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PlaceKit JS Client

Location data, search and autocomplete for your apps


FeaturesQuick startReferenceLicenseExamples

PlaceKit JavaScript Client abstracts interactions with our API, making your life easier. We highly recommend to use it instead of accessing our API directly.

👉 If you're looking for a full Autocomplete experience, have a look at our standalone PlaceKit Autocomplete JS library, or check out our examples to learn how to integrate with an existing components library.

✨ Features

  • Featherweight, zero-dependency HTTP client
  • Works both on the browser and node.js
  • Integrates with your preferred stack and autocomplete components (see examples)
  • TypeScript compatible

🎯 Quick start


First, install PlaceKit JavaScript Client using npm package manager:

npm install --save @placekit/client-js

Then import the package and perform your first address search:

// CommonJS syntax:
const placekit = require("@placekit/client-js/lite");

// ES6 Modules syntax:
import placekit from "@placekit/client-js/lite";

const pk = placekit("<your-api-key>", {
});"Paris").then((res) => {

👉 Check out our examples for different use cases and advance usages!


First, add this line before the closing </body> tag in your HTML to import PlaceKit JavaScript Client:

<script src=""></script>

Then it works the same as the node example above. After importing the library, placekit becomes available as a global:

  const pk = placekit("<your-api-key>", {
  });"Paris").then((res) => {

Or if you are using native ES Modules:

<script type="module">
  import placekit from "";
  const pk = placekit(/* ... */);
  // ...

🧰 Reference

PlaceKit Client JS exports two versions of the client:

Version Path Methods Modules
Lite @placekit/client-js/lite Search methods ESM, CJS, UMD
Extended @placekit/client-js All methods ESM, CJS
  • Lite version has an optimized bundle size for the browser, but works also in the back-end.
  • Extended version methods require a private API key that you should never expose to the browser–it is intended for the back-end only.

Lite and Extended:



PlaceKit initialization function returns a PlaceKit client, named pk in all snippets below.

// Lite version, CommonJS syntax:
const placekit = require("@placekit/client-js/lite");

// Lite version, ES6 Modules syntax:
import placekit from "@placekit/client-js/lite";

// Extended version, CommonJS syntax:
const placekit = require("@placekit/client-js");

// Extended version, ES6 Modules syntax:
import placekit from "@placekit/client-js";

// Initialize PlaceKit client
const pk = placekit("<your-api-key>", {
  countries: ["fr"],
  language: "en",
  maxResults: 10,
Parameter Type Description
apiKey string API key
options key-value mapping (optional) Global parameters (see options).

Performs a search and returns a Promise, which response is a list of results alongside some request metadata. The options passed as second parameter override the global parameters only for the current query."Paris", {
  countries: ["fr"],
  maxResults: 5,
}).then((res) => {
Parameter Type Description
query string Search terms
opts key-value mapping (optional) Search-specific parameters (see options).


Performs a reverse geocoding search and returns a Promise, which response is a list of results alongside some request metadata. The options passed as first parameter override the global parameters only for the current query. Any coordinates previously set as option would be overriden by the coordinates passed as first argument.

  coordinates: "48.871086,2.3036339",
  countries: ["fr"],
  maxResults: 5,
}).then((res) => {
Parameter Type Description
opts key-value mapping (optional) Search-specific parameters (see options).


  • If you omit options.coordinates, it'll use coordinates from global parameters set when instanciating with placekit() or with pk.configure().


Read-only to access global options persistent across all API calls that are set at initialization and with pk.configure(). Options passed at query time in override global parameters only for that specific query.

console.log(pk.options); // { "language": "en", "maxResults": 10, ... }
Option Type Default Description
countries string[]? undefined Countries to search in, default to current IP country. Array of two-letter ISO country codes(1).
language string? undefined Preferred language for the results(1), two-letter ISO language code. Supported languages are en and fr. By default the results are displayed in their country's language.
types string[]? undefined Type of results to show. Array of accepted values: street, city, country, administrative, airport, bus, county, train, townhall, tourism. Prepend - to omit a type like ['-bus']. Unset to return all.
maxResults integer? 5 Number of results per page.
coordinates string? undefined Coordinates to search around. Automatically set when calling pk.requestGeolocation().
forwardIP string? undefined Set x-forwarded-for header to forward the provided IP for back-end usages (otherwise it'll use the server IP).

[1]: See Coverage for more details.


Updates global parameters. Returns void.

  language: "fr",
  maxResults: 5,
Parameter Type Description
opts key-value mapping (optional) Global parameters (see options)


Requests device's geolocation (browser-only). Returns a Promise with a GeolocationPosition object.

pk.requestGeolocation({ timeout: 10000 }).then((pos) =>
Parameter Type Description
opts key-value mapping (optional) navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition options.

The location will be store in the coordinates global options, you can still manually override it.


Clear device's geolocation stored with pk.requestGeolocation.


The global option coordinates will be deleted and pk.hasGeolocation will be set to false.


Reads if device geolocation is activated or not (read-only).

console.log(pk.hasGeolocation); // true or false


⚠️ Restricted to private API keys, do NOT expose the private key to the browser.

List, filter and paginate patch records.

// get all patches, paginated
pk.patch.list().then((res) => {

// filter and paginate patches
    status: "approved",
    maxResults: 10,
    offset: 10,
  .then((res) => {
Parameter Type Description
opts key-value mapping (optional) Search options.
opts.status ('pending' | 'approved')? Publication status.
opts.query string? Terms filter.
opts.countries string[]? Countries filter, array of two-letter ISO country codes.
opts.types string[]? Types filter, array of accepted values: street, city, administrative, airport, bus, county, train, townhall, tourism. Prepend - to omit a type like ['-bus']. Unset to return all.
opts.language string? undefined
opts.maxResults number? Maximum number of results to return.
opts.offset number? Paginate results starting from the offset.

Patch Record status explained

  • pending: only available through Live Patching endpoints,
  • approved: available to end-users through Search endpoints.


⚠️ Restricted to private API keys, do NOT expose the private key to the browser.

Add a missing location or fix an existing one.

// Adding a missing location
const record = {
  type: 'street',
  name: 'New street',
  city: 'Los Angeles',
  county: 'Los Angeles',
  administrative: 'California',
  country: 'United States of America',
  countrycode: 'us',
  coordinates: '33.9955095,-118.472482',
  zipcode: ['90291'],
  population: 3849000,
pk.patch.create(record, { status: 'approved' }).then((record) => {

// Fixing an existing location
  { population: 3849000 },
  { status: 'approved' }
  originalRecord, // original record from `` or `pk.reverse`
).then((record) => {
Parameter Type Description
update key-value mapping Full patch record if adding, at least one property if fixing.
update.type string Record type, one of administrative, airport, bus, city, county, street, tourism, townhall, train. string Record display name (street name, city name, station name...). string Record city name.
update.county string (optional) Record county/province/department.
update.administrative string (optional) Record administrative/region/state. string Record country name.
update.countrycode string Record two-letter ISO country code.
update.coordinates string Record coordinates in format lat,lng.
update.zipcode string[] Record postal/zip code(s).
update.population number Record population of its city.
opts key-value mapping (optional) Patch record options.
opts.status ('pending' | 'approved')? Record status.
opts.language string? Language in which the record is written, two-letter ISO language code.
origin key-value mapping (optional) Original (and complete) record to fix, from or pk.reverse().

Patch Record language explained

Language is always considered as "preferred display language", which means:

  • If you omit opts.language, then details will be set in the default language.
  • If the patch record has a translation but no default, then the first available translation will be used as default.
  • If the patch record misses some translation, it will show the default value for non-translated properties.


⚠️ Restricted to private API keys, do NOT expose the private key to the browser.

Retrieve a patch record by ID.

// get record default language
pk.patch.get("<patch-id>").then((record) => {

// get record FR translation
pk.patch.get("<patch-id>", "fr").then((record) => {
Parameter Type Description
id string Record ID.
language string? Language to get, two-letter ISO language code.


⚠️ Restricted to private API keys, do NOT expose the private key to the browser.

Update a patch record.

// update and publish
    { coordinates: "33.9955095,-118.472482" },
    { status: "approved" }
  .then((record) => {

// update translation
  .update("<patch-id>", { name: "Rue Nouvelle" }, { language: "fr" })
  .then((record) => {

// unpublish
  .update("<patch-id>", undefined, { status: "pending" })
  .then((record) => {
Parameter Type Description
id string Record ID.
update key-value mapping (optional) Updated fields, at least one property must be set if defined.
update.type string One of administrative, airport, bus, city, county, street, tourism, townhall, train. string Record display name (street name, city name, station name...). string Record city name.
update.county string (optional) Record county/province/department.
update.administrative string (optional) Record administrative/region/state. string Record country name.
update.countrycode string Record two-letter ISO country code.
update.coordinates string Record coordinates in format lat,lng.
update.zipcode string[] Record postal/zip code(s).
update.population number Record population of its city.
opts key-value mapping (optional) Patch options.
opts.status ('pending' | 'approved')? Publication status.
opts.language string? Target language, two-letter ISO language code.


⚠️ Restricted to private API keys, do NOT expose the private key to the browser.

Delete a patch record.

Parameter Type Description
id string Record ID.


⚠️ Restricted to private API keys, do NOT expose the private key to the browser.

Delete a patch translation.

pk.patch.deleteLang("<patch-id>", "fr");
Parameter Type Description
id string Record ID.
language string Language to unset, two-letter ISO language code.


  • Deleting a translation will return a 409 error if there is no default language and no other translation available.


⚠️ Restricted to private API keys, do NOT expose the private key to the browser.

Retrieve all application API keys.



⚠️ Restricted to private API keys, do NOT expose the private key to the browser.

Create an application API key.

pk.keys.create("<role>", { domains: [] });
Parameter Type Description
role ('public' | 'private') API key role.
options object? API key options. string[]? Domain restriction.


⚠️ Restricted to private API keys, do NOT expose the private key to the browser.

Retrieve an API key by ID.

Parameter Type Description
id string API key ID.


⚠️ Restricted to private API keys, do NOT expose the private key to the browser.

Update an API key.

pk.keys.update("<key-id>", { domains: [] });
Parameter Type Description
id string API key ID.
options object? API key options. string[]? Domain or IP restriction (for public keys only).


⚠️ Restricted to private API keys, do NOT expose the private key to the browser.

Delete an API key.

Parameter Type Description
id string API key ID.

⚖️ License

PlaceKit JavaScript Client is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.