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FFT3DFilter v2.5

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@pinterf pinterf released this 02 Jul 14:25
· 36 commits to master since this release

FFT3DFilter v2.4

Change log

FFT3DFilter v2.5 (20180702)
  - 32bit Float YUV: Chroma center to 0.0 instead of 0.5, to match new Avisynth+ r2728-

FFT3DFilter v2.4 (20170608)
  - some inline asm (not all) ported to simd intrisics, helps speedup x64 mode, but some of them faster also on x86.
  - intrinsics bt=0 
  - intrinsics bt=2, degrid=0, pfactor=0
  - intrinsics bt=3 sharpen=0/1 dehalo=0/1
  - intrinsics bt=3
  - Adaptive MT settings for Avisynth+: MT_SERIALIZED for bt==0 (temporal), MT_MULTI_INSTANCE for others
  - Copy Alpha plane if exists
  - reentrancy checks against bad multithreading usage
    Note: for properly operating in MT_SERIALIZED mode in Avisynth MT, please use Avs+ r2504 or better.

FFT3DFilter v2.3 (20170221)
  - apply current avs+ headers
  - 10-16 bits and 32 bit float colorspace support in AVS+
  - Planar RGB support
  - look for libfftw3f-3.dll first, then fftw3.dll
  - inline asm ignored on x64 builds
  - pre-check: if plane to process for greyscale is U and/or V return original clip
  - auto register MT mode for avs+: MT_SERIALIZED

Previous versions by Fizick and martin53

Original Docs: