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@Microsoft Redmond

Suryadip Basu suryadipbasu
while (human.Alive() != false) { (Life)goals.Achieve() = true; human.Attributes.Add("Happiness"); }

Microsoft Hyderabad

JI QI monominia

@percolate @seismic

Peter Adel YOUSSEF pyoussef
French speaking software engineer

Cairo, Egypt

Benny Tordrup bstordrup
Working as Software Architect at Visma Software A/S (@e-conomic)

Visma Software AS Copenhagen

Scott Kahle wskahle

Wolters Kluwer Chicago

Yueh-Cheng Chang austinyuch
Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS


Jeet Majumdar JeetMajumdar2003
Chemical Engineer by 🧑‍🎓 || Software Engineer By ❤️


Jean Ferreira dos Santos jeanfsantos83
Sou apaixonado por tecnologia, programação e cada dia aprendendo as novas tendências para evoluir meu conhecimento.

MEI - Adm - Gestor Tráfego Salvador-BA

Fred Alberto Rojas-Machu ScorpiusDraconis83
Security and tech software AI networking Technologist development API -CLI individual licensed App audience marketing developer.

@16CentAstrology Inc. Elliot Lake

Thercio therciopo
Sr. software developer with experience in both desktop and web development, familiar with mobile and cloud. With the passion for writing clean and concise code

Vancouver, BC

Jacob Cofman JCofman
I love good coffee, web development and volleyball!


Mel oceanandmtns

Tufts University

Hakucomputers ICT Support hakunagndoro

Hakucomputers ICT Support Somewhere in Africa.

Chris Chagnon ChrisChagnon0889

@Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO

Mandy HP Nguyen MandyHPNguyen
🎯Actively Seeking Jobs🎯 💼 Data Analyst 👩‍🎓MS in Data Analytics & BEc in International Business 📫

Webster University Missouri, USA