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Sergio Rey edited this page Jul 7, 2016 · 1 revision

##Pandas as a Hard Dependency

This is to start a discussion of adding pandas as a hard dependency for PySAL.

Arguments For

  • pandas is the defacto library for high-performance, easy to use data structures and data analysis in the Python ecosystem
  • we have it as a soft dependency and it works nicely with the pdio contrib module
  • we could leverage a lot of functionality rather than rolling our own
  • this would likely enhance interoperability with other packages in the pydata stack (statsmodels, geopandas, scikit-learn, others).
  • large downstream users of PySAL are moving to conda for Python package management so pandas installation is less of an issue than previously

Arguments Against

  • we currently have pandas as a soft dependency so why add a hard dependency?
  • more complex packaging