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According to the new, not-yet-published Temporal spec.
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Carl Masak committed Apr 5, 2010
1 parent 08e1886 commit 3611f1b
Showing 1 changed file with 134 additions and 0 deletions.
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions src/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
subset DateTime::Formatter where { .can('format_datetime') };

# RAKUDO: When we have anonymous classes, we don't need to do it like this
class DefaultFormatter {
method format_datetime($dt) { # should be typed 'DateTime'

class DateTime {
has $.year;
has $.month = 1;
has $.day = 1;
has $.hour = 0;
has $.minute = 0;
has $.second = 0;
has $.nanosecond = 0;

has $.time_zone = '+00';

has DateTime::Formatter $!formatter =;

multi method new(:$year!, *%_) {
self.bless(*, :$year, |%_);

multi method new(Str $format) {
die "ISO8601 format constructor not implemented yet";

multi method from_epoch($epoch, :$timezone, :$formatter) {
my $time = floor($epoch);
my $nanosecond = floor(($epoch - $time) * 1e9);
my $second = $time % 60; $time = $time div 60;
my $minute = $time % 60; $time = $time div 60;
my $hour = $time % 24; $time = $time div 24;
# Day month and leap year arithmetic, based on Gregorian day #.
# 2000-01-01 noon UTC == 2451558.0 Julian == 2451545.0 Gregorian
$time += 2440588; # because 2000-01-01 == Unix epoch day 10957
my $a = $time + 32044; # date algorithm from Claus Tøndering
my $b = (4 * $a + 3) div 146097; # 146097 = days in 400 years
my $c = $a - (146097 * $b) div 4;
my $d = (4 * $c + 3) div 1461; # 1461 = days in 4 years
my $e = $c - ($d * 1461) div 4;
my $m = (5 * $e + 2) div 153; # 153 = days in Mar-Jul Aug-Dec
my $day = $e - (153 * $m + 2) div 5 + 1;
my $month = $m + 3 - 12 * ($m div 10);
my $year = $b * 100 + $d - 4800 + $m div 10;$year, :$month, :$day,
:$hour, :$minute, :$second, :$nanosecond,
:$timezone, :$formatter);

multi method now() {

multi method ymd($sep = '-') {
$!year ~ $sep ~ ($!month, $!day).fmt('%02d', $sep);

multi method hms($sep = ':') {
($!hour, $!minute, $!second).fmt('%02d', $sep);

multi method datetime() {
self.ymd ~ 'T' ~ self.hms;

method iso8601() {
self.datetime() ~ $!time_zone;

method Str() {

multi method truncate($unit) {
die 'Unknown truncation unit'
if $unit eq none(<nanosecond second minute hour day month>);
given $unit {
when 'nanosecond' {}
$!nanosecond = 0;
when 'second' {}
$!second = 0;
when 'minute' {}
$!minute = 0;
when 'hour' {}
$!hour = 0;
when 'day' {}
$!day = 1;
when 'month' {}
$!month = 1;

multi method today() {'day');

method set(:$year, :$month, :$day,
:$hour, :$minute, :$second, :$nanosecond,
:$time_zone, :$formatter) {
# Do this first so that the other nameds have a chance to
# override.
if defined $time_zone {
# First attempt. Probably wrong.
my $difference = $time_zone - $!time_zone;
$!hour += $difference;
$!time_zone = $time_zone;

$!year = $year // $!year;
$!month = $month // $!month;
$!day = $day // $!day;
$!hour = $hour // $!hour;
$!minute = $minute // $!minute;
$!second = $second // $!second;
$!nanosecond = $nanosecond // $!nanosecond;
$!formatter = $formatter // $!formatter;

# RAKUDO: These setters are temporary, until we have Proxy
# objects with a STORE method
method set_year($year) { self.set(:$year) }
method set_month($month) { self.set(:$month) }
method set_day($day) { self.set(:$day) }
method set_hour($hour) { self.set(:$hour) }
method set_minute($minute) { self.set(:$minute) }
method set_second($second) { self.set(:$second) }
method set_nanosecond($nanosecond) { self.set(:$nanosecond) }
method set_time_zone($time_zone) { self.set(:$time_zone) }
method set_formatter($formatter) { self.set(:$formatter) }

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