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PLANS: Neuro-Symbolic Program Learning from Videos

This is the source code for the Neurips 2020 paper PLANS: Neuro-Symbolic Program Learning from Videos.


This work presents a new approach to program learning from raw, unstructured input. It combines a neural architecture that is trained to extract abstract, high-level specifications of program behaviour from high-dimensional sensory input, and a rule-based solver that provides correctness guarantees regarding the generated program. We reach state-of-the-art performance on the task of program synthesis from demonstration videos. We address the crucial problem of making our system resistant to noise originating from the imperfect accuracy of the neural component.


Structure of the repository

  • models/ contains the implementation of the neural architecture for action and perception recognition.
  • rosette/ contains the syntax files that encode the DSL.
  • racket_compiler/ contains a lex-yacc implementation of a Racket to Python parser for the synthesized programs.
  • third_party/ contains the demo2program repository as a submodule.



Rosette solver

IMPORTANT: the 2021 Rosette 4.0 release is not backwards compatible and breaks the code, see release information. I recommend using Rosette 3.2.

For installing Racket and the Rosette solver, please see the instructions in the official repository.


Python Lex-Yacc is an implementation of lex and yacc parsing tools for Python.


This project builds on code provided in the demo2program repository. Our repository contains it as a submodule, in third_party/demo2program/.

In order to be able to import code from this submodule, run

    git submodule init
    git submodule update    

to get the submodule. Then, execute

    touch third_party/demo2program/

We have modified some of the files in order to

  1. solve an issue in the pre-processing of demonstrations that led to incorrect sequence padding.
  2. create a new input operation to suit our needs.

The modified files can be found in third_party/modified/. We will suggest these modifications in the original demo2program repository.

Setting-up the virtual environment

Execute the following to set up the conda environment, and install the required python packages

    conda create -n rpl_env python=2.7
    conda activate rpl_env    
    conda install -c anaconda -c conda-forge -c pytorch --file requirements.txt

Reproducing experiments

Training neural models

The following command will train the neural action and perception recognition models.

     ./ <dataset type> <GPU Id> <dataset path> 
  • <dataset type> can be either karel, vizdoom or vizdoom_if_else.

  • <dataset path> is the relative or absolute path to the corresponding dataset.

  • Set <GPU Id> to -1 for CPU training.

The training logs and model checkpoints are saved in the train_dir/ directory.

Running the solver

The following command will attempt to solve all the test instances in the dataset with the Rosette solver.

     ./ <experiment> <GPU Id> <dataset path> <checkpoint path> <filtering>
  • <experiment> can be either karel, vizdoom, vizdoom_if_else, or generalization.

  • <dataset path> is the relative or absolute path to the corresponding dataset.

  • <checkpoint path> is the relative or absolute path to the model checkpoint obtained in the previous step.

  • <filtering> can be none, static or dynamic.

Resulting accuracy will be reported in the solver_logs/ directory.

Datasets, Trained models, Experimental Results

We evaluated our algorithm on the downloadable datasets provided with the demo2program repository.
Our training logs and checkpoints are available on this Google drive.

The following is a summary of the experimental results presented in the paper.


Citing this work

If you use this repository, please cite the following work

  title={PLANS: Neuro-Symbolic Program Learning from Videos},
  author={Dang-Nhu, Rapha{\"e}l},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},


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