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A small play around with processing aggregate click data using Esper and RabbitMQ. It's a work-in-progress so we'll see how it goes. Here's my notes so far on what needs to be done to get up and running.


  • Leiningen. Follow the instructions within the section "Installation".
  • RabbitMQ. This can be installed by installing Home Brew and running brew install rabbitmq.

Running from the REPL

Esper Listener

Start a REPL by running lein repl in the project root. Then you can run the following commands:

Clojure 1.1.0
user=> (use 'redirectly-realtime.esper :reload)
user=> (attach-listener count-statement print-listener)
user=> (send-event {"keyword" "this is the keyword"} "ClickEvent")

This will produce a response of:

Mar 8, 2010 4:18:49 PM clojure.contrib.logging$eval__100$impl_write_BANG___111 invoke
INFO: (last 30 seconds): keyword= this is the keyword, sum= 1

RabbitMQ Publisher + Subscriber

Start a REPL by running lein repl in the project root. Then, to start the client, run the following:

Clojure 1.1.0
user=> (use 'redirectly-realtime.rabbit :reload)                                    
user=> (with-open [channel (create-channel)]
(setup-channel channel "clicks-exchange" "click-queue-1" "some-routing-key")
(listen-loop channel "click-queue-1" handle-delivery))

This will block whilst waiting for messages to be delivered. To send a message, you'll need to start another REPL with lein repl and run:

Clojure 1.1.0
user=> (use 'redirectly-realtime.rabbit :reload)
user=> (with-open [channel (create-channel)] (send-message channel "clicks-exchange" "some-routing-key" "some message here again"))

If you switch back to the first window you should see a message:

Mar 8, 2010 5:17:37 PM clojure.contrib.logging$eval__100$impl_write_BANG___111 invoke
INFO: Received Hello World!

Multiple listeners can be connected by binding their own queue to the exchange. In a new REPL window, run the following:

Clojure 1.1.0
user=> (use 'redirectly-realtime.rabbit :reload)                                    
user=> (with-open [channel (create-channel)]
(setup-channel channel "clicks-exchange" "click-queue-2" "some-routing-key")
(listen-loop channel "click-queue-2" handle-delivery))

This will bind the click-queue-2 to the clicks-exchange exchange. Send a message (as before) and it should appear in both sessions.

Sample App Micro-Benchmark

The redirectly-realtime.sample namespace includes some things to make it easier to test a publisher and consumer, as well as time the overall throughput.

Having built the application with lein uberjar, run java -server -cp redirectly-realtime-standalone.jar redirectly_realtime.sample --run client to start the client process. Run java -server -cp redirectly-realtime-standalone.jar redirectly_realtime.sample --run publisher to start the publisher.

The client should report

INFO: Starting Esper/RabbitMQ sample. Logging with org.apache.commons.logging

Upon starting the publisher you should also see log messages showing the output from the Esper listener:

INFO: Sample Keyword Here (1)
INFO: Sample Keyword Here (2)
INFO: Sample Keyword Here (10000)

The publisher will also print it's elapsed time:

Elapsed time: 11708.645 msecs


realtime fun with clojure, esper and rabbitmq






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