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Rodrigo Botafogo edited this page Jan 5, 2017 · 6 revisions

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require 'mdarray-sol'

require_relative '../util/ordinal_scale'
require_relative '../util/linear_scale'

class BarChart

  attr_reader :dataset
  attr_reader :width
  attr_reader :height
  attr_reader :svg
  attr_reader :padding
  attr_reader :x_scale

  # Initialize the bar chart and create the main svg for the plot with the given
  # width and height and padding
  # @param dataset [Array] an array of points in the form of [x, y]
  # @param width [Number] the width of the plot
  # @param height [Number] the height of the plot
  # @param padding [Number] a padding for the plot. Uses the same padding for x and y
  # dimension. Could be improved by adding different paddings for x and y
  def initialize(dataset, width:, height:, padding:)
    @dataset = dataset
    @width = width
    @height = height
    @padding = padding

    @svg = $"body")
           .attr("width", @width)
           .attr("height", @height)

  # @param x_scale [OrdinalScale] the scale for the data, this is a Scale object that
  # encapsulates the scale function from d3.  scale defauts to the bar chart scale.
  # Usually this will always be the case, but we need to set it since scale is used
  # inside a block

  def add_data

    x_scale, y_scale, height = @x_scale, @y_scale, @height

      .data(@dataset) { |d| d[:key] }
      .on("mouseover") { $"fill", "orange") }
      .on("mouseout") { |d| $
                          .attr("fill", "rgb(0, 0, #{(d[:value] * 10).to_i})" )} 
      .attr("x") { |d, i| x_scale[i]}
      .attr("y") { |d, i| height - y_scale[d[:value]] }
      .attr("width", x_scale.scale.rangeBand(nil))
      .attr("height") { |d, i| y_scale[d[:value]] }
      .attr("fill") { |d, i| "rgb(0, 0, #{(d[:value] * 10).to_i})" }


  # Defines the style of the labels.  Although this does not make much sense, since this
  # is fixed, one could consider building the style dynamically.

  def style
    {"font-family" => "sans-serif",
     "font-size" => "11px",
     "fill" => "white",
     "text-anchor" => "middle"}


  def add_labels

    x_scale, y_scale, height = @x_scale, @y_scale, @height

      .data(@dataset) { |d| d[:key] }
      .text { |d, i| d[:value] }
      .attr({"x"=> ->(d, i, z) {x_scale[i] + x_scale.scale.rangeBand(nil) / 2},
             "y"=> ->(d, i, z) {height - y_scale[d[:value]] + 14 }})


  # Plots the bar chart

  def plot

    y_min, y_max = @dataset.minmax_by { |d| d[:value] }

    # Creates a new x and y scale for the plot
    @x_scale =[*0..@dataset.length], @width)
    @y_scale =[0, y_max[:value]], [0, @height])



Initial Bar Chart

Mouse over bars

  # updates the bars with new data

  def update_bars

    # correct the x scale to the new dataset
    # correct the y scale to the new dataset
    y_min, y_max = @dataset.minmax_by { |d| d[:value] }
    @y_scale.update([0, y_max[:value]], [0, @height])

    # Set local variable to their equivalent instance variable so that they are
    # available inside blocks.  I don´t know if there is a better way of doing
    # this.  Tried googling for a better solution but without success!
    x_scale, y_scale, height = @x_scale, @y_scale, @height
      .data(@dataset) { |d| d[:key] }
      .delay { |d, i| i * 100 }
      .attr("x"=> ->(d, i, z) { x_scale[i] })
      .attr("y"=> ->(d, i, z) {height - y_scale[d[:value]] })
      .attr("width", x_scale.scale.rangeBand(nil))
      .attr("height"=> ->(d, i, z) {y_scale[d[:value]]})
      .attr("fill") { |d, i| "rgb(0, 0, #{(d[:value] * 10).to_i})" }

  # updates the labels

  def update_labels

    x_scale, y_scale, height = @x_scale, @y_scale, @height

      .data(@dataset) { |d| d[:key] }
      .delay { |d, i| i * 100 }
      .text { |d, i| d[:value] }
      .attr({"x"=> ->(d, i, z) {x_scale[i] + x_scale.scale.rangeBand(nil) / 2},
             "y"=> ->(d, i, z) {height - y_scale[d[:value]] + 14 }})

  # This method is called when the dataset is updated.  This will trigger the update of
  # points, labels and axes
  # @param dataset [Array] a new dataset with the same number of elements as the previous
  # dataset

  def update(dataset)

    @dataset = dataset

  # Removes a bar from the plot

  def remove_bar


      .data(@dataset) { |d| d[:key] }

      .data(@dataset) { |d| d[:key] }



Bar chart after removal of 10 bars

  # Adds a single bar to the chart. The @dataset was already updated

  def add_bar

    # add the new bar. No need to add attributes as the whole plot will be updated next
      .data(@dataset) { |d| d[:key] }
      .on("mouseover") { $"fill", "orange") }
      .on("mouseout") { |d| $
                          .attr("fill", "rgb(0, 0, #{(d[:value] * 10).to_i})" )} 

    # add the new label.  Need only to add the text value as all attributes will be set
    # by update_labels
      .data(@dataset) { |d| d[:key] }
      .text { |d, i| d[:value] }


Bar chart after adding 10 bars

Scatter plot

Scatter plot transition

Scatter plot after transition

US States Map

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