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This code is to built topographic swath profiles through a region, with a plot of the density of elevation in the box defined around the profile.

It uses a DEM that is projected in UTM (best input), but will also work with geographic coordinates (lat-long).

This module may contain numerous bugs, and could probably be ameliorate and/or optimized. If you have any comments, do not hesitate to add a new branch or to contact the author. To know the history, please check the file History.txt


To install it :

pip install pyswath

To update it :

pip install -U pyswath

If during the update you get a problem with the update of a dependency, you may try :

pip install -U --no-deps pyswath

The module has been written and tested with Python 2.7, but not with Python 3.


This code needs the following python modules and their dependencies, you may install them before the installation of the pyswath module:
  • math
  • copy
  • utm
  • rasterstats>=0.11
  • rasterio
  • shapely
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • osgeo/gdal
  • progress
  • time


Inside a (i)python environnement:

To import the module:

>>> from pyswath import swathp

To plot a swath profile [A,B] through the raster 'DEM/dem.tif':

>>> swathp(rasterfnme = 'DEM/dem.tif',A = [(-78.4,-9.3)], B = [(-77.5,-8.5)],Coord = 'latlong', xsteps = [0.02], boxwidths = [0.2], binsize = 20,title = 'CB')


Be careful, the units used for the points definition should be the same than for the DEM, and also for xsteps and boxwidth !! Everything in degrees if Coord = LatLong, and everything in meters if Coord = utm !!


To use options or inputs, you need to set them as

>>> swathp(option_name = option_value, [...])
Options/inputs are (option_names):
  1. rasterfnme: name of the raster to work with

    Add the full path to the raster. Personally, I like to store my rasters in a DEM/folder Be aware that if the input raster is not projected in UTM, the code will create a projected raster in the same folder.

    ex: rasterfnme = 'Dem/Dem_Fusion-Peru_projUTM.tif'

    Default = None

  2. A, B: Coordinates of the 2 points A and B defining the whole profile in the same projection system than the DEM

    If multipoints profile (see further), these two points define the two extreme points. Be careful, do no take oceans, otherwise, statistics will be biased If different profiles:

    ex: A = [(-78.255,-9.713),(,),...]

    B = [(-77.255,-9.218),(,),...]

    each column corresponding to one different profile

    Default: A = None, B = None

  3. Coord: Units of the points coordinates.
    • If Lat/Long : latlong
    • If UTM : utmZONE
    • If the dem is a synthetic dem (This is to avoid the problem of projections If it is set to True, change the value of Factor if needed!) : Coord = 'synthetic'
    • If else, give a projection name that is NOT 'latlong' or 'utmZONE' or 'synthetic'

      ex: Coord = 'utm'

      Coord = 'latlong'

      Coord = 'synthetic'

    Default Coord = 'utm'

  4. factor: Factor is to convert to km (generaly 1000)

    if the unit of the DEM is 'meters', factor = 1000

    if the unit of the DEM is 'kilometers', factor = 1

    if the DEM is synthetic, units are arbitrary, so it could be factor = 0.001 (Test it !)

    Default: factor = 1000

  5. xstep: Stepping along the profile in the same projection/coordinates system than the DEM

    If more than one profile with different profiles: xsteps = [5000, 2000,...], each column corresponding to one different profile

    If all the profiles have the same xsteps, just use one column

    ex: xsteps = [500] (here in m)

    Default xsteps = [5000]

  6. boxwidth: with of the box around the profile from where are extracted the stats in the same units than the DEM (m if m; km if km; deg if deg)

    If several profiles with different profiles: boxwidths = [20000, 15000,...], each column corresponding to one different profile

    If all the profiles have the same boxwidth, just use one column

    ex: boxwidths = [2000] (here in m)

    Default boxwidths = [20000]

  7. binsize: altitude binsize (for the altitude frequency plot) in the same units than the DEM (m if m; km if km; deg if deg)

    ex: binsize = 100(in m)

    Default binsize = 20

  8. title: title of the graphic
    The name will also be used to define the name:
    • in which the shapefiles are stored
    • of the output files

      ex: title = 'Synth-Essai'

    Default title = 'Swath_profile'

  9. shpbox: Name of the shapefile in which we extract the profile

    Default: shpbox = 'shpbox.shp'

  10. sizeplotx, sizeploty: size of the plot.

    Standard size is sizeplotx = 8 and sizeploty = 6 If you want to use the default/automatic setting, just give the value None to the variables

    Default: sizeplotx = None

    Default: sizeploty = None

  11. densitymin, densitymax: set the density colorbar limits (between [0,1]).

    Set it to None, if you want to keep the automatic settings

    Default: densitymin = None

    Default: densitymax = None

  12. ylimmin, ylimmax: set the range of the Y axis in the graph.

    Set it None, if you want to keep the automatic settings

    Default: ylimmin = None

    Default: ylimmax = None

  13. remNoData: Flag to remove (True) or not (False) the NoData values from a DEM

    2015/08 : does not work very well, avoid it for the moment.

    Default: remNoData = False

  14. corrnan: Flag to correct (True) or no (False) the graph from the Nan values

    Be careful, it replace the NaN values with the min value of the frequency

    Default: corrnan = False

  15. nodatav: value of the NoData

    Default: nodatav = 0.0

  16. multipoints: Multipoints section, Flag to set a profil with multipoints
    • [False] = only two points (Default)
    • [True] = more than two points
    • [True, False,...] if several transects, i.e. one boolean for each transect

      ex: multipoints = [False]

  17. nbpointsint: Multipoints section, number of intermediary points in the profile

    If different profiles : nbpointsint = [...,3,2,1] Choose the order of the profiles with a decreasing number of intermediary points to avoid error in the code

    ex: nbpointsint = [0]

  18. pointint: C,D,...: Multipoints section, intermediary points in the profile, given from A to B

    Be aware of the order !

    Give the name C for the 1st intermediary point (C = [(-78.255,-9.713),(,),...])

    Give the name D for the 2nd intermediary point (D = [(-78.255,-9.713),(,),...])

    Give the name E for the 3rd intermediary point


  19. pointsdic: Multipoints section :

    dictionnary to assign a number to the different points. It should contain the same number of lines than the number of points

    ex: pointsdic = {1 : C, 2 : D, 3 : E, 4 : F, ... : ...}

  20. printpointsi: Multipoints section, Flag to print (True) or not (False) the position of the intermediary points on the profile

    ex: printpointsi = True

    Default printpointsi = False

  21. idensity: Flag to plot the density (True) or not (Default, False)

Help files

To get help in your (i)python environnement:

>>> help(swathp)

or simply:

>>> swathp()


To plot a swath profile [A,B] through the raster 'DEM/dem.tif' that is in lat-long (not projected):

>>> swathp(rasterfnme = 'DEM/dem.tif',A = [(-78.4,-9.3)], B = [(-77.5,-8.5)], Coord = 'latlong', xsteps = [0.02], boxwidths = [0.2], binsize = 20, title = 'CB')

The previous line permits to build the graph :


To plot a swath profile through the raster 'DEM/Nperu_proj.tif' that is projected to UTM zone 18S:

To plot 2 swath profiles though the raster 'DEM/dem.tif' that is in lat-long (not projected):

>>> swathp(rasterfnme = 'DEM/dem.tif',A = [(-78.4,-9.3),(-78.4,-8.0)], B = [(-77.5,-8.5),(-76.0,-9.2)], Coord = 'latlong', xsteps = [0.02], boxwidths = [0.2], binsize = 20, title = 'CB')

To plot 1 swath profile with an intermediary point (kink) through the raster 'DEM/NPeru_proj.tif' that is in Lat-Long:

>>> swathp(rasterfnme = 'DEM/Nperu_proj.tif',A = [(162374,9299742)], B = [(321829,9399929)], Coord = 'utm', xsteps = [10000], boxwidths = [20000], binsize = 20, title = 'NPeru', multipoints = [True], nbpointsint = [1], pointsdic = {1 : 'C'}, printpointsi = True, C = [(217433,9383481)])


Inside the working directory, the code build several folders :
  • Data/: For each profile, the code outputs XXXXX files in Data/:
    • data_title_Nbprofile.txt:
      • Column 1 = Distance along the profile
      • Column 2 = Altitude
      • Column 3 = Altitude frequency
    • datamask_title_Nbprofile.txt
    • falti_title_Nbprofile.txt: altitude frequency
    • statslines_title_Nbprofile.txt:
      • Column 1 = Distance along profile
      • Column 2 = Min altitude
      • Colunm 3 = Max altitude
      • Column 4 = Median altitude
      • Column 5 = Mean altitude
  • Graphs/: for each profile, the code outputs here the graphs in pdf
  • shpbox/ (defined in the Variable declaration): In this directory, for each profile (or sub-profile if there are intermediary points), the code outputs:
    • a shapefile defining the line between the two points of the profile
    • a shapefile that define the box in which the transect is extracted

How to cite



If needed, do not hesitate to add a new branch or to contact the author. Please, use


Copyright (c) 2020 Xavier Robert <> SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


Python module to extract swath profiles from a raster







No packages published
