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Sometimes, git doesn't do what you want. Add p6role.pir, which it los…
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jnthn committed Jun 1, 2009
1 parent 6ed6997 commit f43c644
Showing 1 changed file with 200 additions and 0 deletions.
200 changes: 200 additions & 0 deletions src/parrot/P6role.pir
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
## $Id$

=head1 NAME

src/parrot/Role.pir - methods for the our P6role class

=head2 Methods on P6role

We also add some methods to P6role.

=item !pun

Puns the role to a class and returns that class.


.namespace ["P6role"]
.sub '!pun' :method
# See if we have already created a punned class; use it if so.
.local pmc pun
pun = getprop '$!pun', self
if null pun goto make_pun
.return (pun)

# Otherwise, need to create a punned class.
.local pmc p6meta, metaclass, proto
p6meta = get_root_global [.RAKUDO_HLL ; 'Perl6Object'], '$!P6META'
metaclass = new ['Class']
$P0 = box 'class'
setprop metaclass, 'pkgtype', $P0
# Compose ourself and any roles we do.
.local pmc role_list, roles_it
role_list = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
push role_list, self
.const 'Sub' $P1 = '!get_flattened_roles_list'
role_list = $P1(role_list)
roles_it = iter role_list
unless roles_it goto roles_it_loop_end
$P0 = shift roles_it
$I0 = does metaclass, $P0
if $I0 goto roles_it_loop
addrole metaclass, $P0
.const 'Sub' $P1 = '!compose_role_attributes'
$P1(metaclass, $P0)
goto roles_it_loop

# XXX Would be nice to call !meta_compose here; for some reason, Parrot
# ends up calling the wrong multi-variant. Something to investigate, when
# I/someone has the energy for it.
$S0 = concat .RAKUDO_HLL, ';Any'
proto = p6meta.'register'(metaclass, 'parent'=>$S0)

# Set name (don't use name=>... in register so we don't make a
# namespace entry though).
$P1 = proto.'HOW'()
$S0 = self
$P0 = box $S0
setattribute $P1, 'shortname', $P0

# Stash it away, then instantiate it.
setprop self, '$!pun', proto
.return (proto)



.sub 'ACCEPTS' :method
.param pmc topic

# First, check if this role is directly done by the topic.
$I0 = does topic, self
if $I0 goto done

# Otherwise, need to consider subtypes in the parameters.
.local pmc all_variants, it, want_rf, our_types, cur_variant
$P0 = getprop '$!owner', self
all_variants = getattribute $P0, '$!created'
want_rf = getprop '$!orig_role', self
our_types = getprop '@!type_args', self
it = iter all_variants
unless it goto it_loop_end
cur_variant = shift it

# We can exclude a variant if it wasn't from the same role factory.
$P0 = cur_variant['role']
$P1 = getprop '$!orig_role', $P0
eq_addr $P1, want_rf, same_variant
goto it_loop

# Also we can exclude it if our topic doens't do it.
$I0 = does topic, $P0
unless $I0 goto it_loop

# If it's from the same variant, check all types of the role we're
# considering here are broader-or-equal types.
.local pmc check_types
check_types = cur_variant['pos_args']
$I0 = elements check_types
$I1 = elements our_types
if $I0 != $I1 goto it_loop
$I0 = 0
if $I0 >= $I1 goto type_loop_end
$P0 = our_types[$I0]
$P1 = check_types[$I0]
$I2 = $P0.'ACCEPTS'($P1)
unless $I2 goto it_loop
inc $I0
goto type_loop

# If we get here, we found a role that through the subtypes of its
# parameters is applicable.
$I0 = 1
goto done

# If we get here, no applicable roles.
$I0 = 0
.const 'Sub' $P0 = 'prefix:?'
$P0 = $P0($I0)
.return ($P0)
.sub 'REJECTS' :method
.param pmc topic
$P0 = self.'ACCEPTS'(topic)
.const 'Sub' $P1 = 'prefix:!'
.tailcall $P1($P0)

=item perl


.sub 'perl' :method
.local pmc args, it
args = getprop '@!type_args', self
$P0 = getprop '$!shortname', self
$S0 = $P0
$S0 = concat $S0, '['
it = iter args
unless it goto it_loop_end
$P0 = shift it
$S1 = $P0.'perl'()
$S0 = concat $S1
goto it_loop
$S0 = concat ']'
.return ($S0)

=item WHICH


.sub 'WHICH' :method
$I0 = get_addr self
.return ($I0)

=item WHAT


.sub 'WHAT' :method
.return (self)

=item Str (vtable get_string)


.sub 'Str' :method :vtable('get_string')
$P0 = getprop '$!owner', self
$S0 = $P0
.return ($S0)



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