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SipHash: a fast short-input PRF

I've written a VHDL implementation of the SipHash pseudorandom function, as described in the original paper by Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Daniel J. Bernstein.

The implementation is validated against the test values provided in the paper and the C reference implementation.

This implementation provides SipHash-c-2c, with the default of SipHash-2-4.


From the official website:

SipHash is a family of pseudorandom functions (a.k.a. keyed hash functions) optimized for speed on short messages.

Target applications include network traffic authentication and defense against hash-flooding DoS attacks.

SipHash is secure, fast, and simple (for real):

  • SipHash is simpler and faster than previous cryptographic algorithms (e.g. MACs based on universal hashing)
  • SipHash is competitive in performance with insecure non-cryptographic algorithms (e.g. MurmurHash)

We propose that hash tables switch to SipHash as a hash function. Users of SipHash already include FreeBSD, OpenDNS, Perl 5, Ruby, or Rust.


Operation is rising edge-triggered, with the exception of the asynchronous reset.

Clock signal:

The input clk must be driven by a constant clock signal.

Asynchronous reset:

During normal operation, the reset_n input must be driven high. In the event that reset_n is driven low, all internal registers will be reset, the existing key value will be erased, and the hash output will reset to an undefined value.

Key Loading:

With the load_k input asserted, provide the k_0 and k_1 values in the m input, sequentially.

This key value remains stored and will be used by all subsequent hash calculations, until new values are loaded, or an asynchronous reset is triggered.

It should be noted that a new key value may be loaded in the interval after the last block of a hash calculation is processed and the next calculation begins. This allows for consecutive calculation of hashes with different keys with no performance penalty, if so desired.



It is possible to begin calculating a new hash when the output init_ready is asserted. To begin hashing, assert the init input when providing the first block. If the init input is asserted when init_ready is low, the previous hash calculation is aborted and a new calculation begins.


At every clock provide a block of up to 64 bits to be hashed in the input m. Byte order is little-endian. b must be set to the number of valid bytes present in the input block, until the last block. Unused bytes must be driven 0.

End of input is signaled by b with a value less than 8, indicating the last block of input. If the last input block is 64 bits in size, this must be treated as if a 0 bit block followed, so that after the last valid input block, b and m must be driven 0 for another clock cycle.


Wait until the hash_ready output is asserted, then the result may be read at the hash ouptut. This value will remain until a new hash calculation is finished, or an asynchronous reset is triggered. The hash_ready output will remain asserted until one cycle after a new hash calculation is initiated.

It should be noted that consecutive hash calculations may overlap by one clock cycle, because the init_ready signal is asserted before hash_ready. If this happens, the hash_ready output will be asserted for a single clock cycle, as soon as the previous hash calculation is complete.

Test bench

The included Makefile requires ghdl. Run make to compile (please don't use -j, ghdl gets confused):


To run the test bench, run

make run

which should print test vector ok if everything goes right. If any hashes fail, assertion error messages should be triggered.

Implementation and performance considerations

This design is intended to be a good compromise between a minimalistic version, with only a half-SipRound present in hardware, and a fully unrolled version with max(c,d) SipRounds in series.

The fully unrolled variant was found to not be advantageous in practice, because the latency of the full d SipRounds used in finalization must be present in the clock period for every c SipRound compression iteration (assuming d > c).

Performance is bottlenecked by the 2c 64-bit adders present in the critical path. FPGA architectures are not well suited for implementing adders other than ripple-carry, so perhaps an ASIC implementation using carry-lookahead adders will see dramatic performance improvements.

Using a Cyclone II FPGA as target (EP2C20F484C7), the compilation results are as follows:

  • Maximum frequency: 44.65 MHz
  • Logic elements: 1.653
  • Registers: 523


J.-P. Aumasson and D. J. Bernstein, “SipHash: a fast short-input PRF.” 18-Sep-2012.


This design is licensed under the GPLv3 license.

Copyright (c) 2015, Pedro Brito


A VHDL implementation of SipHash







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