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Getting started source distribution

dmiller edited this page Nov 19, 2011 · 5 revisions

For development work,

  • You need to be on .Net 4.0.
  • If using Visual Studio, you will need VS2010.

Check out the repo from the ClojureCLR Github site.

Supporting DLLs need to be placed in the lib\ subdirectory. At present, building ClojureCLR depends on:

  • DLR 1.0
  • NUnit 2.5
  • Rhino Mocks 3.6 Dependency on Rhino Mocks removed as of 2011-11-19.

To simplify getting started, there is a binary distribution of the DLR 1.0 DLLs available in the Downloads area of the Github site. Grab, unzip into the lib\ directory. (The older is for commits before 2011-11-19.)

NUnit is intended to be loaded from NuGet. Install Nuget ( Install the NUnit package into the Clojure.Tests project.

Build products are placed in the bin\ subdirectory. We support Debug and Release builds for .NET 3.5 and 4.0.