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Database tables reference

KANekT edited this page Nov 2, 2011 · 1 revision

Database Tables Reference

The following is a complete list of all PunBB 1.3 database tables and their respective fields. Primary key fields are underlined.


	<td> <em class="u">id</em> </td><td> int </td><td> </td><td> The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> username </td><td> varchar(200) </td><td> NULL </td><td> The username this ban applies to. </td>
	<td> ip </td><td> varchar(255) </td><td> NULL </td><td> The IP address(es) or partial IP address(es) this ban applies to. </td>

	<td> email </td><td> varchar(50) </td><td> NULL </td><td> The e-mail address or e-mail address domain name this ban applies to. </td>

	<td> message </td><td> varchar(255) </td><td> NULL </td><td> A message that is displayed for the banned user. </td>
	<td> expire </td><td> int </td><td> NULL </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the day when the ban expires. </td>

	<td> ban_creator </td><td> int </td><td> 0 </td><td> An ID number of user who create the ban. </td>
Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em class="u">id</em> </td><td> int </td><td>  </td><td> The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> cat_name </td><td> varchar(80) </td><td> &#039;New Category&#039; </td><td> The name of the category. </td>
	<td> disp_position </td><td> int </td><td> 0 </td><td> The vertical display position of the category (relative to other categories). </td>

Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>id</em> </td><td> int </td><td>  </td><td> The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> search_for </td><td> varchar(60) </td><td>  </td><td> The term to search for. </td>
	<td> replace_with </td><td> varchar(60) </td><td>  </td><td> The term to replace search_for with. </td>

Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>conf_name</em> </td><td> varchar(255) </td><td>  </td><td> The name of a configuration variable. General configuration options start with the prefix o_ and general permission options start with p_. </td>

	<td> conf_value </td><td> text </td><td> NULL </td><td> The value of the configuration variable conf_name. </td>
Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>id</em>           </td><td> varchar(150) </td><td>      </td><td> The name of hook of extension. </td>

	<td> <em>extension_id</em> </td><td> carchar(50)  </td><td>      </td><td> The name of extension. </td>
	<td> code             </td><td> text         </td><td> NULL </td><td> The code which will place into the hook. </td>

	<td> installed        </td><td> int          </td><td> 0    </td><td> The UNIX timestamp representing the day when the extension was installed. </td>

	<td> priority         </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 5    </td><td> The priority of hook. </td>
Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>id</em>         </td><td> varchar(150) </td><td>      </td><td> The identificator of extension which is used in the code of extension. </td>

	<td> title          </td><td> varchar(255) </td><td>      </td><td> The official name of extension. </td>
	<td> version        </td><td> varchar(25)  </td><td>      </td><td> The version of extension. </td>

	<td> description    </td><td> text         </td><td> NULL </td><td> The description of extension whick containe short functionality of extension. </td>

	<td> author         </td><td> varchar(50)  </td><td>      </td><td> The author or group of authors of extension. </td>
	<td> uninstall      </td><td> text         </td><td> NULL </td><td> The script for uninstall extension. </td>

	<td> uninstall_note </td><td> text         </td><td> NULL </td><td class="col3 rightalign">  </td>

	<td> disabled       </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 0    </td><td> The status of extension - enable or disable. </td>
	<td> dependencies   </td><td> varchar(255) </td><td>      </td><td> The dependence extensions which work specify extension. </td>

Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>group_id</em> </td><td> int     </td><td>   </td><td> The user group for which these permissions apply. Primary key identifier together with forum_id for this table. </td>

	<td> <em>forum_id</em> </td><td> int     </td><td>   </td><td> The forum in which these permissions apply. Primary key identifier together with group_id for this table. </td>
	<td> read_forum   </td><td> tinyint </td><td> 1 </td><td> Allow type of users to read forum. </td>

	<td> post_replies </td><td> tinyint </td><td> 1 </td><td> Allow type of users to post replies in topics. </td>

	<td> post_topics  </td><td> tinyint </td><td> 1 </td><td> Allow type of users to post topics in forums. </td>
Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>id</em>        </td><td> int          </td><td>             </td><td> The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> forum_name    </td><td> varchar(80)  </td><td> &#039;New forum&#039; </td><td> The name of the forum. </td>
	<td> forum_desc    </td><td> text         </td><td> NULL        </td><td> A description of the forum. </td>

	<td> redirect_url  </td><td> varchar(100) </td><td> NULL        </td><td> The <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> to redirect users to upon clicking the forum link on the index page. </td>

	<td> moderators    </td><td> text         </td><td> NULL        </td><td> A serialized <acronym title="Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</acronym> array of moderators. </td>

	<td> num_topics    </td><td> mediumint    </td><td> 0           </td><td> The number of topics the forum contains. </td>

	<td> num_posts     </td><td> mediumint    </td><td> 0           </td><td> The number of posts the forum contains. </td>
	<td> last_post     </td><td> int          </td><td> NULL        </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the last post was made in the forum. </td>

	<td> last_post_id  </td><td> int          </td><td> NULL        </td><td> The ID of the last post that was made in the forum. </td>

	<td> last_poster   </td><td> varchar(200) </td><td> NULL        </td><td> The username (or guest name) of the user that made the last post in the forum. </td>
	<td> sort_by       </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 0           </td><td> 0 = Display topics sorted by last post. 1 = Display topics sorted by topic start. </td>

	<td> disp_position </td><td> int          </td><td> 0           </td><td> The vertical display position of the forum (relative to other forums in the same category). </td>

	<td> cat_id        </td><td> int          </td><td> 0           </td><td> The category in which the forum resides. </td>
Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>g_id</em>               </td><td> int         </td><td>      </td><td> The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> g_title                </td><td> varchar(50) </td><td>      </td><td> The name of the group. </td>
	<td> g_user_title           </td><td> varchar(50) </td><td> NULL </td><td> The title of users in this group. </td>

	<td> g_moderator            </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 0    </td><td class="col3 rightalign">  Allow users moderator privileges. In order for a user in this group to have moderator abilities, he/she must be assigned to moderate one or more forums. </td>

	<td> g_mod_edit_users       </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 0    </td><td> Allow moderators to edit user profiles. </td>
	<td> g_mod_rename_users     </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 0    </td><td> Allow moderators to rename users. </td>

	<td> g_mod_change_passwords </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 0    </td><td> Allow moderators to change user passwords. </td>

	<td> g_mod_ban_users        </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 0    </td><td> Allow moderators to ban users. </td>
	<td> g_read_board           </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 1    </td><td> Allow users to view the board. </td>

	<td> g_view_users           </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 1    </td><td> Allow users to view the user list and user profiles. </td>

	<td> g_post_replies         </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 1    </td><td> Allow users to post replies in topics. </td>
	<td> g_post_topics          </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 1    </td><td> Allow users to post a new topics. </td>

	<td> g_edit_posts           </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 1    </td><td> Allow users to edit their own posts. </td>

	<td> g_delete_posts         </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 1    </td><td> Allow users to delete their own posts. </td>
	<td> g_delete_topics        </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 1    </td><td> Allow users to delete their own topics (including any replies). </td>

	<td> g_set_title            </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 1    </td><td> Allow users to set their own user titles. </td>

	<td> g_search               </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 1    </td><td> Allow users to use the search feature. </td>
	<td> g_search_users         </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 1    </td><td> Allow users to freetext search for users in the user list. </td>

	<td> g_send_email           </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 1    </td><td> Allow users to send e-mails to other users. </td>

	<td> g_post_flood           </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 30   </td><td> Number of seconds that users in this group have to wait between posts. </td>
	<td> g_search_flood         </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 30   </td><td> Number of seconds that users in this group have to wait between searches. </td>

	<td> g_email_flood          </td><td> tinyint     </td><td> 60   </td><td> Number of seconds that users in this group have to wait between e-mails. Set to 0 to disable. </td>
Field Type Default Description


	<td> user_id     </td><td> int          </td><td> 1    </td><td> ID of the user (always 1 for guests). </td>

	<td> ident       </td><td> varchar(200) </td><td>      </td><td> Identification string for the user. Username for logged in users and IP address for guests. </td>
	<td> logged      </td><td> int          </td><td> 0    </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time for the user&#039;s last activity. </td>

	<td> idle        </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 0    </td><td> 0 = User has been active within the last “Online timeout” seconds. 1 = User has timed out. </td>

	<td> csrf_token  </td><td> varchar(40)  </td><td>      </td><td> The random line which used for autentification and is active for session of user. </td>
	<td> prev_url    </td><td> varchar(255) </td><td> NULL </td><td> The link for previous <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym>. </td>

	<td> last_post   </td><td> int          </td><td> NULL </td><td> The ID of last post which user post in topic. </td>

	<td> last_search </td><td> int          </td><td> NULL </td><td> The ID of last users search. </td>
Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>id</em>       </td><td> int          </td><td>      </td><td> The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> poster       </td><td> varchar(200) </td><td>      </td><td> The username (or guest name) of the user that made the post. </td>
	<td> poster_id    </td><td> int          </td><td> 1    </td><td> The user ID of the user that made the post (always 1 for guests). </td>

	<td> poster_ip    </td><td> varchar(15)  </td><td> NULL </td><td> The IP address the post was made from. </td>

	<td> poster_email </td><td> varchar(50)  </td><td> NULL </td><td> The guest e-mail address (if supplied). </td>
	<td> message      </td><td> text         </td><td>      </td><td> The actual message contents. </td>

	<td> hide_smilies </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 0    </td><td> 0 = Let users decide whether to show smilies as images or not in this post. 1 = Never show smilies as images in this post. </td>

	<td> posted       </td><td> int          </td><td> 0    </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the post was made. </td>
	<td> edited       </td><td> int          </td><td> NULL </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the post was last edited. </td>

	<td> edited_by    </td><td> varchar(200) </td><td> NULL </td><td> The username of the user that last edited the post. </td>

	<td> topic_id     </td><td> int          </td><td> 0    </td><td> The topic ID in which the post resides. </td>
Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>id</em>    </td><td> int         </td><td>   </td><td> The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> rank      </td><td> varchar(50) </td><td>   </td><td> The rank title. </td>
	<td> min_posts </td><td> mediumint   </td><td> 0 </td><td> The number of posts a user must attain in order to reach the rank. </td>

Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>id</em>      </td><td> int  </td><td>      </td><td> The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> post_id     </td><td> int  </td><td> 0    </td><td> The post the report relates to. </td>
	<td> topic_id    </td><td> int  </td><td> 0    </td><td> The topic in which the reported post resides in. </td>

	<td> forum_id    </td><td> int  </td><td> 0    </td><td> The forum in which the reported post resides in. </td>

	<td> reported_by </td><td> int  </td><td> 0    </td><td> The user ID of the user that reported the post. </td>
	<td> created     </td><td> int  </td><td> 0    </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the post was last edited. </td>

	<td> message     </td><td> text </td><td>      </td><td> The report message. </td>

	<td> zapped      </td><td> int  </td><td> NULL </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the report was zapped (marked as read). </td>
	<td> zapped_by   </td><td> int  </td><td> NULL </td><td> The username of the administrator or moderator that zapped the report. </td>

Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>id</em>      </td><td> int          </td><td> 0 </td><td> The primary key identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> ident       </td><td> varchar(200) </td><td>   </td><td> Identification string for the searcher. Username for logged in users and IP address for guests. </td>
	<td> search_data </td><td> text         </td><td>   </td><td> A serialized <acronym title="Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</acronym> array of search data (e.g. post ID&#039;s, sort direction etc.). </td>

Field Type Default Description


	<td> post_id       </td><td> int       </td><td> 0 </td><td> The post this match relates to. </td>

	<td> word_id       </td><td> mediumint </td><td> 0 </td><td> The word this match relates to. </td>
	<td> subject_match </td><td> tinyint   </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 = Match is in the post message. 1 = Match is in the topic subject. </td>

Field Type Default Description


	<td> id       </td><td> mediumint   </td><td>  </td><td> An integer identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> <em>word</em> </td><td> varchar(20) </td><td>  </td><td> The indexed word (primary key). </td>
Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>user_id</em>  </td><td> int </td><td> 0 </td><td> The user that subscribes to topic_id. Primary key identifier together with topic_id for this table. </td>

	<td> <em>topic_id</em> </td><td> int </td><td> 0 </td><td> The topic user_id subscribes to. Primary key identifier together with user_id for this table. </td>
Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>id</em>        </td><td> int          </td><td>      </td><td> The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> poster        </td><td> varchar(200) </td><td>      </td><td> The username (or guest name) of the user that posted the topic. </td>
	<td> subject       </td><td> varchar(255) </td><td>      </td><td> The topic subject. </td>

	<td> posted        </td><td> int          </td><td> 0    </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the topic was posted. </td>

	<td> first_post_id </td><td> int          </td><td> 0    </td><td> The ID of the first post that was made with the topic. </td>
	<td> last_post     </td><td> int          </td><td> NULL </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the last post was made in the topic. </td>

	<td> last_post_id  </td><td> int          </td><td> NULL </td><td> The ID of the last post that was made in the topic. </td>

	<td> last_poster   </td><td> varchar(200) </td><td> NULL </td><td> The username (or guest name) of the user that made the last post in the topic. </td>
	<td> num_views     </td><td> mediumint    </td><td> 0    </td><td> The number of times the topic has been viewed. </td>

	<td> num_replies   </td><td> mediumint    </td><td> 0    </td><td> The number of replies that have been posted in the topic. </td>

	<td> closed        </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 0    </td><td> 0 = Topic is open. 1 = Topic is closed. </td>
	<td> sticky        </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 0    </td><td> 0 = Topic is a regular topic. 1 = Topic is a sticky topic. </td>

	<td> moved_to      </td><td> int          </td><td> NULL </td><td> The forum to which the topic has been moved. </td>

	<td> forum_id      </td><td> int          </td><td> 0    </td><td> The forum in which the topic resides. </td>
Field Type Default Description


	<td> <em>id</em>           </td><td> int          </td><td>           </td><td> The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table. </td>

	<td> group_id         </td><td> int          </td><td> 4         </td><td> The user group to which this user belongs. </td>
	<td> username         </td><td> varchar(200) </td><td>           </td><td> The user&#039;s username. </td>

	<td> password         </td><td> varchar(40)  </td><td>           </td><td> The user password as an 40 byte SHA1 hash or an 32 byte MD5 hash. </td>

	<td> salt             </td><td> varchar(12)  </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The random secure line for generation specify csrf-token for user. </td>
	<td> email            </td><td> varchar(80)  </td><td>           </td><td> The user e-mail address. </td>

	<td> title            </td><td> varchar(50)  </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The user custom title. </td>

	<td> realname         </td><td> varchar(40)  </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The user&#039;s name. </td>
	<td> url              </td><td> varchar(100) </td><td> NULL      </td><td> A link to the user&#039;s website. </td>

	<td> jabber           </td><td> varchar(80)  </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The user&#039;s Jabber address. </td>

	<td> icq              </td><td> varchar(12)  </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The user&#039;s <acronym title="I seek you (Instant Messenger)">ICQ</acronym> UIN. </td>

	<td> msn              </td><td> varchar(80)  </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The user&#039;s MSN Messenger e-mail address. </td>

	<td> aim              </td><td> varchar(30)  </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The user&#039;s <acronym title="America Online">AOL</acronym> Instant Messenger username. </td>

	<td> yahoo            </td><td> varchar(30)  </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The user&#039;s Yahoo Messenger username. </td>
	<td> location         </td><td> varchar(30)  </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The user&#039;s geographical location. </td>

	<td> signature        </td><td> text         </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The user&#039;s signature. </td>

	<td> disp_topics      </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The number of topics to display on forum page (uses forum default if left blank). </td>
	<td> disp_posts       </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> NULL      </td><td> The number of posts to display on topic page (uses forum default if left blank). </td>

	<td> email_setting    </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 1         </td><td> 0 = Show e-mail address to other users. 1 = Hide e-mail address, but allow form e-mail. 2 = Hide e-mail address and disallow form e-mail. </td>

	<td> notify_with_post </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 0         </td><td> 0 = Include only topic subject in subscription notification e-mails. 1 = Include both topic subject and post content in subscription notification e-mails. </td>
	<td> auto_notify      </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 0         </td><td> Subscribe to topics by default when posting. </td>

	<td> show_smilies     </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 1         </td><td> Show smilies as images. </td>

	<td> show_img         </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 1         </td><td> Show images in posts. </td>
	<td> show_img_sig     </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 1         </td><td> Show images in signatures. </td>

	<td> show_avatars     </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 1         </td><td> Show avatars. </td>

	<td> show_sig         </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 1         </td><td> Show signatures. </td>
	<td> access_keys      </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 0         </td><td class="col3 rightalign">  </td>

	<td> timezone         </td><td> float        </td><td> 0         </td><td> The user&#039;s timezone. </td>

	<td> dst              </td><td> tinyint      </td><td> 0         </td><td> Enable the DST effect (DST Daylight Saving Time). Advance times by 1 hour. </td>
	<td> time_format      </td><td> int          </td><td> 0         </td><td> Set the specify format of time for user. </td>

	<td> date_format      </td><td> int          </td><td> 0         </td><td> Set the specify format of date for user. </td>

	<td> language         </td><td> varchar(25)  </td><td> &#039;English&#039; </td><td> The user&#039;s preferred language for the forum UI. </td>
	<td> style            </td><td> varchar(25)  </td><td> &#039;Oxygen&#039;  </td><td> The user&#039;s preferred style. </td>

	<td> num_posts        </td><td> int          </td><td> 0         </td><td> The number of posts the user has made. </td>

	<td> last_post        </td><td> int          </td><td> NULL      </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the last post by the user was made. </td>
	<td> last_search      </td><td> int          </td><td> 0         </td><td> The ID of last search which has used by user. </td>

	<td> last_email_sent  </td><td> int          </td><td> 0         </td><td> The ID of last email which user sent. </td>

	<td> registered       </td><td> int          </td><td> 0         </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the date the user registered. </td>
	<td> registration_ip  </td><td> varchar(39)  </td><td>   </td><td> The IP address used when registering. </td>

	<td> last_visit       </td><td> int          </td><td> 0         </td><td> A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the last visit by the user commenced. </td>

	<td> admin_note       </td><td> varchar(30)  </td><td> NULL      </td><td> A user note only viewable and editable by administrators and moderators. </td>
	<td> activate_string  </td><td> varchar(80)  </td><td> NULL      </td><td> A temporary storage string for new passwords and new e-mail addresses. </td>

	<td> activate_key     </td><td> varchar(8)   </td><td> NULL      </td><td> A temporary storage string for new password and new e-mail address activation keys. </td>
Field Type Default Description