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Course project for ROB514 to make portraits with the UR5e


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Demo Example Result
demo video image

Course project for ROB514 at Oregon State University. We use a UR5e to click a photo of someone at a fixed "say_cheese" position and sketch the same using a sharpie on a piece of a paper held at the draw_board frame.

This project is built with ROS2 Humble, OpenCV and MoveIt2. This repo includes code from linedraw licensed under the MIT license in cv_pipeline. We also use the Universal_Robots_ROS2_Gazebo_Simulation licensed under the BSD license for simulations. Meshes for the sharpie and 3D printed pen holder mount can be found in the drawbot package.

Run demo with hardware

Bringup UR5e and MoveIt controllers

ros2 launch drawbot 

Starting Drawbot Server to advertise services

ros2 launch drawbot

Invoke service to start draw pipeline

ros2 service call /drawbot sketchbot_interfaces/srv/Drawbot

Useful launch invocations

Starting Moveit with custom config

ros2 launch drawbot_moveit_config ur_type:=ur5e

Starting Gazebo w Controllers + Moveit

# has a 1 minute wait time in to ensure gazebo finishes spawning
ros2 launch ur_simulation_gazebo ur_type:=ur5e use_sim_time:=True