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Mini Babel 17

phlegmaticprogrammer edited this page Oct 10, 2010 · 67 revisions

Mini Babel-17

Mini Babel-17 is a simple subset of Babel-17. It is a kind of “bare bones” purely functional structured programming language.

Resource Description
arXiv:1007.3023 research paper describing the concept of purely functional structured programming
minib17.ML the operational semantics of Mini Babel-17 as a Standard ML program
minib17.jar interpreter for Mini Babel-17

Running the interpreter

To run the Mini Babel-17 interpreter, you need Java 1.6 or higher to be installed on your system. Then, for example to execute the file test.b17, enter: java -jar minib17.jar test.b17.
The interpreter supports exactly the language described in the research paper. The binary operations that the interpreter supports are:

Binary Operation Notation
function application f g
addition and subtraction of integers a + b, a - b
multiplication of integers a * b
euclidean division and modulo of integers a / b, a % b
comparison of arbitrary non-functions a == b, a != b, a < b, a <= b, a > b, a >= b
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