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HLS Nuremberg Trials Project

This is a Django web site for the digital archives of the Nuremberg Trials Project maintained by the Harvard Law Library. It is intended as a open-access web app for scholars, researchers, and members of the public, exposing the digitized documents, full-text trial transcripts, and rich search features for the same in a friendly, modern interface.


The client uses Docker/Docker Compose. In the host computer, run:

docker compose up

Populate the database and the search engine index (this could take some time):


Then visit localhost:8000.

To run with production settings, set appropriate SECRET_KEY, ALLOWED_HOSTS, and HOST_NAME env vars, and run:

docker compose up -d
docker compose exec web python compress
docker compose exec web python collectstatic

Then visit localhost:8080. (If you get a 502 wait a few seconds and then refresh the page.)

When you are finished,

docker compose down

Project Structure

The project is organized into several feature-oriented modules ("apps" in Django parlance). Each module includes all URL routing, model and view code, tests, templates, JavaScript code, and static assets for the corresponding feature set:

  • nuremberg: Top-level namespace for organizational purposes only.
  • .core: Top-level URL routing, test frameworks, base templates and middleware, and site-wide style files.
  • .settings: Environment-specific Django settings files.
  • .content: Files for static pages with project information, etc.
  • .documents: Files for displaying digitized document images.
  • .transcripts: Files for full-text transcripts and OCR documents.
  • .photographs: Files for displaying images from the photographic archive.
  • .search: Files for the search interface and API.


Tests in the project are generally high-level integration acceptance tests that exercise the full app stack in a deployed configuration. Since the app has the luxury of running off of a largely static dataset, the test database is persistent, greatly speeding up setup and teardown time.

Running tests

Make sure you have initialized the database and solr index as described in Setup above. Then run:

docker compose exec web pytest

Pytest is configured in pytest.ini to run all files named

There is also a Selenium suite to test the behavior of the document viewer front end. These tests take a while to run, don't produce coverage data, and are relatively unreliable, so they aren't run as part of the default suite. However, they are still useful, as they exercise the full stack all the way through image downloading and preloading. They can be run explicitly when necessary.

docker compose exec web pytest nuremberg/documents/

Project Settings

The Django settings live in the nuremberg/

Secrets (usernames, passwords, security tokens, nonces, etc.) should not be placed in a settings file or committed into git. The proper place for these is an environment variable configured on the host and read via os.environ.


Since it is expected that this app will host a largely static dataset, the Django admin is enabled purely in read-only mode. Updates can be made directly in SQLite. Just ensure that any changes are reindexed by Solr.

An admin interface is provided via the usual /admin URL. For it to be operable, you will need to use the Django management command to create an admin user for your use. If you choose to do so, make sure not to commit and deploy your changes!

Updating the database dump in the repo

In order to update the database dump included in the repo, first of all, every local user should be removed. To do so open a python shell using docker compose run --rm web python shell and then run:

>>> from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
>>> get_user_model().objects.all().delete()
(0, {})

Some of the data for this project is taken from external MySQL/MariaDB SQL dumps. To import a SQL dump named some-table.sql, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have the just CLI tool available

  2. Invoke the db dump updater command:

just update-db-dump some-table.sql

NOTE: The mysql2sqlite converter's README says: both mysql2sqlite and sqlite3 might write something to stdout and stderr - e.g. memory coming from PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY; is not harmful.

Review the changes and potentially:

  1. Confirm that the symlink dumps/ is pointing to a valid zipfile:
ls -la `realpath dumps/`
  1. Remove older dump(s)
  2. Stage and commit your changes to the git repo

Backfill/Update of author metadata

If the DB dump update would include changes to the tblNurAuthorsWikidataPropertiesAndQualifiers table, then the model DocumentAuthorExtra instances need update. To do so, use the following management command (check the help options for further information):

docker compose exec web python backfill_author_metadata --help

Backfill/Update of document images

If the DB dump update would include changes to the tblImagesList table, then the model DocumentImage instances need update or creation for new entries. To do so, use the following management command (check the help options for further information):

docker compose exec web python backfill_document_images --help

It is recommended to first do a dry run with this command:

docker compose exec web python backfill_document_images --dry-run

and then after result output inspection, do an actual run by removing the --dry-run switch.


Solr indexes are defined in relevant files, and additional indexing configuration is in the search/templates/search_configuration/schema.xml file used to generate solr_conf/schema.xml.

Starting fresh

To build a brand new Solr schema, run:

docker compose run --rm web python build_solr_schema --configure-dir=solr_conf

This will generate both schema.xml and solrconfig.xml under the solr_conf directory. To use the updated config files, run docker compose down -v to dispose of the existing solr container and docker compose up -d to start a fresh one.


To rebuild the index contents, run:

docker compose run --rm web python rebuild_index

(It will take a couple of minutes to reindex fully.)

Do this any time you make changes to or schema.xml.

In the past, when this site was under active development and more frequent reindexing was required, update_index was run via a cron script or similar to automate reindexing on a nightly or hourly basis using --age 24 or --age 1. (Note: This will restrict reindexing only for indexes that have an updated_at field defined; currently, photographs does not, but completely reindexing that model is fast anyway.)

For more fine-grained information on indexing progress, use --batch-size 100 --verbosity 2 or similar.


The Solr schema must be maintained as part of the deploy process. When deploying an updated schema, make sure you have generated and committed new schema.xml and solrconfig.xml files using build_solr_schema --configure-dir=solr_conf, and then run a complete reindexing.


There is a management command ingest_transcript_xml which reads a file like NRMB-NMT01-23_00512_0.xml (or a directory of such files using -d) and generates or updates the appropriate transcript, volume, and page models. Since some values read out of the XML are stored in the database, re-ingesting is the preferred way to update transcript data. If database XML is modified directly, call populate_from_xml on the appropriate TranscriptPage model to update date, page, and sequence number.

Remember to run docker compose exec web python update_index transcripts after ingesting XML to enable searching of the new content.

Static Assets


CSS code is generated from .less files that live in nuremberg/core/static/styles. The styles are built based on Bootstrap 3 mixins, but don't bundle any Bootstrap code directly to ensure a clean semantic design.

Compilation is handled automatically by the django-static-precompiler module while the development server is running.


JavaScript code is organized simply. JS dependencies are in core/static/scripts, and are simply included in base.html. App code is modularized using modulejs, to ensure that only code in the module defined in the relevant template is run.

The only significant JavaScript app is the document image loading, panning, and zooming functionality implemented in documents/scripts. That functionality is organized as a set of Backbone.js views and viewmodels. There is a smaller amount of code in transcripts to handle infinite scrolling and page navigation, which is implemented in pure jQuery. There are also a handful of minor cosmetic features implemented in search.

In production, all site javascript is compacted into a single minified blob by compressor. (The exception is the rarely-needed dependency jsPDF.)