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Subclipse integration

Robert Munteanu edited this page Oct 9, 2011 · 2 revisions


  1. The Subclipse integration requires that Subclipse is already installed;
  2. The ReviewBoard repository needs to be added as a task repository in Eclipse;
  3. The URL for the SVN repository defined in Eclipse needs to match exactly the URL for the SVN repository defined in ReviewBoard.


When installing eReviewBoard, select the 'Mylyn Reviews Connector: ReviewBoard Subclipse Integration (Optional)' feature as well.

Creating a review request

Right-click on a Project and select Team -> Create Review Request...

Select the local changes which you would like submitted. Please note that untracked files are not included and you need to add them to revision control.

Fill in the data for the review request.

Once posted, the task editor is opened with the newly published review request.

Uploading a diff to an existing diff request

The 'Latest diff' part has an 'Update diff' button which will start the review request wizard with the review request preselected.