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This Repo has been merged with dev-protostubs

Hyperty Repository

This repository hosts source code of Hyperties. For more information about Hyperties and reTHINK framework pls read this.

The Repository structure

src folder

Hold all Hyperty related source code, like hyperty classes and JSON-Schemas. The hyperty class must have the suffix ".hy.js", on the file.

Example: Hello.hy.js

Why? Because all the files in folder, could be a possible hyperty, with this suffix, we can distinguish the main hyperty from others files that complement it;

To expose your hyperty in the Testing Web App you need to go to function hypertyDeployed on main.js and add your hyperty name and javascript file file to the switch cases presented there.


function hypertyDeployed(hyperty) {

  switch ( {

    // You can add your own hyperty with this code
    case '<hyperty name>':
      template = '<hyperty-name>/<HypertyName>';
      script =  '<hyperty-name>/<app.js>';

NOTE: This probably needs to be optimized, suggestion are welcome;

Install all modules inside each hyperty source code

# This will execute npm install for each package.json inside each hyperty source code;
npm run install:all

The Repository structure

This repository hosts source code of Hyperties. For more information about Hyperties and reTHINK framework pls read this.

SRC folder

Hold all Hyperty related source code, like hyperty classes and JSON-Schemas. The hyperty class must have the suffix ".hy.js", on the file.

Each hyperty folder could have it's own package.json

# To create the pacakge.json
npm init

To use the all modules from Service Framework, like, Syncher or Discovery do:

# install dependencies
npm install rethink-project/dev-service-framework#develop --save

Example: Hello.hy.js

Why? Because all the files in folder, could be a possible hyperty, with this suffix, we can distinguish the main hyperty from others files that complement it;

Hyperty Source Code

// Service Framework
import IdentityManager from 'service-framework/dist/IdentityManager';
import {Discovery} from 'service-framework/dist/Discovery';
import { Syncher } from 'service-framework/dist/Syncher';

class MyHyperty {

  constructor(hypertyURL, bus, configuration) {

    if (!hypertyURL) throw new Error('The hypertyURL is a needed parameter');
    if (!bus) throw new Error('The MiniBus is a needed parameter');
    if (!configuration) throw new Error('The configuration is a needed parameter');

    let syncher = new Syncher(hypertyURL, bus, configuration);


  myMethod() {


 * Function will activate the hyperty on the runtime
 * @param  {URL.URL} hypertyURL   url which identifies the hyperty
 * @param  {MiniBus} bus          Minibus used to make the communication between hyperty and runtime;
 * @param  {object} configuration configuration
export default function activate(hypertyURL, bus, configuration) {

  return {
    name: 'MyHyperty',
    instance: new MyHyperty(hypertyURL, bus, configuration)


Hyperty Descriptor

  "language": "javascript",
  "signature": "",
  "configuration": {},
  "hypertyType": [
  "constraints": {
    "browser": true
  "dataObjects": [
  "objectName": "HypertyName"


In this folder you have, for each hyperty you develop, the Web side testing. This is customized with HTML using Handlebars and ES5 javascript;

With this template system you can:

  • avoid the initial html setup, like <html>, <head>, <body>, and add only the html tags you need, like <div>, <p>, <b> and others.
  • use some extra features like, variables, {{each}}, {{if}}, look at documentation


  • hello-world > helloWorld.hbs
  • hyperty-chat > HypertyChat.hbs
  • hyperty-connector > HypertyConnector.hbs

Test folder

You can make your own tests to an hyperty, only need create an file with your hyperty name, and suffix the ".spec.js"

Example: Hello.spec.js