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MONDRIAN: Release 3.0.0.
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julianhyde committed Feb 15, 2008
1 parent a9b539f commit 3ad9852
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@@ -1,21 +1,36 @@
Mondrian release notes
Mondrian release notes


mondrian- is first production release of
mondrian-2.4 release.
mondrian- is first milestone of the mondrian-3.0

This release is beta quality code; major functionality is
complete, but there are significant known bugs and this
release should not be used for production applications.

This release will be followed by one or more 'release
candidate' releases, then a production release.


As usual, there are two distributions for this release:
* mondrian-<version>.zip contains the FoodMart dataset in
SQL and Access format
* mondrian-<version> contains the FoodMart
* mondrian-<version> contains the FoodMart
dataset as an Apache Derby database

Each distribution contains the full mondrian source code, as
mondrian-<version>, documentation including
generated API documentation, and a web archive mondrian.war.
This web archive contains all classes and libraries (jars)
necessary to run mondrian.

This release runs on Java version 1.5 and higher. For
backwards compatibility on Java 1.4, substitute
mondrian-jdk14.jar for mondrian.jar, and add
Expand All @@ -28,41 +43,74 @@ or the included file doc/installation.html.
Main functionality in this release

* Aggregate distinct-count measures. This allows aggregations
of distinct count measures to compute properly over a range
of selections (for example, show me a count of all new
customers from January through July).

* Generate SQL with the GROUPING SETS SQL construct, for
databases which support it. By leveraging Grouping Sets,
Mondrian can reduce the number of SQL queries necessary to
full an MDX request, and databases can often execute the
combined queries more efficiently than the individual
queries. Grouping Sets are currently supported in Oracle,
DB2, Teradata and Microsoft SQL Server.

* New MDX functions Extract, Generate, Iif(bool,bool,bool),
Len, Left, Mid, UCase.

* Support for Apache Virtual File System (VFS) URLs.
* Improved dimension sharing. Allow a shared dimension to be
use used more than once within the same cube.

* Virtual cube enhancements. When a cube that uses the same
dimension twice is involved in a virtual cube,
disambiguate which usage of the dimension is involved.
Allow the virtual cube to use the same cube more than

* olap4j API. olap4j is the Open Java API for OLAP
( From mondrian-3.0 onwards, olap4j
is the main API for connecting to mondrian, browsing
metadata and executing queries.

Mondrian's previous API (classes in the mondrian.olap
package) still exists but is deprecated; from mondrian-3.1
onwards, classes and methods in this API may not exist,
may not work, or may change.

* Scalar functions. Many scalar functions have been added in
mondrian-3.0, to the the specification of the Visual Basic
for Applications (VBA) and Excel libraries that are
available by default in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis
Services (SSAS) and that many MDX users assume are part of
the core MDX language.

Function list: Abs, Acosh, Asc, AscB, AscW, Asin, Asinh,
Atan2, Atanh, Atn, Cache, CBool, CByte, CDate, CDbl, Chr,
ChrB, ChrW, CInt, Cos, Cosh, Date, DateAdd, DateDiff,
DatePart, DateSerial, DateValue, Day, DDB, Degrees,
DrilldownLevel, DrilldownLevelBottom, DrilldownLevelTop,
Exp, Fix, FormatCurrency, FormatDateTime, FormatNumber,
FormatPercent, FV, Hex, Hour, InStrRev, Int, IPmt, IRR,
IsDate, LCase, Log, Log10, LTrim, Minute, MIRR, Month,
MonthName, Now, NPer, NPV, Oct, Percentile, Pi, Pmt,
Power, PPmt, PV, Radians, Rate, Replace, Right, Round,
RTrim, Second, Sgn, Sin, Sinh, SLN, Space, Sqr, SqrtPi,
Str, StrComp, String, StrReverse, SYD, Tan, Tanh, Time,
Timer, TimeSerial, TimeValue, Trim, TypeName, Val,
Weekday, WeekdayName, Year.

We have added additional forms to existing functions:
Descendants(<Member>, , LEAVES); Format can now be applied
to DateTime values; Iif can be applied to member, level,
hierarchy, dimension and tuple and set values; Levels can
be applied to a string expression.

* Aggregate roles. You can now define a role in the schema
that has the sum of the privileges of two or more roles;
and you can connect to mondrian with one or more roles.
This facility enables closer integration with Pentaho
access-control, where a user can already exist in multiple

* Cell-level access-control. In mondrian-2.4, if access to a
hierarchy is restricted, the value of a member is equal to
the sum of its children; in mondrian-3.0, the
HierarchyGrant element has a rollupPolicy attribute whose
values are 'full', 'partial' or 'hidden'.

* JNDI in connect string. JDBC data sources can be specified
by their JNDI name.

API changes in this release

* DynamicSchemaProcessor. Moved the
mondrian.rolap.DynamicSchemaProcessor interface to package
mondrian.spi. The processSchema(URL, PropertyList) method
now has signature processSchema(String, PropertyList), and
the URL is intended to be interpreted as an Apache VFS
URL. Class mondrian.spi.impl.FilterDynamicSchemaProcessor
is a partial implementation.

* Various methods which used String or String[] to lookup
multi-part identifiers such as '[Store].[USA].[CA]'
now take Id.Segment or List<Id.Segment>. The previous
methods are deprecated and will be removed in mondrian-2.5.

* Removed various deprecated methods which used String or
String[] to lookup multi-part identifiers. Methods:
* Formula.Formula(String[], exp)
* Formula.Formula(String[], Exp, MemberProperty[])
* QueryPart.addFormula(String[], Exp, MemberProperty[])
Expand All @@ -76,7 +124,7 @@ API changes in this release
boolean, int)
* Util.lookup(Query, String[])

* Also scheduled for removal in mondrian-2.5:
* Removed other deprecated methods:
* Query.getQueryString()
* QueryPart.toMdx()
* RolapSchema.flushSchema(String, String, String, String)
Expand All @@ -85,73 +133,84 @@ API changes in this release
* RolapSchema.flushRolapStarCaches(boolean)
* RolapSchema.flushAllRolapStarCachedAggregations()
* CachePool.flush()

Bugs and feature requests fixed since mondrian-2.3
* MondrianServer.flushSchemaCache()
* MondrianServer.flushDataCache()
* DriverManager.getConnection(String, CatalogLocator,
* DriverManager.getConnection(Util.PropertyList, boolean)
* DriverManager.getConnection(Util.PropertyList,
CatalogLocator, boolean)
* DriverManager.getConnection(Util.PropertyList,
CatalogLocator, DataSource, boolean)
* RolapMember.getSqlKey()
* MondrianProperties.CachePoolCostLimit (property
* MondrianProperties.FlushAfterQuery (property

Bugs and feature requests fixed since mondrian-2.4

* Bug 1630754 max constraints sql exception
* Bug 1771928 Max() works incorrectly in with negative
* Bug 1773996 mondrian.rolap.CellKey.Zero does not equal
* Bug 1466221 Aggregate - Performance improvement
* Bug 1689525 mondrian.olap.Query.canRemoveFormula() always
returns true
* Bug 1578545 ClassCastException in AggQuerySpec
* Bug 1719828 Dimension Property Member_Key not supported
* Bug 1755569 Incorrect return type resolution if UDF
returns a member
* Bug 1733107 NAME property should be Internal when created
in RolapLevel
* Bug 1767798 Hang waiting for segment to load
* Bug 1768410 UnsupportedOperationException
* Bug 1760319 Exception in loading segment data
* Bug 1751352 Parser should not require braces around range
op in WITH SET
* Bug 1735821 Null pointer exception in TupleFunDef and
* Bug 1735839 Shared Tables with Two Separate Aliases Fail
* Bug 1721468 "unknown usage" messages
* Bug 1721514 "unknown usage" messages
* Bug 1651936 stack overflow for slicer on
NonEmptyCrossJoin named set
* Bug 1714525 Return <fmtValue> only if FORMATTED_VALUE
* Bug 1711865 NullPointerException for certain mdx using
[Sales 2]
* Bug 1710913 Query with Filter(..., Count ...) corrupts
* Bug 1708327 Parent child hierarchies without closures are
* Bug 1706434 Implicit MDX Conversion from Numeric to
* Bug 1696772 MetricFilterTest.testMetricFiltersWithNoSubtotals
* Bug 1694994"CAPTION") is not working
* Bug 1522440 Parent/Child-Hierarchy: wrong sql-queries /
wrong calculatio
* Bug 1675125 Closure tables do not work in a Snowflake
* Bug 1603653 Avg - cast problem in Mondrian 2.1.1
* Bug 1688968 clone() method wrong type in req.
* Bug 1691231 xmlaTest.jsp compilation error
* Bug 1690406 XmlaBasicTest.testDrillThrough fails - Sql
* Bug 1690245 Role "No HR Cube" can select against HR cube
* Bug 1614438 CalculatedMember.formatString attribute
* Bug 1238582 Overflowing of numeric literal in MDX
* Bug 1661288 NullPointerException in
* Bug 1688645 High precision number in MDX causes overflow
* Bug 1688139 BasicQueryTest.testNonEmptyCrossJoin hangs
* Bug 1778358 NPE aggregating distinct-count measure in
virtual cube
* Bug 1438285 nameColumn cannot be column in level definition
* Bug 1889745 StackOverflowError while resolving crossjoin
* Bug 1883611 exception when Iif has a tuple and a member
as its arguments
* Bug 1681255 RolapNativeFilter:can not restrict SQL to
calculated Members
* Bug 1728980 Query generated by Excel 2007 gives
incorrect results
* Bug 1732824 Cube getTimeDimension use when Cube has no
Time dimension
* Bug 1743819 document MondrianProperties.JdbcFactoryClass
* Bug 1791524 Virtual Cubes dont support Named sets in the
* Bug 1838148 Allow drill-through from trivial calc
* Bug 1852359 Error when we use hierarchy name on the
“HierarchyGrant” for
* Bug 1881739 ClassCastException while compiling an
Integer Expression
* Bug 1797159 Potential MDX Order Non Empty Problem
* Bug 1689592 max constraints sql exception
* Bug 1862024 com.tonbeller.jpivot.olap.model.OlapException:
* Bug 1735827 Shared Tables and native NonEmptyCrossJoin
* Bug 1833532 out of
memory errors
* Bug 1833526 Member Cache Not Clearing As Expected
* Bug 1833528 Dimensions with re-aliased table names in
virtual cubes fail
* Bug 1835125 Caption is not set on RolapVirtualCubeMesure
* Bug 1785406 "Query already contains alias" exception
* Bug 1746362 property column shifting when use
* Bug 1801945 DrillDownMemberTop / DrillDownMemberBottom
are not supported
* Bug 1816112 MSAS Compatibility issue, Empty Params in
* Bug 1812123 Incorrect XmlaResponse from XmlaHandler
* Bug 1796732 RolapMember keyToString not returning name
for Id.Segment
* Bug 1801218 XMLA execute + tabular format
* Bug 1784617 Using StrToTuple() in schema errors out
* Bug 1799050 XMLA Failure
* Bug 1799391 Case Test function throws class cast

* RFE 1611239 Support SOLVE_ORDER in Schema file
* RFE xxxxxxx desc
* RFE 1756302 Add more arithmetic functions (power, log,
* RFE 1239106 Add string functions (substring etc.)
* RFE 1863097 Log For Mdx
* RFE 692482 Graphical schema editor
* RFE 778424 getDrillThroughSQL() fix/mod
* RFE 1111052 Exploit sql rollup and cube group-by options
* RFE 1824609 Support for Aggregating Distinct Count
Measures over list of
* RFE 1604972 Retrieve list of named sets by xmla request
* RFE 1863108 Log For Mdx
* RFE 1407747 Formatters for calculated members


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