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VecCache is a Python package that provides an easy interface to cache embeddings of texts using OpenAI's API and allows for fast similarity searches over the cached embeddings.


  • Utilize OpenAI's API to generate text embeddings.
  • Cache the embeddings efficiently using faiss.
  • Quick similarity searches over the cached embeddings.


pip install vec_cache

Note: You need to have an OpenAI API key to use this package.


Basic Usage

from vec_cache import VecCache

# Initialize the cache with your OpenAI API key. If openai_api_key is not provided, .env or environment variable is loaded.
cache = VecCache(ttl=3600, openai_api_key="YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY")

# Store a text in the cache"Hello, World!")

# Search for the most similar text in the cache
result ="Hi, World!")
print(result)  # Outputs: "Hello, World!"

Storing with Precomputed Vectors

If you have precomputed vectors, you can store them directly:

vector = [0.1, 0.2, ...]  # Some precomputed vector
cache.store_with_vector("Some text", vector)

Searching with Distance

If you wish to obtain the distance along with the result:

result, distance ="Hi, World!", return_with_distance=True)
print(result)   # Outputs: "Hello, World!"
print(distance) # Outputs the L2 distance


VecCache accepts the following parameters:

  • ttl: Time to live for cached vectors.
  • openai_api_key: Your OpenAI API key.
  • embedding_model_name: Name of the OpenAI embedding model. Default is "text-embedding-ada-002".
  • vector_size: Size of the vector. Default is 1536.


We welcome contributions! Please submit a pull request or open an issue if you'd like to improve the package.

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Steps to set up pre-commit:

  1. Install pre-commit: If you haven't already, install packages including pre-commit:

    poetry install
  2. Activate pre-commit for the repository: Navigate to the root directory of this repository and run:

    pre-commit install


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Using pre-commit for a Smoother Contribution Experience

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Steps to set up pre-commit:

  1. Install pre-commit: If you haven't already, install pre-commit:

    pip install pre-commit
  2. Activate pre-commit for the repository: Navigate to the root directory of this repository and run:

    pre-commit install
  3. Run pre-commit on all files (optional): If you want to run the hooks on all the files in the repository (useful for the first-time setup):

    pre-commit run --all-files

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