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deftype and reify support direct implementation of protocols
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no more . in deftype/reify methods
no more implicit this, must be first param
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richhickey committed Dec 1, 2009
1 parent 77173bb commit a84a4e1
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Showing 3 changed files with 136 additions and 63 deletions.
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/clj/clojure/core.clj
Expand Up @@ -4564,12 +4564,12 @@
[#^Callable f]
(let [fut (.submit clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor f)]
(reify [clojure.lang.IDeref java.util.concurrent.Future]
(.deref [] (.get fut))
(.get [] (.get fut))
(.get [timeout unit] (.get fut timeout unit))
(.isCancelled [] (.isCancelled fut))
(.isDone [] (.isDone fut))
(.cancel [interrupt?] (.cancel fut interrupt?)))))
(deref [_] (.get fut))
(get [_] (.get fut))
(get [_ timeout unit] (.get fut timeout unit))
(isCancelled [_] (.isCancelled fut))
(isDone [_] (.isDone fut))
(cancel [_ interrupt?] (.cancel fut interrupt?)))))

(defmacro future
"Takes a body of expressions and yields a future object that will
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4666,9 +4666,9 @@
(let [d (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch. 1)
v (atom nil)]
(reify this [clojure.lang.IFn clojure.lang.IDeref]
(.deref [] (.await d) @v)
(.invoke [x]
(reify [clojure.lang.IFn clojure.lang.IDeref]
(deref [_] (.await d) @v)
(invoke [this x]
(locking d
(if (pos? (.getCount d))
(do (reset! v x)
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153 changes: 115 additions & 38 deletions src/clj/clojure/core_deftype.clj
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(in-ns 'clojure.core)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; defclass/deftype ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defmacro reify
"reify is a macro with the following structure:
(reify [protocols-and-interfaces+]
(methodName [this-name args*] body)* )
Methods should be supplied for all methods of the desired
protocol(s) and interface(s). You can also define overrides for
methods of Object. Note that a parameter must be supplied to
correspond to the target object ('this' in Java parlance). It can
have any name whatsoever.
The return type can be indicated by a type hint on the method name,
and arg types can be indicated by a type hint on arg names. If you
leave out all hints reify will try to match on same name/arity
method in the protocol(s)/interface(s) - this is preferred. If you
supply any hints at all, no inference is done, so all hints (or
default of Object) must be correct, for both arguments and return
type. If a method is overloaded in a protocol/interface, multiple
independent method definitions must be supplied. If overloaded with
same arity in an interface you must specify complete hints to
disambiguate - a missing hint implies Object.
recur works to method heads The method bodies of reify are lexical
closures, and can refer to the surrounding local scope:
(str (let [f \"foo\"]
(reify []
(toString [_] f))))
== \"foo\"
(seq (let [f \"foo\"]
(reify [clojure.lang.Seqable]
(seq [_] (seq f)))))
== (\\f \\o \\o)"

[[& interfaces] & methods]
(let [interfaces (map #(if (var? (resolve %))
(:on (deref (resolve %)))
`(reify* ~(vec interfaces) ~@methods)))

(defn hash-combine [x y]
(clojure.lang.Util/hashCombine x (clojure.lang.Util/hash y)))
Expand All @@ -35,8 +77,8 @@
(if (not (or (contains? methodname-set '.equals) (contains? methodname-set '.hashCode)))
(conj m
`(.hashCode [] (-> ~tag hash ~@(map #(list `hash-combine %) (remove #{'__meta} fields))))
`(.equals [~'o]
`(hashCode [~'this] (-> ~tag hash ~@(map #(list `hash-combine %) (remove #{'__meta} fields))))
`(equals [~'this ~'o]
(or (identical? ~'this ~'o)
(when (instance? clojure.lang.IDynamicType ~'o)
Expand All @@ -48,18 +90,18 @@
(iobj [[i m]]
(if (and (implement? clojure.lang.IObj) (implement? clojure.lang.IMeta))
[(conj i 'clojure.lang.IObj)
(conj m `(.meta [] ~'__meta)
`(.withMeta [~'m] (new ~tagname ~@(replace {'__meta 'm} fields))))]
(conj m `(meta [~'this] ~'__meta)
`(withMeta [~'this ~'m] (new ~tagname ~@(replace {'__meta 'm} fields))))]
[i m]))
(ilookup [[i m]]
(if (not (methodname-set '.valAt))
[(conj i 'clojure.lang.ILookup 'clojure.lang.IKeywordLookup)
(conj m `(.valAt [k#] (.valAt ~'this k# nil))
`(.valAt [k# else#]
(conj m `(valAt [~'this k#] (.valAt ~'this k# nil))
`(valAt [~'this k# else#]
(case k# ~@(mapcat (fn [fld] [(keyword fld) fld])
(get ~'__extmap k# else#)))
`(.getLookupThunk [k#]
`(getLookupThunk [~'this k#]
(case k#
(fn [fld]
Expand All @@ -72,33 +114,33 @@
(idynamictype [[i m]]
[(conj i 'clojure.lang.IDynamicType)
(conj m
`(.getDynamicType [] ~tag)
`(.getExtensionMap [] ~'__extmap)
`(.getDynamicField [k# else#]
`(getDynamicType [~'this] ~tag)
`(getExtensionMap [~'this] ~'__extmap)
`(getDynamicField [~'this k# else#]
(condp identical? k# ~@(mapcat (fn [fld] [(keyword fld) fld]) base-fields)
(get ~'__extmap k# else#))))])
(imap [[i m]]
(if (and (interface-set clojure.lang.IPersistentMap) (not (methodname-set '.assoc)))
(conj m
`(.count [] (+ ~(count base-fields) (count ~'__extmap)))
`(.empty [] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Can't create empty: " ~(str classname)))))
`(.cons [e#] (let [[k# v#] e#] (.assoc ~'this k# v#)))
`(.equiv [o#] (.equals ~'this o#))
`(.containsKey [k#] (not (identical? ~'this (.valAt ~'this k# ~'this))))
`(.entryAt [k#] (let [v# (.valAt ~'this k# ~'this)]
`(count [~'this] (+ ~(count base-fields) (count ~'__extmap)))
`(empty [~'this] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Can't create empty: " ~(str classname)))))
`(cons [~'this e#] (let [[k# v#] e#] (.assoc ~'this k# v#)))
`(equiv [~'this o#] (.equals ~'this o#))
`(containsKey [~'this k#] (not (identical? ~'this (.valAt ~'this k# ~'this))))
`(entryAt [~'this k#] (let [v# (.valAt ~'this k# ~'this)]
(when-not (identical? ~'this v#)
(clojure.lang.MapEntry. k# v#))))
`(.seq [] (concat [~@(map #(list `new `clojure.lang.MapEntry (keyword %) %) base-fields)]
`(seq [~'this] (concat [~@(map #(list `new `clojure.lang.MapEntry (keyword %) %) base-fields)]
(let [gk (gensym) gv (gensym)]
`(.assoc [~gk ~gv]
`(assoc [~'this ~gk ~gv]
(condp identical? ~gk
~@(mapcat (fn [fld]
[(keyword fld) (list* `new tagname (replace {fld gv} fields))])
(new ~tagname ~@(remove #{'__extmap} fields) (assoc ~'__extmap ~gk ~gv)))))
`(.without [k#] (if (contains? #{~@(map keyword base-fields)} k#)
`(without [~'this k#] (if (contains? #{~@(map keyword base-fields)} k#)
(dissoc (with-meta (into {} ~'this) ~'__meta) k#)
(new ~tagname ~@(remove #{'__extmap} fields)
(not-empty (dissoc ~'__extmap k#))))))]
Expand All @@ -111,11 +153,13 @@
(defmacro deftype
"Alpha - subject to change
(deftype name [fields*] [protocols-and-interfaces*]? methods*)
Dynamically generates compiled bytecode for an anonymous class with
the given fields, and, optionally, interfaces and methods. The Name
will be used to create a dynamic type tag keyword of the
form :current.ns/Name. This tag will be returned from (type
the given fields, and, optionally, methods for protocols and/or
interfaces. The Name will be used to create a dynamic type tag
keyword of the form :current.ns/Name. This tag will be returned
from (type an-instance).
A factory function of current.ns/Name will be defined,
overloaded on 2 arities, the first taking the designated fields in
Expand All @@ -124,16 +168,16 @@
The class will have the (immutable) fields named by fields, which
can have type hints. Interfaces and methods are optional. The only
methods that can be supplied are those declared in the interfaces.
'this' is impliclty bound to the target object (i.e. same meaning as
in Java). Note that method bodies are not closures, the local
environment includes only the named fields, and those fields can be
accessed directy, i.e. with just foo, instead of (.foo this).
can have type hints. Protocols/interfaces and methods are
optional. The only methods that can be supplied are those declared
in the protocols/interfaces. Note that method bodies are not
closures, the local environment includes only the named fields, and
those fields can be accessed directy, i.e. with just foo, instead
of (.foo this).
Method definitions take the form:
(.methodname [args] body) ;note the dot on the methodname!
(methodname [this-name args*] body)
The argument and return types can be hinted on the arg and
methodname symbols. If not supplied, they will be inferred, so type
Expand All @@ -148,21 +192,27 @@
interface, but don't define methods for it, an implementation will
be generated automatically.
In addition, unless you supply a version of .hashCode or .equals,
deftype/class will define type-and-value-based equality and hashCode.
In addition, unless you supply a version of hashCode or equals,
deftype/class will define type-and-value-based equality and
When AOT compiling, generates compiled bytecode for a class with the
given name (a symbol), prepends the current ns as the package, and
writes the .class file to the *compile-path* directory. When
dynamically evaluated, the class will have a generated name.
writes the .class file to the *compile-path* directory.
Two constructors will be defined, one taking the designated fields
followed by a metadata map (nil for none) and an extension field
map (nil for none), and one taking only the fields (using nil for
meta and extension fields)."
meta and extension fields).
When dynamically evaluated, the class will have a generated name."

[name [& fields] & [[& interfaces] & methods]]
(let [gname (if *compile-files* name (gensym (str name "__")))
(let [gname name ;(if *compile-files* name (gensym (str name "__")))
interfaces (map #(if (var? (resolve %))
(:on (deref (resolve %)))
classname (symbol (str *ns* "." gname))
tag (keyword (str *ns*) (str name))
hinted-fields fields
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(defn- emit-protocol [name opts+sigs]
(let [iname (symbol (str (munge *ns*) "." (munge name)))
[opts sigs]
(loop [opts {:on iname} sigs opts+sigs]
(loop [opts {:on (list 'quote iname)} sigs opts+sigs]
(condp #(%1 %2) (first sigs)
string? (recur (assoc opts :doc (first sigs)) (next sigs))
keyword? (recur (assoc opts (first sigs) (second sigs)) (nnext sigs))
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must have at least one argument. defprotocol is dynamic, has no
special compile-time effect, and defines no new types or classes
Implementations of the protocol methods can be provided using
defprotocol will automatically generate a corresponding interface,
with the same name as the protocol, i.e. given a protocol
my.ns/Protocol, and interface my.ns.MyProtocol. The interface will
have methods corresponding to the protocol functions, and the
protocol will automatically work with instances of the interface.
Note that you do not need to use this interface with deftype or
reify, as they support the protocol directly:
(defprotocol P
(foo [x])
(bar-me ([x] [x y])))
(deftype Foo [a b c] [P]
(foo [x] a)
(bar-me [x] b)
(bar-me [x y] (+ c y)))
(bar-me (Foo 1 2 3) 42)
(let [x 42]
(reify [P]
(foo [this] 17)
(bar-me [this] x)
(bar-me [this y] x))))"

[name & opts+sigs]
(emit-protocol name opts+sigs))
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28 changes: 12 additions & 16 deletions src/jvm/clojure/lang/
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class Compiler implements Opcodes{
static final Symbol CLASS = Symbol.create("Class");
static final Symbol NEW = Symbol.create("new");
static final Symbol THIS = Symbol.create("this");
static final Symbol REIFY = Symbol.create("reify");
static final Symbol REIFY = Symbol.create("reify*");
//static final Symbol UNQUOTE = Symbol.create("unquote");
//static final Symbol UNQUOTE_SPLICING = Symbol.create("unquote-splicing");
//static final Symbol SYNTAX_QUOTE = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "syntax-quote");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5717,7 +5717,7 @@ public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
rform =;

return build((IPersistentVector)RT.get(opts,implementsKey,PersistentVector.EMPTY),fields,THIS,tagname, classname,
return build((IPersistentVector)RT.get(opts,implementsKey,PersistentVector.EMPTY),fields,null,tagname, classname,
(Symbol) RT.get(opts,RT.TAG_KEY),rform);
Expand All @@ -5735,21 +5735,13 @@ public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{

ISeq rform =;

//reify might be followed by symbol naming this
Symbol thisSym = null;
if(RT.first(rform) instanceof Symbol)
thisSym = (Symbol) RT.first(rform);
rform =;

IPersistentVector interfaces = (IPersistentVector) RT.first(rform);

rform =;

return build(interfaces, null, thisSym, classname, classname, null, rform);
return build(interfaces, null, null, classname, classname, null, rform);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6152,13 +6144,17 @@ static public IPersistentVector msig(String name,Class[] paramTypes){

static NewInstanceMethod parse(ObjExpr objx, ISeq form, Symbol thistag,
Map overrideables) throws Exception{
//(.methodname [args] body...)
//(methodname [this-name args*] body...)
NewInstanceMethod method = new NewInstanceMethod(objx, (ObjMethod) METHOD.deref());
Symbol dotname = (Symbol)RT.first(form);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method names must begin with '.': " + dotname);
Symbol name = (Symbol) Symbol.intern(null,munge(;
Symbol name = (Symbol) Symbol.intern(null,munge(;
IPersistentVector parms = (IPersistentVector) RT.second(form);
if(parms.count() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must supply at least one argument for 'this' in: " + dotname);
Symbol thisName = (Symbol) parms.nth(0);
parms = RT.subvec(parms,1,parms.count());
ISeq body =;
Expand All @@ -6172,7 +6168,7 @@ static NewInstanceMethod parse(ObjExpr objx, ISeq form, Symbol thistag,

//register 'this' as local 0
registerLocal(Symbol.intern(objx.thisName != null ? objx.thisName : "obj__" + RT.nextID()),
thistag, null,false);

PersistentVector argLocals = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
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