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The goal of the FACSIMILE project is to create a semantic framework for modeling structured functional assessment data, and demonstrate how such data can be obtained from assessment instruments derived from such a model.


  • Java (version 7+)
  • Apache Ant


The Web application can be deployed using the provided Jetty server, via the script run-generator, or deployed in some other Web server / Java servlet container (local or remotely)

In order to run it locally all you need to do is execute the script run-generator for your operating system (use on UNIX-based systems and run-generator.bat on Windows). Alternatively, one can build form-generator.war using ant, and then deploy it by executing:

java -jar jetty/jetty-runner.jar form-generator.war

The application should then be available at: http://localhost:8085 on any Web browser.

There are several example forms built into the application, which users can experiment with. To generate a new form, users are encouraged to inspect the example forms (and corresponding XML configuration files), and then create an XML file specifying their forms.

sample data

To examine or experiment with sample data generated using this tool, we have placed our ontologies, data gathered using our supplied forms, as well as example SPARQL queries in the ontology folder. The dbq_data_merge.owl ontology file is the starting point. This ontology imports all relevant ontologies needed to run SPARQL queries. We placed some example SPARQL queries under the ontology/sparql folder. To try out these queries, we recommend cloning the entire repository (or the ontology folder), loading the ontology dbq_data_merge.owl into Protégé, and run the sample queries against this ontology using the SPARQL Query plugin.