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Lucy edited this page Oct 11, 2015 · 6 revisions

Creating Screencasts with Overtone

Instructions on how to create screencasts that incorporate Overtone audio.


If you're happy to pay for software, ScreenFlow works perfectly with Overtone. Otherwise the following is a free alternative:

Adapted from following the "Alternative 1 - Audio routing setup using Jack" Tested May, 2013 on OSX 10.7.5

  1. Get Jack from

  2. Put on headphones to stop any feedback from Speakers to the Built-in Mic.

  3. Always start Jack first to ensure proper detection of the audio applications.

  4. Click Start in the JackPilot.

  5. Now JackRouter becomes visible as an output playback device in Audio Midi Setup.

  6. Select JackRouter as the default device for sound output using gear at bottom of list.

  7. Click Routing in the JackPilot, this opens the Jack Connection Manager.

  8. Start the Clojure REPL and boot Overtone.

  9. Start Quicktime Player and File -> New Screen Recording. Turn the volume slider in the dialog all the way up and select JackRouter as input.

  10. Play some sound (demo (sin-osc [400 400])) and verify that there is sound via Built-in Output. Just to be sure we're working...

  11. Create the audio routing in the Jack Connection Manager. Selections are done by: -- single clicking on Send Ports to mark them blue -- double clicking on Receive Ports to make them red (active).

  12. Single-click on the "Java" listed under Send Ports (Blue highlight)

  13. Double-click on the "Quicktime Player" listed under Receive Ports (Red text)

  14. Keep the "System:capture" connections in order to hear the sounds.

  15. Back to Overtone. A (demo (sin-osc [400 400])) should make a sound that you can hear, and if you look at the screen recording monitor, you will see it.

  16. If you talk, you can also see your voice is being recorded from the external Mic.

  17. Now click the record button in Quicktime Player to start Your Screen & Audio Capture.

  18. Here is where you live-code and create your sounds and explain how to do crazy-awesome things with Overtone.

  19. And then you're done...

  • Quit Qvertone
  • Quit QuickTime Player
  • Click Stop Jack

Now you can listen to the recorded movie, edit and prepare it for uploading to your favorite video-sharing site.

Other Platforms


To screencast you need to compile the last version of ffmpeg (

in terminal do:

git clone git:// ffmpeg

then yo need to compile with x11grab support

go to the source directory and type in terminal:

./configure --enable-gpl --enable-x11grab
sudo make install

if all is ok, you only need to start Jack client, Overtone, Emacs, etc. and, when you are ready, open a terminal in the folder you want to create the video and put this:

(you can change the options in the line below to your preference)

ffmpeg -f jack -i ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 20 -video_size 800x600 -i :0.0 -b:v 2000k example.mpg

then, in *qjackctl (TODO command-line way), connect the SuperCollider ouputs to the ffmpeg inputs and its done..

when you finish, stop the process with ^C. (ctl+c).

lets make videos !