Start, Toggle or Restart shortcuts, then hit the Center shortcut.

Toggle Pauses and locks view movements. (This is what you would hit before and after using snapviews in DCS or IL2.)

Toggle while held Pauses and locks view movements while held. (This could be used to keep the view on one panel, while consulting an external checklist and flipping the needed switches.)

Zero Snaps your view to “Look straight forward” and locks it. Press again to unlock.

Zero while held Snaps your view to “Look straight forward”, when pressed and returns to the current pose when released.

Zero and zero while held

Pressing Zero then using Zero while held will invert the behavior, looking forward while the Zero while held key isn't pressed.

The following commands turns the camera and tracking on or off. They're active all the time while the software is running.

Start Tracking Turns on camera and begins tracking. (This can take a couple of seconds)

Stop tracking Stops tracking and turns off camera.

Toggle tracking Turns on camera and begins tracking. (This can take a couple of seconds), or Stops tracking and turns off camera.

Restart Tracking Stops tracking and turns off camera and then Turns on camera and begins tracking. (This can take a couple of seconds)

DanTDBV 15/7-2018