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This is a Multilanguaje Experimental Cloud CMS created with ASP.NET MVC 5.2.3, ASP.NET Web API 2, Entity Framework Code First, Identity 2.0, SQL Server on Azure, Azure Blobs, Angular.js, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap.



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Welcome to thewall9 CMS

This is a Multilanguaje Experimental Cloud CMS with Blog features created with ASP.NET MVC 5.2.2, ASP.NET Web API 2, Entity Framework Code First, Identity 2.0, SQL Server on Azure, Azure Blobs, Angular.js, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap.


Why a Cloud CMS

There are a several reason to create this architecture, here some of them:

  • There is 1 API solution for all websites, we have to maintain just one code environment
  • Each Website is a kind of API Client making calls to the API Layer
  • We can have different website using the same Web Project the only differentiation is Request.Url.Authority and the data return is different
  • We can duplicate websites using the same template but different data
  • We can create a site with just one click
  • There is only 1 admin platform and only 1 customer platform so if we change any of it any customer will see the changes
  • Customers can have many websites in 1 customer platform and with a drop-down they can change the website to configure
  • For Developers: if they want to create a website they just have to know HTML, JavaScript, CSS and a few Razor HTML Helpers


This repository is a Experimental Alpha CMS your are welcome to contribute. Ecommerce features is under development.

We consider this repository a pre-release


  • Database
    • Azure Database
  • Files
    • Azure Blobs
  • Back-end
    • Entity Framework Code First
    • ASP.NET Identity
    • Microsoft ASP.NET Web API
  • Front-end
    • Angular.js
    • jQuery
    • Bootstrap
    • Grunt.js

Installation CMS

  1. Download the code and open the solution in Visual Studio

  2. Go to project open the file Migrations/Configuration.cs to setting up your database

  3. Change this values with your own data, this is the values of thr root or main user.

public const string EmailRoot = "[YOUR ROOT EMAIL]"; public const string NameRoot = "[YOUR ROOT NAME]";

4. Execute Migrations with the Package manager Console, be sure in the Package manager Console the project `` is selected and the **Startup Project** is `thewall9.api`

Now you have the database, you can change the location of the database in Web.config thewall9.api

  1. Open Task Runner Explorer, select thewall9.admin and execute build task.
  2. Press F5 or Start Debugging, be sure the Startup Project is thewall9.api. This will open a browser with this url http://localhost:2497/ I call this URL API_URL all websites will point to this API URL. You can change this URL if you want.
  3. Open in your IIS Express thewall9.admin website it will prompt for a username/email and a password. You will put [YOUR ROOT EMAIL] as a username/email and 123456 as a password. Now you are in admin portal.
  4. Now you will create your first website, you will create a copy of site.
    1. Find a file in this folder /webs called SITE.json
    2. Be sure you have installed and running Windows Azure Storage Emulator - v3.4+ otherwise this don't work.
    3. In Admin Portal go to Site section and press Import Site button select the file you already locate called SITE.json and press the Upload button
    4. Now you have a copy of site.
  5. We going to test your copy of site is working
    1. Go to the next repository and open this solution
    2. Open in your IIS Express thewall9.web website
    3. Be sure in thewall9.web Web.config file the value of your Site ID is the same that in your Admin Portal Sites section <add key="SiteID" value="1" />

Now you have running thewall9 CMS in your computer. You are welcome to make contribution via Pull Request.

Installation of Customer Portal

  1. Open Task Runner Explorer, select thewall9.customer and execute build task.
  2. Open Web.config, add this appSetting to point the customer portal to the API
``` 3. Press F5 or Start Debugging, be sure the **Startup Project** is `thewall9.customer`.


Is under development

thewall9 Cloud CMS

I have a cloud solution running right now, if you want an access write me an email to and i can create a site for you. you only have to clone a website project called blank.web in webs solution folder, be sure in Web.config <add key="API_URL" value="" /> is set and you are ready to use the cloud solution

Installation using the Cloud CMS

  1. Create a Blank Website Project

  2. Install from NUGET thewall9CMS in your website

Install-Package thewall9CMS -Pre

3. Find the file Global.asax and extend from `thewall9.web.parent.Thewall9Application`
4. Be sure you have the right values for this settings

<add key="SiteID" value="1" />
<add key="API_URL" value="http://localhost:2497/" />
  1. If you want to create a site in the cloud platform write me an email to and i will create a SiteID for you.

Websites running in thewall9 Cloud CMS

Examples (Source Code)


This is a Multilanguaje Experimental Cloud CMS created with ASP.NET MVC 5.2.3, ASP.NET Web API 2, Entity Framework Code First, Identity 2.0, SQL Server on Azure, Azure Blobs, Angular.js, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap.







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