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NSDNet 0.0.1


This is a driver for Player to communicate between the Player client and the PlayerNSD daemon.

For licensing details, please see the COPYING file.


  • CMake (tested with 2.8.1)
  • SWIG (for compiling python bindings)
  • Player (tested with 3.0.2)
  • PlayerNSD (tested with 0.0.1)

Optional Dependencies

  • Python (for python example, tested with 2.7)


This assumes you have followed the steps required to compile and run player/stage, using the environment variable $PSINSTALLPATH to specify the installation directory of player/stage (on prepackaged binaries this is usually /usr on Unix systems).

$ cd nsdnet
$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
$ make && make install


There seems to be an issue with the Player C++ bindings on some systems. The current workaround (if you do not require C++ examples) has been to disable those examples for the time being.


NSDnet creates three objects: an interface plugin, a driver plugin for the new interface, and a client program that uses the new interface in conjunction with the plugin driver.

Before executing player, playernsd need to be executed.

$ playernsd/playernsd

The interface plugin and driver plugin are loaded by the nsdnet_example.cfg configuration file. A supplied example, nsdnet_example.cfg, can be loaded as follows:

$ player $PSINSTALLPATH/share/stage/worlds/nsdnet_example.cfg

In a separate terminal, execute the client program:

$ ./nsdnet_client id

The id is a number, (0 or 1) to specify which node you want to run.

You should see commands, data and requests moving between the client and the driver. With a second client, you will be able to see communication between the two.


Config files

The general additions to the Player config files are that you include an interface block:

	name "nsdnet"
	code 320
	plugin "libnsdnet"

For each robot, you typically would need to include a driver for the network communication. You need at least plugin, id and provides keys as follows:

	name "nsdnetdriver"
	plugin "libnsdnet_driver"
	provides ["nsdnet:0"]
	id "node0"

When the position is needed to be known, it is retrieved from a position2d driver specified by a line such as uses ["position2d:0"] in the nsdnetdriver driver block.

Please see complete examples examples/nsdnet_example.cfg and example/nsdnet_position_example.cfg for examples.

Client proxy

There are examples for a number of platforms C, C++, Python.

The python example has more features, and will be described here:

An example python client typically needs to import the playercpp and nsdnet libraries in order to run. An example of this is:

	import sys
	import time
	import math
	import random
	import pickle
	from playercpp import *
	from nsdnet import *

As the client may be one of many, it needs to identify which nsdnet driver it is using. The example makes use of a single integer (nsdnet_position_example.cfg has 2 devices, 0 or 1). Using this, the client can initialise.

	# takes a parameter for the index
	if len(sys.argv) < 2:
	  print "Needs one parameter."
	  index = int(sys.argv[1])
	  print "Using index", index
	# create a client object and connect it
	client = PlayerClient('localhost', 6665)

	# create a proxy for nsdnet:0
	proxy = NSDNetProxy(client, index)
	posproxy= Position2dProxy(client, index)

The client can get some properties from the PlayerNSD daemon, these usually need to be defined in scripts or simulations running on the daemon. However, is always defined as the network id of the client.

	# get our client id
	print 'Client id:', proxy.GetProperty()
	# get our index
	print 'Client index:', proxy.GetProperty()

To get a list of clients:

	# get a list of clients connected
	print 'Client List:'
	for cid in proxy.GetClientList():
		print cid

The the main loop of the client proxy is straightfoward:

	while True:
	  # Check for messages
	  if (client.Peek()):
	    # Read player client messages
	    # Get the current position
	    px = posproxy.GetXPos()
	    py = posproxy.GetYPos()
	    pyaw = posproxy.GetYaw()
	    # Create a picked tuple of the position
	    pp = pickle.dumps(("position", px, py, pyaw))
	    # Broadcast position
	    # Anything to receive?
	    if proxy.ReceiveMessageCount() > 0:
	      msg = proxy.ReceiveMessage()
	      if msg != None:
	        # Unpickle the message
	        msgpickle = pickle.loads(msg.message)
	        print "%s: %s [%d]" % (msg.source, msgpickle, i)
	  # Broadcast Hello World
	  proxy.SendMessage(pickle.dumps(("string", "Hello World 1")))


The documentation using Doxygen is yet incomplete.


NSDNet driver for communication between Player and PlayerNSD







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