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ipmr v0.0.6

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@levisc8 levisc8 released this 13 Dec 15:33
· 10 commits to main since this release

This is a maintenance to release to ensure compatibility with the upcoming release of purrr. There aren't any major changes. A couple features have been added, and some bugs have been fixed.


  • Adds an as.matrix() method for ipmr_ipm and ipmr_matrix. This strips the ipmr_matrix class away, and returns a matrix/array object. When called on an ipmr_ipm, it returns a list of sub-kernels that are just standard matrix/array objects. Thanks for @Aariq for requesting this (#63).

Bug fixes

  • The title in conv_plot is now correctly updated when there are multiple parameter sets used to construct an IPM. Previously, the title was always something like lamdba_1, regardless of which level of parameter set was being plotted. Thanks to @SanneE1 for pointing this out (#64).

  • Clarifies some error messages.

  • Removes automatic faceting in plot.*, as that usually failed when too many kernels were present. Instead, just use the nrow and ncol arguments to the function now.